Is the next dark souls actually going to be good and not a shitty shitborne rehash?

Is the next dark souls actually going to be good and not a shitty shitborne rehash?


3 was alright

Not it wasn't, it wasn't even a dark souls game

3 was great. You can tell because everyone but Sup Forums likes it.

It literally has Dark Souls in the title and was made by the same company as the previous games. Stop doing this bullshit where you pretend something doesn't count because you don't like it.

Nuts and Bolts is a Banjo game. Other M is a Metroid game. Dark Souls 3 is a Dark Souls game. Just because they changed things doesn't mean you get to clap your hands over your ears, you fucking child.


it was way better than DaS2 at the very least

Dark souls 3 is a bloodborne rehash, it shares nothing with previous dark souls

Please keep giving me (You)s with your retarded responses.

but it has weapons, armor, items, locations, enemies, bosses, and lore from the previous dark souls games.

It plays like bloodborne, it feels like bloodborne, everyone is a giant for no reason, even hollows, like in bloodborne so they could reuse the animation skeletons.

Dark souls 3 was a rehashed cashgrab.

Actually it shares a name, you fucking dolt. It also shares shield mechanics, the same backstabbing mechanic (different than Bloodborne), similar level design & aesthetics. You're just shitty at the game, doesn't make it less of a Souls game.

>People will actually defend Dark souls 2 over 3

Nioh> souls

>Shield mechanics


At least Dark souls 2 is a dark souls game and not animeborne 2.0

>another dark souls thread
>more of the same ol' "THIS GAME SUCKED, THIS ONE WAS THE BEST"
you niggers will never convince your opposition that one game is better than the other, especially since you're all irrational and newfag as fuck
it's like a broken record in here, give it up

Yup. That's a shield, and those are game mechanics. Thanks for the useless webm you have saved of a game you hate.

If they actually put more than 2 seconds of thought into the exploration and balance, Dark Souls 3 would already be it.

We get the highest overall quality bosses, music, sound design, and aesthetic in the series, but we get shit combat, we get narrow levels with dead-ends and teleport bonfires out the ass because there's no exploration, dual-wielding that doesn't work and should be removed, armor that, while it currently provides decent damage reduction thanks to the recent patch and +3 steel protection, still won't poise a single hit unless you're 2-handing or spamming R2.

We also get enemies with insanely long combos and lunges, and their only answer was to decrease roll stamina. None of the movement changes and ranged swipes that allowed BB to perfectly combat this.

The Bloodborne influence isn't the problem, (BB's Yharnam is still the most complete-feeling and interlinked location in Soulsborne imo) the problem is they put no thought into improving Dark Souls itself around all that influence.

There isn't going to be another Dark Souls game. From soft will probably make a new IP.

>It plays like bloodborne
how is this a bad thing

>It feels like bloodborne
how is this a bad thing

>everyone is giant for now reason
this isn't the first time souls games had big enemies

>muh reused animation skeletons
this isn't the first time they reused animation skeletons

Oh don't worry, here another mechanic that works extremely well in dark souls 3, it's called magic.

Notice the amazing damage, the devs wanted to encourage the use of different builds that are not just fast dex weapons just like in bloodborne!

A team is never working on dark souls again

expect more dark souls 2 tier of trash

>how is this a bad thing
Combat is floaty and anime as fuck

>how is this a bad thing
It doesn't feel like dark souls and bloodborne is shit compared to dark souls

>this isn't the first time souls games had big enemies
Only enemies that made sense, other humans were your size, like hollows, undead burg, drangleic etc.

>this isn't the first time they reused animation skeletons
It's the first time they changed the theme of the game to do so

How does it feel being functionally retarded?


Anime is not a adjective, use your adult vocabulary for once in your pathetic life.

don't forget the eye-cancer inducing ambient occlusion

at least bloodborne was satisfying to play. I played DaS3 for 30 hours thinking "once I learn the game it'll be fun", but it's literally the same retarded stun-lock contest / no-reg backstabs throughout the entire game. fromsoft is shit and they took their autistic "muh challenge" fans too seriously. just because the game whittles your HP away and wastes a billion hours of your time doesn't mean it's good. and it's no coincidence that fans of the souls games are all trash at it and need a community of guides to get through once. DaS3 is the definition of "I beat ___ therefore I'm gud at videogames"

the irony is most people only ever seem to complain about the lore when that was destined to be trash after the first Dark Souls

>Combat is floaty
sure that's a fair point

>anime as fuck
what does this even mean

>It doesn't feel like dark souls

>bloodborne is shit compared to dark souls

>other humans were your size, like hollows, undead burg, drangleic etc.
DS2 has those old knight assholes in Heide's Tower, the Pursuer, Vendrick, Velstadt, just off the top of my head. I don't even remember any giant hollow enemies in DS3 unless you mean the literal giants in Cathedral of the Deep

