Nintendo EPIC btfo!

Nintendo EPIC btfo!

More like a dumbass who can't properly take care of their shit BTFO. Why can't slobs put shit back in the cases? They come that way for a reason. Also,

>1 2 Switch
>nothing of value was lost

how can sony defend this?

Good thing the dog protected him from a shitty game.

Dog knows whats up.

>They come that way for a reason.
Not for you, though. It's to fool people into thinking it's a console. If it was for you the cases wouldn't be massive an 99% empty space.

How the fuck did he allow his dog to get it?

>Idiot parent leaves gun around for child to grab
>Child grabs gun and shoots it
>Idiot parent blames creator of gun for it


Aren't they around the same size as PSP cases?

>Dog chewed up a shit game
Based pupper.

Where in the picture is he blaming Nintendo?


The pharmaceutical industry figured it out.

Are you alright?

Sonyfag triggered?

The dog chewed it, it 5asted awful, he stopped chewing.

If a dog was going to chew it up, it would be jn much worse condition... unless... Nintendo products are built sturdy? Hmmm?

Either way, Sup Forums BTFO again, like the fickle bitch you are.

Cucksole fags be like
>hurr, I only buy games in physical form.
But, they fail to take care of their possessions.

Good job! You, not only waste resources on toys, but, you can't even take care of it.

Are the negros that put their hand in the game collection photos the only ones who take care of their shit?

Sonyqueers will blame Nintendo.

>nintendos cartridge bitterant doesnt work
>nintendos product doesnt work

>More like a dumbass who can't properly take care of their shit BTFO
>1 2 Switch
>nothing of value was lost


At least it didn't chew a good game, am I right??

Maybe that guy shouldn't have licked the "cartridge" clean before handing it off to the dog.

PSP games came with manuals, I'm pretty sure.

The only reason games come in cases larger than a stamp is manuals. Which Switch games no longer seem to have.

this. the dog learned it from the owner.

We did it Sonybros!

Sony Dog.

Are BRs that desperate to moan about stuff they can not afford they post a thread about when dogs chew stuff?

Its what dogs do. I've seen a dog chew a Genesis pad.

How will Nintendo ever recover?

1 2 Switch is pretty kino desu

>having a dog that destroys your property

What's the point of having a dog if you don't train it properly? You'd might as well have a cat if you're too stupid to train a dog.

> Actually buying 1,2, switch

This should be a stealth eugenics program.

At least Wii Play came with a second controller. That was the only way I could find a second controller for my Wii and I wasn't able to get mine until a few months after it came out.

chances are, they purposely gave it to their dog to chew so they can take a picture of it and then post it on twitter.

Yes, that's how desperate these fuckers are to get followers/likes/upvotes.


one of these?

>leave game in stupid place
>Dog being a dog chews on it
>Blame anyone but yourself


That poor dog looks scared half to death

What do you expect from a retard breed?

imagine being yelled at by your retarded master for chewing up 1-2 Switch

>Nintendo coats their carts in bitterant to stop toddlers from choking on them
>some random e-celeb adult licked a cart and now it's a viral meme

So what exactly do the cartridges taste like? Are they just really, really bitter?

I mean I drink alcohol so bitter it would make the local hobos contort, so how bitter we talking?

Is this a meme now?

>you will never facefuck Mercy for chewing up 1-2 Switch

Enjoy in 10 years when Steam ends and all your games disappear.

>buying 1 2 Switch

He deserved it and his dog is a hero.

steam will never ends, you dumb shitposter


you gitta put finget in

>letting your dog in the house
Fucking dumbass.

Meh. I've lost lots and lots of physical games over the years due to moving, lending to friends, discs getting scratched or whatever but so far I've never lost a digital game I've ever bought.

Stop trying to push your memes here, faggot.

that dogs like 'you told me to chew it faget what you want'

>owning dogs

Inshallah, the infidel pays for his filthy habits and blames based nintendo for his wrong life choices.

Absolutely Halal opinion! My brother we eat dogs!

What a fucking retard. This is why shelves, cases and doors exist.

Fuck 90% Of dogs

Cats hardly ever pull this shit

>Nintendo products are built sturdy?

Not since the Wii

Guarantee this poster is either south american or australian

>1 2 Switch

Nothing of value lost.

You might be retarded if your switch or anything of value is in reach of your dogs

>Cats hardly ever pull this shit
you are wrong, cats bite fucking everything

> owner

Most likely Brazilian, he's probably pissed because Nintendo exited their country. Video games are expensive in Brazil, the Switch is probably something he can only dream of affording and he resents it for that.

this is the reason i come here

shit meme dog

His dog did that guy a fucking service, dawg.

1 2 Switch is garbage.

Dogs love garbage so of course they'll eat Nintendo products

>South American
>where the switch can cost up to 1000 USD

That dog would be meat pie long before that picture, user.



So what, he just gave a small piece of plastic to his dog to see if he would chew on it, not taking the possibility of the dog choking on it into consideration? Are people really this stupid?

>haha the dog really did chew it guys!
This is not okay

you must have a shit cat, I have 3 cats and they hardly bite anything

>t. cat owner

source on that one

Both cats and dogs can be shit or awesome.

Guinea pigs are always awesome though.

>Why can't slobs put shit back in the cases?

Like that stops dogs.

Put it somewhere a dog can't access, then. Is it really that hard?