LFM Stromgarde quests

LFM Stromgarde quests

kys piratefag


Why did people bother with outdoor elite areas again?

private servers are piracy

Why wouldn't they? It was content and quests, giving exp and rewards, sometimes items related to dungeons (like Maraudon and ZF boss-summons). Doing them on more than one character is tedious, though.

Where was a private server mentioned, falseflag-user?

>I'm done
>Me too
>Just one more for me, guys
>Your group was disbanded
>4 elites aggro you immediately
>you spend the next 20 minutes trying to res repeatedly and never get to finish the quest

That never failed to make me upset. Everything is so accurate. Now it is all so dumbed down that groups are not an issue or required to complete.

That's because people these days know how to play the game and don't need 5 people to do a job 1 man can do. Instead people group up to do actually challenging content like Mythic+. Content which vanilla babies couldn't handle.


you gon' learn about troll land

Jintha'Alor was a goddamn adventure.

Stromgarde is a prime example of wasted potential in World of Warcraft

>older brother had great taste in games
>Super Ghouls n Ghosts, Contra, Rock n Roll Racing
>"Hey user, Blizzard is coming out with an MMO about Warcraft"
>Get it as a Christmas present in 2004
>bro manages to convince parents to let us play it 2 weeks earlier than Christmas

We both loved it so much. We made Undead Warriors as our first characters, got to level 50 with them before I ended up making a Priest to heal.

We got our stances together. Farmed for our mounts together. Whirlwind Axe quest. I remember doing Uldaman with him, and this Epic Axe, The Pendulum (maybe?) dropped and he wanted to give it to me, but I let him keep it since I knew I was going to make a healer.

Been a healer ever since, and while it makes me sad to see where WoW is now (I've become very casual, still play but mainly to talk to old friends).

So many of my fondest memories were playing vidya with my brother, and for 2 years there we played a lot of it.

RIP in pieces, Jeremy.

We used to sell ZF Gong runs since we had did the long ass quest for the Mallet. Up until he passed away we would talk about vidya, mainly World of Warcraft. Now it's over a decade later and threads like these floor me.

Sorry for blogpost.


Agreed. Areas like that were rife with lore and setting, nice areas with a reason to adventure and explore.

And now that is an anti-thesis to the current state.

thank goodness for that selfie stick though, really brightens up my gameplay experience

Oh yeah man. S.E.L.I.E Camera was god tier, and the S.E.L.F.I.E Enlongator was the Burning Crusade of patch additions.

everyone knows anti pirates are no different to sjws


spot the warriorcuck

>sometimes items related to dungeons (like Maraudon
>tfw there will never be an area/dungeon as comfy as vanilla maraudon again

>tfw miss having a Priest with Wand Spec, Spirit Tap and wand-farming my way through life while getting repeated whispers to come heal various dungeons

Going to Desolace on my baby Priest back in the day and accidentally finding the entrance to Mara blew me away. Going inside to find the labyrinth of crystal-lined hallways, the ghost of a centaur walking around.

Hell, even the entrance to Wailing Caverns floored me. Those couple of rare spawns that'd spawn inside. Almost dying in that pool of water before the ramp down to the portal..

Met one of my first WoW friends in there, some level 40 Tauren Warrior helped me get out of there.

>tfw you'll never jump into Wailing Cavern's skull eye to get quests again, or help out your party member when he asks how you did it

>be shamen/hunter/warlock
>could solo elite mobs no problem

I really don't know how i feel about elite quests, it's kind of dumb if the area is a dead zone. you're not really encouraging anything.

>Wailing Cavern's skull eye
Oh fuck I'm triggered.
Why can't I go back to that time again

even abusing earthbind shamans couldn't solo shit

>LF good game

WoW was never good. It was, and is, a skinner box for naive soccer moms and mouthbreathing antisocial retards.

2 wolves self healing enhancement shamens that activate all their cooldowns could kill anything.

shamens used to be broken.

I remember soloing this bone dragon boss or something that called for a full party.

I fell so many times trying, but then got it perfectly.

Did anybody else wall-jump a lot back then? I'd climb mountains and shit. The house ontop of Elwynn Forest waterfall, reaching that was one of the pinnacle moments of my non-pvp/pve/rp memories from WoW.

>not the gnome airfield

>wrath shit
plz leave

Climbing up Ironforge to slow fall down to Wetlands Harbor blew my fucking mind the first time I ever did that.

