Does fish pussy smell like fish?
Fucking weeb
Racemixing slut.
if human pussy smells like fish, maybe fish pussy smells like human
I'm happy that it's now canon that Zora and Hylian can get it on.
Really makes you stink.
I just want her to be able to see her family again.Even if only for a little while, just one more time.
She should be able to say goodbye, she deserves it. They all do ;_;
They could always just travel to the elephant, it's not that far. Sidon could, anyway.
Well, if they just went up to look at the elephant they could see her, just like how that Goron could see Daruk
I wish you had more time to spend with the champions.
>Most of all memories are about Zelda
>She's the least interesting character in the game
>English dub ruins her completely
I hate this shit about how Link always has to be paired with Zelda when it comes to romantic interest.
I don't hate Zelda, but one of the things I really liked about Mipha was that it gave an aspect to Link's backstory that wasn't all being Zelda's guard dog.
No way fag.
I think it's interesting that she was Link's childhood friend. I wouldn't say I hated Zelda, and I actually think her problem is interesting, but the English dub is just so bad.
RIP ;_;
Get it while it's fresh!
I'm glad she's dead
Is this what it would be like go down on her?
Doesn't help that her dialogue is terrible too.
"Remember how I always heal you, like I'm doing now? I'll always heal you!"
Its probably one of those things that sounds better in Japanese, and they used a literal translation into English, like how the usual "I will protect you" speeches go in anime sound when directly translated.
There was obviously really big translation issues with this game, and the fact that a lot of the actors aren't that great doesn't help either.
I got the impression from the trailers and early game that Link would be finding new champions to pilot the divine beasts (Sidon, Riju, Yunobo, and that Rito who isn't a total cunt like Ravioli). I was kind of disappointed when being dead wasn't even a factor in piloting the divine beasts.
I just don't get why it's only the voice-acted scenes that are so poorly written. Rest of the game doesn't ever sound as stilted.
>caring about Mipha
>when her brother is hotter
They probably brought in editors on contract for all of the text boxes in the game and forgot about the cutscenes, and had to bring someone else in or do them in-house.
Does anyone have this image without the fucking watermark?
Perhaps what some time together?
That's honestly what I thought too, and I was really disappointed when it didn't happen.
>Teba's my favorite
>You just kinda meet him one minute, and the next you're flying up to Medoh to take back the Divine Beast
I was expecting them to play a much larger role.
Haven't done the Goron stuff yet, but I think Sidon and Riju are the only ones that you spend more than no time at all with.
>Riju sounds fine
>Urbosa sounds fine
>Mipha sounds okay
>Sidon sounds weird
>Revali sounds fine
>Teba sounds fine
You can crop the watermark out yourself, you lazy fuck.
when did shadow the hedgehog get in zelda
It's probably in a worse resolution than the original image for starters.
best girl. by far.
The Rito arc is obviously rushed.
The one thing you need to get to the Divine Beast is cold resist 2, and nothing else.
No good backstory on the Rito people, barely any talk about the previous champion other than that they named a tiny wooden platform after him, and no challenge in reaching the village
heal THIS
really makes you think
>people who cant speak Japanese commenting on how the Japanese version was better than the english version
Ok lol.
Why does Nintendo always give the best girls bad ends?
They want it to matter. No one would care if the bad end didn't involve a best girl.
I didn't care about her. I only felt a bit sadness for her when she started talking about her father and how she wished she could see him one more time.
I like her brother as a character more.
I thought the new characters you meet like Riju and Sidon would be the new pilots
She looks better as a duckfu.
I'll show you what she deserves
*unzips dick*
Good job, you've turned her into Big Bird
Eh, the beak was always too big and weird looking
>There are people that don't think Breath of the Wild takes place after Wind Waker
>There are people that don't think Medoh is named after Medli
pls don't unleash the timeline memes
it'll kill the thread
Then what the fuck is Rudania named after?
>when Gerudo already exist in the setting
Oh tumblr
I'm fairly certain it's implied that it takes place at the very end of one of the timelines.