>It's the first time they changed the theme of the game to do so

They even fucking got rid of poise

I hate DaS 3 so much, it should have been the end of the series, it turned out just to be a bloodborne clone

>bloodborne is a good game
>the next "dark souls" is going to be a new IP
>3 was mediocre because miyazaki reluctantly made a third one but its definitely better than DS2
Hes talking about the "essence" of the game, if I make a First Person shooter about killing aliens and put Mario in the title that doesn't make it a mario title
Nuts and Bolts along with Other M were as far away from their franchise as they could get
then I don't think you've played the other dark souls games because DS3 is literally "Fan Service" the game

At least in DS3 the starting classes are not complete shit, unlike DS2.

>each class starts with full set of gear, a weapon, a shield, bow/spell tool if applicable and the stats to use all this properly

>pretty much the same

>half the classes don't even have armor in each slot unless you use the shitty starting outfit. Half the classes don't have a shield. Half the classes don't have the stats to be decent with their starting gear. Also no pyro starting class.

And to make it worse it takes ages to get anything decent in DS2 and usually requires way too many souls before you can even use said decent gear.

Remember in DS2 when you create a character and you see hunter gets a Pharis Hat and then you don't actually get the hat? That's pretty much DS2 in a nutshell.

>it takes ages to get anything decent in DS2
the rapier is literally the best weapon in the game. it can be bought from the Majula blacksmith for like 1K souls.

Also the Grand Lance can be obtained right after The Last Giant since SOTFS

This is just off the top of my head

Seriously? Who gives a fuck about starting classes

Hell I start as deprived because I enjoy starting with nothing and slowly building up

Pretty much.
Cleric was such a mess too.
>only starts with a robe
>has to 2hand a fucking mace
>no shield
>somehow still fat roll

>Hell I start as deprived because I enjoy starting with nothing and slowly building up

I always go deprived on my first playthrough of a Souls game

Actually, the stat distributions for DS3 classes are fucking awful. Only two or three classes have properly and efficiently allocated stats.

Please, this is what this "fanbase" has been ever since the release of 2.
Even back when it was just Demon's and 1, there was still some degree idiotic bickering over which one was shit and which one wasn't.
The playerbase was never one for rational discussion.
The games might be over, but people have and will argue this shit and repeat the same tired arguments and talking points until the end of time.

god 3s pvp is garbage, rolling had too many iframe and the lack of med rolling made heavy armor worthless.

what if Im not a dexfag


Literally bloodborne

Bastard Sword
Drangleic Sword


Considering Souls games were always fucking garbage and 3 was by far the best and most polished of the bunch and still shit.


But you can lower your standards on NeoGAF level and enjoy them anyway.

Being able to mash roll 15 times in a row is not a good thing

Hellooooo reddit

Its always funny when a creator doesn't even know why the game they made was popular in the first place and it becomes more and more obvious with each sequel.

We have this thread every day, and it always devolves into 3 inbred retards circle jerking about how (insert version of souls here) is better with no evidence.


BB is amazing DaS3 just took its pace and through it into a game not built for it because Mizayaki is a fucking hack and i doubt he had that much to actually do with BB. Should've just improved on DaS2s core gameplay. Sure everything about the game overall is shit but 2 has good core gameplay from controls to weight etc.

The only thing wrong with 3 is there isn't poise. Other than that it lacks all the shit stats DS2 had.

DaS3 was shit because based Tanimura wasn't the director and Miyazaki fucked everything up.

Tanimura co-directed 3. He's in the credits.

1. Its plays like BB but without the central design around it. Hence why some DLC enemies are infinite stamina assholes who just flail like retards to compensate and why normal enemies are too easy because they feel like regular DaS enemies with slow as fuck AI
2. See point 1

Don't care about the rest but DaS3 feels soulless at its core compared to BB. They could've just improved the Souls formula in its own direction and kept the weight. BBs faster combat made it great because it felt fluid and like it belonged but DaS3..

>Mash roll when scared x 100 for almost no stamina
>Use straight sword or fast weapon in PVE atleast
>Mash r1 during huge gaps like twice repeat.

I'm not saying its easier because of this since DaS1 was easy as fuck. But it feels sloppy.

Then even the best game designer who ever lived can't prevent Miyazaki from making garbage.

Just wow.

Dude. Its a fucking shockwave. Dont be fucking retard.

Gotta watch those shockwaves bro.

Perhaps you're exaggerating a little bit? I never thought Shadow Tower Abyss or Armored Core 2 were particularly good, really.
What did you think?

I'm playing DaS1 and just came upon the two bell gargoyles and I pose this question to the thread;

How do you beat the Gargoyles?

Hard Mode: I cannot git gud.