Hyjal was pretty fun to get inside. Going underneath Stormwind was okay too.

>hating wrath

blow me

>blizzard had years to remove them
>they never did

I'm glad they knew that fun glitches that didn't break the game didn't need to be removed.
Unlike valve.

Cause elite quests award 2-3 times the normal XP and can actually get you a green reward in one quest, not a whole chain. And some of those hinterlands ones actualy award preraid bis items!

>green reward

man its weird to think that green rewards were something. Hell I remember when Blues were impressive.

Honestly, I would not be surprised if the current devs outright were not aware of their existence.

This ugly green motherfucker is letting you win duels right NOW

they were removed in cataclysm
or at least if they weren't you could just fly up there.

>trinkets that would give you shit like 1 extra combo point or free mindcontrol without channeling

those were the days

even private servers don't give the same satisfaction playing back in the day did. there was something so innocent about playing back then. I remember making raids to raid alliance towns like astrannar and westfall, and seeing all levels joining.

the private servers now are basically just hardcore players, even if you don't play much you still probably raced to 60 the fastest way possible, raced to gear up, and now raid log. that's just the way it is. I miss seeing people who didn't know what they were doing, seeing all ranges of players from first timers to veterans.

basically everyone playing now on a private server is a veteran of the game.

i spent weeks camping the rare mob that drops this
and when i finally got it for my 39 twink, they would almost always resist stun

jinthalor trinket was excellent

>seeing a level 40 thinking their hot shit in a raid or something

I'm playing on vanilla pservers nowadays, and walljumping is basically all I do. You'd think that everything in vanilla would've been explored by now, but most of that stuff is either completely undocumented or impossible without wallwalking which was removed in 1.9. On 1.12 servers, you need to reinvent half of that shit again, and that's fucking awesome. Normies can have their IF airport, SW/OG textures, dancing troll village and Hyjal, I'll be having the time of my life in the uninstanced C'Thun's chamber, 1K secret shaman shrine or the sky platform between EPL and placeholder Quel'Thalas.

>I miss seeing people who didn't know what they were doing,
This is something that plagues all vidya now that everything has been consolidated on wikis and datamined

There's no more mystery, no more "dude if you use strength on the truck, you will battle mew"

Of course the untrue rumors were silly but it added an air of mystery, now everyone knows everything

>user talks bullshit pretending he knows stuff
Yeah man, the days.

you just want me to link it for you.

Go ahead, I'll be more than happy to see it.

Unless you meant renataki under "1 extra combo point" and gnomish engi helmet under "mindcontrol". 1st one gives you energy and not CP, and 2nd one is a helm, not a trinket

yes and yes

my bad

Are you seriously being an elitist over hard to access spots in vanilla WoW?

It was, for me mainly, being young with no responsibilities, the lack of Wikis/Data mining (sure we had Thottbot and Allakhazam, but now there's tonnes of these things) could captivate my young mind. Immersion is so difficult for me nowadays.

Warcraft's story and lore were not new to me, and my older brother had played /some/ EQ with me so I was aware of MMOs. However, being in a world specific to these stories I grew up reading/playing was so special.

I'd come home from school and boot WoW up, as it loaded I'd go and get some juice and some baby carrots and I'd start my evening. Whether it was getting a group for the Cauldrons in WPL, or trying LBRS for the first time and being afraid I'd fuck up Mind Soothe while we CC'd packs.

Mythic+ are difficult, they can be, but they're not dungeon crawls. They're timed, spazzed-out dungeons. The difficulty is hitting a certain time, not in the actual mechanics or organic difficulty.

The last time I felt the same way as an old-school Vanilla/BC dungeon was pre-nerf Cata heroics. Being a healer in dungeons/raids is tiresome nowadays.

Don't mind it, I am autistic

I could be an elitist over who beats who in battlegrounds in vanilla WoW, or who skips the most trash packs in raids in order to clear the faster in vanilla WoW, or who farms the most gold in Un'Goro in vanilla WoW. All of it is pretty fucking low.

in cata i saw a resto druid literally fall asleep mid raid once

Never said healing was hard, I said some of the dungeons were.

Also, Cata raids? Who gives a fuck. I'm talking Pre-Nerf Heroics. Before people were raiding. Before people had higher gear. Before the nerfs.

Mind you, I solo queued most of my dungeons, even back in Classic/BC. Randoms from chats, cities, or the LFD tool.