Although, they do say that without being stopped, Ruta would end up flooding Hyrule.
Does this game deserve a prequel?
Have a guess.
Set 100 years ago or 10,000 years ago?
No to the former, yes to the latter.
Shit, I'm fucking retarded.
>yfw you hear the Rito Village music for the first time
Why do people draw Mipha and Sidon with brown skin and red hair when their coloring is red and white?
And why do they intentionally draw them as ugly as possible? I'll never understand tumblr.
The buckteeth on Mipha bothers me a lot more.
>Medoh - Medli
>Rudania - Darunia
>Rutah - Ruto
>Naboris - Nabooru
Is this all the same artist? I'm not joking it seems like 90% of the make everyone ugly and muslim art from tumblr has the same nose and eye shape.
god she's boring
her design is great as is the Zora area in general, but she's just a Ruto without personality
because its tumblr
why did the rito suddenly become complete, Falco-like, birds rather than just being people with wings and beaks?
That's what I'm hoping the DLC is. A Quest that runs in pre-ruin Hyrule, and allows you to see Link go from being appointed as Zelda's guard, to his final stand against the Guardians.
She's closer to Saria including the lifespan thing. Also you're now aware between Ruto (retroactively), Nabooru, and Saria there were three older women after Link's shota cock.
I read somewhere that they originally wanted them to be that way, but didn't or couldn't do it in WW for some reason.
This two are for sure. I saw them grouped together.
He looks like one of those nugget kids who're born without most of their brain.
The actual nerve, you fucking furfag.
>10,100 years after wind waker at least
You do remember that they went from fish people to bird people in only 100 years originally, right?
who the fuck cares? it's a design choice, goron and zora look the same they always did
Did you not read what I was responding to?
The Zora also changed quite a bit in breath of the wild.
Kaepora Gaebora is a Rito.
only as different as zora from OoT to SS or something, I don't think they ever cared about the timeline for this kind of thing
and that post was mine so I'm not sure what you're on about
Isn't he just Rauru?
That's actually one of my complaints. Zoras should be slender and elf-like, not dumpy with weirdly long torsos.
some artist on the team has a weird idea of proportions, with Rito and Zora (and Gorons, of course) have weirdly short legs
No, we already know what happens. It deserves a sequel set 5 years later when the Yiga clan's god Catastrophe Vaati rises from his tomb.
I'd honestly be super down for Vaati in a 3D Zelda
Also a villain with actual personality would be cool
I don't even need to look at the file name to know that's tumblr.
>game already has a diverse cast with tons of different races, and different skin/feather colors within each race
>tumblr still needs to make them all into shitskin humans
Fuckin' ey.
>tfw you won the Linkbowl and the fish didn't
Oh. Then you're retarded. You complained about rito "suddenly" being full on birds when that shouldn't be an issue considering the timespan and how vast they began their evolution.
Now you bring up zora and gorons like that's some kind of point.
gorons are already evolved to be at peak performance in their environment and the zora have changed quite a bit so your complaints are stupid and invalid. Thank you for wasting my time.
>he thinks suddenly can only refer to in-universe timeline
zeldafags everyone
It's fucking logic.
Bet you also don't like Link being blonde now, do you Dobson?
only human "diversity" matters!
Yes almost all of it is one or two guys.
It's also the Humantale "artist" if you remember that thing.
>why do they intentionally draw them as ugly as possible?
Because they have a vendetta against attractive people.
what the fuck are you even on about?
Well in that case, the "suddenly" you're referring to is fifteen real world years between wind waker and breath of the wild.
That's plenty of time to change things.
Look at zora in Zelda 1 and then look at them in Ocarina of time.
That was a 12 year gap and a more dramatic change.
Didn't complain back then, I'm guessing.
>tfw I'm three posts into your and his comment chain and I still don't even know what the initial dispute is
You might be the stupidest person I've ever had the displeasure of arguing with over a video game.
I'm ugly and I still don't understand that mindset.