The easiest way possible is summoning solaire and buffing your weapon with gold pine resine, which you get in a house in undead burg.

>look at all the footage I downloaded of a game I hate. I literally have nothing better than do than download every webm ever made of a game to shit post about it
Get a new hobby. Might I suggest getting GOOD at Dark Souls 3 so you'd whine less about it?

>whittles your HP away
You can literally get 15 Estus Charges and you still sucked this much dick at the game? Holy shit dude just go back to League of Legends and Overwatch you cancerous faggot.

But it's sad. After 2 successful entries game devs might as well hand over the series to fans. Especially if they don't feel like continuing it anymore. I keep seeing a trend where all the decisions made with these games after a while are decided by what fans want anyway.

And you're a blight on an already cancerous fanbase.

Quit defending every little flaw in DaS like it was a stroke of genius, you're ruining the series and allowing other bad design decisions just because the adversity makes your dick hard.

Not every criticism is a cry for help at beating the game.

BB 10/10
DS1 9/10
DS2 7/10
DS3 10/10

>guy made a series that I care enough about to post on image boards about it
You're a fucking retard. I hope you shit out some faggotry on Steam Greenlight at some point in your life just so everyone can fucking mock your shitty creation and call you and hack. At least it'd be true.

That visibly did 570 damage, that doesn't seem terrible.
They also sped up the cast time of WoG in a recent update, from what I remember. So that year-old webm isn't entirely accurate anymore.

> mommy I just bought ps4 look! Now I can shit on all multi titles hee hee
What a fucking retard.

This. They aren't even realistic about Dark Souls relative to other games.

This had nothing to do with my reply. Literally nothing. Way to completely avoid the fact that there are FIFTEEN fucking estus charges in the game and you were whining about hp issues. I didn't say the game was flawless you dipshit, I was simply calling you a shitty player.

And congratulations you paranoid fucking troglodyte, I wasn't even him.

grind more and get a bit stronger and try to smash the first one before the second wakes up

summon solaire + use resin to increase damage

But it's totally okay for you to address literally none of those points either and resort to crying 'ur shit'


>starting sentences with a preposition
At this point, I don't even have to call you a dipshit.
I will anyways though, dipshit.

Is that Bloodborne or Dark Souls 3? i legit can't tell

From's contract with Namco ended with the release of The Ringed City, but Namco aren't done with Dark Souls just yet. They're going to announce Season Pass 2 for Dark Souls 3 at E3 with 3 new DLC packs releasing later this year. The first one (the one they plan on showing footage of) is set in a desert environment, and is probably based on unfinished Carthus content. No idea who the fuck is developing it though.

"And" is not a preposition, it's a conjunction.

Not that it matters.

What? Nigger I directly addressed your nonsensical whining about hp. What the fuck are you talking about?

You're still dodging, so pathetic. Go back to Overwatch.

From will continue churning out Dark Souls with Bamco forever
Japan Studio will do Bloodborne 2 & that's okay, Jpn studio is better than From anyway

Who else here importing this qt?

Do you have a source?

You sound like an assblasted 13 year old, pulling every bit of irrelevant information you can find in an effort to strengthen your already incompetent method of argumentation. You've got nothing in you but red herrings

No. It's godawful and worse than DaS2 in terms of world design, lore and gameplay

it had better music at least, that was the only good part about DaS3
other than that, it's by far the worst entry in the series

From already confirmed that they are working on 3 different projects that are completely unrelated to dark souls IP-wise

DaS2 had abysmal level design, the world has serious design issues, the lore has an extreme lack of focus, the majority of the bosses were really lackluster, gameplay was hindered by having i-frames as a stat.

Tanimura made some great decisions when putting back the pieces, but overall, 2 is not as good as 3

Blood Souls "New "IP
Demons Souls remaster
Some Hearthstone clone because that's all Miyazaki plays these days

Who knows, they might pull a King's Field reboot with ideas from Dark Souls, but even then, it would be a completely different game

>shitty shitborne rehash
stopped reading there

I think Miyazaki wanted to make some VR Zombie game, but that was years ago, VR bombed & people are tired of zombies, so maybe not

I'm glad this image exists.

>Soulsborne card game
I could get behind that :^)

Considering bamco greenlighted a DaS3 board game, that doesn't seem far off

Yeah, I think everyone stopped there too. That was the end of the post, besides the interrogation mark.

>When Ludwig the accursed takes damage, equip your hero with a 7 attack Moonlight Sword

What did he mean by this?

>these people actually exist

shut the fuck up


>wanted to play the two DLC
>have no saves because new computer
>think about downloading someone else's save
>don't want to use someone else's character
>don't want to risk a shadow ban by using an editor on it
>also don't want to start over again

Guess I'll just watch a playthrough or something.