Oh shit. The Japanese audio for P5 just dropped on the EU PSN. Finally those with an early copy can play the game

Oh shit. The Japanese audio for P5 just dropped on the EU PSN. Finally those with an early copy can play the game.

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The English dub is better though.


That's your opinion and it's just that, an opinion.

How big is the download for the Japanese audio?


The English dub is never better for weeb games. Never.

Don't die you fucks.

Not sure if I should go with the jap or eng audio.

I actually liked the English dub in P3&4 but chances are there are some details getting lost in the translation.

But my Japanese level is still pretty low so I might not understand that much.


haha cool thanks, keep us posted!!! :)

I-is already on ps3 too r-right?

>samy high pitched screeching gook voices

>high pitched screeching voices?
You mean like this?

You can't even preorder the PS3 version so who knows.

What's the problem?
Sounds pretty good


you can on Amazon

I mean digitally since we're talking about the DLC here.

Heavenswards english dub is better than the japanese

>Finally those with an early copy can play the game.
Yo have to be kidding me
>Get game early
>Won't play it because no subs
I mean I'm playing with subs too, but come on.

don't worry poorfag bro, Atlus USA confirmed all of the DLC including voices are going To be on PS3 as well, they even going to sell some themes for it

Igor's dub voice is really fucking bad man, I want to start my playthrough with KONO MONOGATARI WA FICTION DES.

Don't lie, the FFXIV dub is atrocious

Why am I a "poorfag bro"?

Oh good now I'll have to wait like 4 hours for that to download because the US will be fucked and we won't get it until launch day

>The English dub is never better for weeb games. Never.

Final Fantasy XII, they actually made english the default language in the JAP only re-release becase it was so superior

also Xenoblade

Someone in a different thread said you can download the japanese audio dlc already.

I will only play a dub if it has Johnny Yong Bosch in it

It's not on the US site so I don't know where they're seeing it

>tfw ps4 is on campus wifi and 3GB will take me pretty much all day
If they don't release it tomorrow for us I might not be playing until Wednesday. Fuck me.

Final Fantasy and Xenoblade arnt weeb games. They are just games made in Japan.

Persona is a weeb game

"""""good""""" dubs are still shit dubs

only time you ever play the english dub if its non american voice actors or the game is based in america

also if you're slow at reading subs like a retard in non turn based games you will probably miss dialogue

I bought the japanese release, and I'm going to pirate the PS3 undub.

They felt like mocking and insulting people who don't like their shitty dubs that can't even keep voice actors consistent throughout more than one game, as well as shitting on my country, so they can go without my money.

What is a weeb game to you? A game set in Japan?

I feel ya, that guy was trash. I miss the goofy long nosed old coot.

Usually I'd agree, and in this case you're right, but TWEWY's dub is fucking phenomenal.

>final fantasy
>weeb game

user, they're only mocking the people that want the JP voice track because they know their dub is utterly shit, especially when Atlus dubs are usually pretty good. Why do you think they're even giving us the JP voices.

Don't forget blaming Atlus JP for their own fuckups.

That's just her trying to deflect blame as literally nobody can call her out on it. She's a hack.

Every single actor seems to mispronounce the names, so it's clear that either the voice director did tell them to say it wrong, or else the voice director just didn't give a fuck. Both are equally likely, as Atlus USA isn't one to care about quality.

There's no way the Nips told her to do it, because there's almost zero communication between Atlus and Atlus USA and the Nips wouldn't take any interest in the dub.

So is this actually out over there? Does that mean it could drop before Tuesday for US PSN?

Almost 100% the director. It's crazy how good direction can make or break a performance, and it's no different here.

The easiest way to see this is through Funimation dubs, which are either trash or good depending entirely on direction. Since they pull from the same ten voice actors each time, you can see their talent vary drastically from show to show.

I'm fairly sure US PSN updates on Tuesdays. Hope you can download it fast.

It's still reason enough for me to tell them that they don't get my money.

Well of course. That's the main reason why the original Japanese audio is almost always better. While the Japanese P5 cast is definitely far more talented than the dub cast, they really aren't some special gods better than the average decent western VA. They just get better direction, more time and don't do it single take.

Jap audio is better because the Japanese have higher standards, while the people running dubs of anime games aren't exactly running a Naughty Dog production.


Yup. Japanese take pride in their VAs, and if you need proof you just need to look at this game.

The japanese also don't have the problem we have in the west of only using the same ten people to provide every single voice.

Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to give the protagonist and antagonist the same voice-actor in P4? Japan has plenty of recognisable names and voices, but they don't have the JYB/Nolan North/that other faggot problem we have.

The west can do good voice acting (Dark Souls, Baldur's Gate 2), we just don't, especially not for titles like P5.

It doesn't matter, if you are an EOP you will still be reading a very liberal translation with or without the dub, this just changes the background noise a bit so you don't understand it.

Where is it? I got the EU copy & made a Denmark psn but can't find it on the store.