I just downloaded Titanfall 1. What am I in for?

I just downloaded Titanfall 1. What am I in for?


Dead servers
Why didn't you get 2 you dickhead?

if you just downloaded it why dont you fucking play and find out you fucking retard

I slightly less better game than Titanfall 2 with no actual campaign mode, and one that's pretty dead because the playerbase moved onto 2.

I have free access to it with EA Access

Reddit: The FPS


Is Titanfall 2 on PS4 still worth it? Is it alive or dead?

>le rebbit xD

>EA Access
um no sweetie, that's not how it works.

Very much alive, and yes, it is.

Still alive, I play it on PS4 every so often. Less new players though so getting into it might be harder. Worth it if you want fun multiplayer and a decent but short campaign

It's the most populated on PS4 and just had a recent spike in players due to the F2P weekend.

The game is playable on all systems, and the Rocket League style matchmaking makes it so you can get a match on all the gametypes.

people who worship the big black cock

A virtually non-existent campaign and dead online.

The campaign is just single player versions of the multiplayer maps.

It literally is desu. On XBone if you have ea access $25 per year you can get all sorts of free games. I have BF4, DA:1, ME3, and now Titanfall.

Pretty dead servers. Everyone migrated to Titanfall 2. I'm sure there's still some people poking around, but I can't imagine many.

Titanfall 2 is pretty great, though.


Try again, honey-buns.

That's for as long as you have the sub?

Was that in one year? How often do they update the game list?

yet another generic shooter

Shoulda gotten 2. It's so kickass.

A great game.

Nigger you fucked up. This past weekend was a free trial. You can regularly find it for $20-30 discounts.

Northstar is best girl


>Literally referred to as "she"

check your pronouns shitlord

I want Scorch to sit on my face!

>250 people at peak
Liking this game is suffering

Just don't look at her crotch, ass, and left thigh too hard. That pic has some pretty bad anatomy.

>being a pcshitter
Well, it's okay. I'm sure there are plenty of ASSFAGGOTS, paid early access shit and indie shovelware you can enjoy!

Wrong picture assfag

That makes no fucking sense
