How long until the open world meme dies? What do you think people will say about this cancerous trend 10 years into the future?
How long until the open world meme dies...
"Hey this is pretty fun! I like video games!"
>having fun
>liking vidya
fr*ck off to reddit, im trying to be edgy.
"Western developers milked and ruined it and Japanese devs had to fix it"
Open world can be pretty fun if done right and very few games got it right. Zelda and red dead redemption comes in mind as a decent open world and red dead redemption its just a bunch of nothing (just like old west was)
Never, too many people enjoy those games.
Just face it op, you're a minority.
>everyone said it was good, but that's what they said about TLOU and Uncharted, so Zelda is automatically a bad game
I think they'll be saying "NEVER listen to game journalists ever." And it'll be timeless advice.
OK I guess in the future they could make a japanese game that fixes open world. When will that happen though?
wait does Sup Forums all of the sudden not like last of us and uncharted? does this shit happen over night? fuckin nerds all eating that shit up one day and then casting it to the side the next
Why do all BoTW screenshots look so blurry? Are they shooped?
OP's is definitely either taken from a youtube video or jpeg'd to shit.
>mainstream games are linear
>wtf what happened to freedom and exploration guys this shit sucks we need more open gameworlds
>mainstream games are openworld
>OMG giant boring map with nothing to do what happened to well crafted levels and focused gameplay
Fucking kill yourself
In 10 years VR will be perfected and probably standard and the open world will be one approach to it, although less-preferred.
The way I see it, when you consider a common direction of VR games now (small "playgrounds" with a lot of options), having a fuckhueg open world instead isn't likely the best option because you have to traverse it in order to *do* something. It basically better be beautiful enough to want to look at it from every angle instead of actually interacting with it.
"The open world meme" isn't going away because developers always want to push the envelope and engross players, but since the technology is trending towards getting the player inside it, some game universes will work while others won't do it so smoothly.
>fuck uncharted movie games
>fuck this open world meme
fuck off nigger. 10 years from now, no one will even remember you.
i am sick of open world for ages. people do not seem to appreciate good story telling anymore and OH NOES everything is so linear, we hate that. i cant stand open world but I seem to be a minority PLUS many games don't have good story telling anymore either. stuff like: you are leaving the playing area- can fuck off so badly.
>roamming around a huge map to solve baby tier puzzles to unlock a useless korok or shrine to make the already easy baby game easier.
This game is truly a shitty time waste. Just go straight to gannon and be done with this garbage.
Make a proper game never time Ninfaildo
I think I see where you've coming from. It seems you want some freedom, but it needs to have a story or a logical explanation for what's occurring - which is impossible. A good story like what you're saying needs to be conveyed linearly and confined to a set order, because having a player wander around with no borders and getting information is just asking to go wrong eventually.
I mean, it'd be kind of nice if an open world game was structured to have meaningful story points in place no matter where the player ends up wandering off to. There's just this one giant issue with story and progression that I think can't ever be solved at least in this generation of gaming.
Kys. You don't know shit about video games. You started playing vidya 5 years ago and that's why you think that Ubithesda games are somehow representative of open world and that open world is a "trend". I bet you're not even 18 and the pinnacle of fun gameplay for you is Overwatch.
Mazelike is the way to go. Not empty sandboxes or linear corridors.
Structured level design with a "correct route" that may or may not branch, that you gotta figure out through exploration and critical thinking , perhaps even attaining new items/skills that aid progression.
I want to bump this thread and get more responses for it; I really want to see if Sup Forums actually is having a problem with open world
sonyfags love those games and everyone else hates sonyfags. you decide.
Play different games then?
I don't like it.
This guy has the right idea.
>How long until the open world meme dies
After at least 5 more years, since every triple A company will try to mimic BOTW while missing the point completely.
The best open world game is Dragons Dogma.
I know you can argue that the game isn't good (I personally find it to be easily a 9/10, an amazing game) but I fucking DARE you to saw the overworld isn't good.
There are lots of locations, all of the are fun to explore, there's cool shortcuts and you can teleport to places in a fun/interesting way in-game (and it isn't just a shitty spell cast, you have to work for the teleports). The world is large, but isn't filling with absolutely fucking nothing, and you can get to anywhere in the game without about 20mins of running or only about 10sec of teleporting.
Each area is interesting to get to, play through, and go back to. And as you progress, new and old areas open up with new content or quests or you unlock entirely new dungeons to play through (think Everfall or BBI).
I could go on and on and on, but I'm sure you all know what I mean. The world is big, but jam packed full of good/interesting shit. It isn't like Skyrim which is massive, but filled with boring, copy paste, unfun bullshit.
what if there could be multiple valid approaches to level design
>real life is binary! you either make a FFXIII linear game or go full open world like MGSV!!
why the fuck not both in the future?
an open world where you can choose a boring fucking linear progression through the story instead of carving your own way to appease the most casual of gamers that can't be bothered with world exploration and have to be baby stepped through the entire game like OP
This is also called delaying the inevitable.
