Will Sonic Forces be good?

Give me your honest thoughts about the upcoming Sonic game. Do you think it will be good or another mediocre title?

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If they try to pull another Sonic Generations with the modern Sanic/classic Sanic thing, and bring back shit like Chao Garden and secret upgrades ala SA2 then it could be one of the best 3D sonic games.

I just wanna know what that third supposed gameplay style will be already.

Have we seen any more gameplay than that original camera recording?
All I remember seeing was boost gameplay in a mostly featureless hallway. Not much to go on, but looked like Unleashed or Generations when at their worst (ignoring werehog).

If they just do Generations again except modern Sonic is fully 3D instead of going 2D half the time, I'm sold, honestly.
3D Sonic hasn't been allowed to be just 3D for a solid decade now.

Well so far we know that the third style is a new character.

2D Sonic sections are not that bad. In fact I liked the 2D section more in Lost World.

I'm expecting a Generations expansion pack with a complimentary extra gameplay mode. I am probably expecting this because it is a Generations expansion pack with a complimentary extra gameplay mode.

No matter how good and fun I find it to be, I will be left wanting more.

The wisps and 3rd gameplay style (which will likely be something really experimental) both have me worried.

I just want to play as Tails, Knuckles, and Shadow again. Why can't they be in a Boost game? Give Sonic the Boost, Tails the Flight, and Knuckles the Glide like those Generations mods do.

Who cares about this game at all when the first real sonic game since S&K, Sonic Mania, is coming?

It's like being excited for a beer when there is aged bourbon on the way.