And it isn't fun either.
There are, but most games benefit from mazelike.
Very few games, outside of beat em ups do well from linear.
RPGs do the most from OW, as OW and RPGs are both all about worldbuilding and immersion.
Straight up sandbox games and simulations too.
There's also one more, not sure what to call it, but it's what Mankind Divided has, the "Living Neighborhood block." Imo, that abd mazelike are what most games should utilize. Large massive worlds, really only serve MMOs and classic WRPGs.
Have you played Metroid, the Igavanias, or the Soulsborne games? Cause that's what those are.
What defines an open world game exactly? Because I always thought Zelda was open world. OoT was in my opinion open world, and people say "well it's not open world because there's usually only a few entry points to each area, you can't get in from anywhere". And I raise you this card: In MGSV which is considered an open world, you also can't access most places from anywhere, at least in afghanistan, because of impassable terrain. I actually remember a trip from one base to another one, direct distance was 700 meters and I ended up taking a 6 kilometers detour because the mountains around the place forced me to follow some shit road.
bruh if anything open world games are for casual babies "omg I don't know where to go...why can't I overcome this level from anywhere? waah wahh
Boi, I loved dragon's dogma but you're sure WRONG as fuck and I wonder which fucking dragon dogma you played.
The main complaint since the game was released was that there was no fucking effective way of traversing the land. "no longer than 20 minutes" my ass. It literally takes about 20 minutes to get from the fishing village to gran soren. From Gran soren to other locations like the northern parts of the game (past the mountains and shit) can take you up to AN HOUR to reach.
Teleporting was total shit, the limited crystals and paid teleportations, thats why they revamped the system with Dark arisen, but even then it was still pretty bad when compared to open world games.
This has to be bait, DD has one of the worst traversing system made in games and most of the routes were absurdly long. I stopped playing that game because I couldn't deal with those quests about going to the other edge of the world (like over 1 hour walking) only to get back at the city and find out another quest telling me to get back to the exact same place
The problem really is that Sup Forums just goes against the grain. There was a time when this board complained there weren't enough open worlds, now there are "too many", then if linearity ever becomes widespread again you fuckers will loop right back around to where we were at the beginning. It's an endless cycle of shitposting.
So,etrian Odyssey then.
Read the thread dumbass. World design isn't binary, you have many ways to make games that isn't corridors and empty sandboxes.
Sure. Or Metroid.
The most fun moments of open world games are largely unscripted events, rather than focus on this developers would rather give you checklists and boring minigames.
Listen, I'll give you that running everywhere did suck once you knew the locations. But the initial exploring and finding those places was absolutely great.
And using the teleporting crystals was good, and in my opinion, fun. Who wasn't fucking swimming in 100000000000000000 gold in dragons dogma? Buying the crystals was chump change; and you could even find free ones in the overworld. And having to find the special teleport portcullis stones was unique and it was fun making a decision on where to put them in the world map for easy transportation. And it was even better in Dark Arisen because you got way more stones to use.
And it only takes about 20-30min from Gran Soren (which is the main hub of the game) to get anywhere at maximum running. Even easier if you're light weight class. Or had lots of stamina items or maybe those infinite stamina potions.
Also, the traversal problems have nothing to do with the content and style of the open world itself. The traveling was bad, in my opinion it was fine/fun, over all. But the world is absolutely great with many unique locations and fun things to see instead of "copy pasted dragur dungeon 10823" or some shitty Ubisoft "climb 23409 towers to reveal 2309847238423948 worthless collectibles".
> What do you think people will say about this cancerous trend 10 years into the future?
They will say that Nintendo reversed the genres cancerous course back to new frontier it was always meant to be since Morrowind.
They will say that the genre at the start of the next decade was the best gaming has ever been, it will be credited for people being less casual and games becoming innovative again.
Nintendo will be praised for saving the industry right when it crashed/was about to crash. Whatever happens in the next 24 months things will only get better with BoTW's success afterwards.
Thank you based Aonuma, Fujibayashi & Iwata-san. RIP in peace
Also I'm serious, gaming should turn around after this & open world games should go back to being frontier games for innovation.
The open world aspect will never die - especially as game design tech becomes more efficient - but it will change form. People miss the intricately designed levels that stick with you after completing an RPG. My prediction is open worlds will remain, but the feature will be secondary. The stuffing surrounding the good shit.
For example, Zelda: I think moving forward they will strive for unique locations with specific requirements and rewards that were staples of past Zeldas, but the open world type as seen in BOTW will still exist as a filling for when the player is trying to find the way to the next big thing.