I spent thousands on my pc only to play indie games and emulators

>I spent thousands on my pc only to play indie games and emulators

Other urls found in this thread:




Sad but true. PC is a fucking game wasteland.

>I make no money so a few thousand dollars will actually break me


>I spent thousands on my pc just to have it be obsolete in a year

>New handheld announced
>"When can I run Nintendo emulators on it?"

Every time.

>there are actually people who are upset about the fact that I enjoy playing PC games

>they're so butthurt, they try to convince me that the games I'm playing don't exist and that I don't have fun playing them

>spending money on that thing i like is somehow a negative

I spent $1.5k on my computer to do those things but also to be my development environment, to be a music station, to store my photos and videos so my other devices don't get full. Not getting a prebuilt, or a laptop, also allows me to update parts and storage with ease, reducing the overall cost in the long run since not every part needs to be replaced every year.

Don't forget f2p


>Spend all money to shit handheld "gayming" console, and find out that game why you bought console in first place can be emulated on pc

> Buying a PC only for games

I don't understand this meme

People don't even buy consoles for only games anymore. Who the fuck buys a PC only for games?

Children, and therefore half of this board, have no concept of work. Another 25% of this board is always a rotating population of adults dependent on others income.

>computer cost me £1700
>I just play rocket league all the time


I'm going to spend $1k on a new overpowered PC this year just to encode dumb webms faster and maximize my shitposting. Feels good not to be poor.

This is a videogane board. Why would any of those things come into consideration when only taking videogame in mind?

>Review brah's voice echoed through the night air to me, yelling "It is what it is user! It is what it is!"

This line gets me every time

>not poor

Because I didn't buy my computer with just video games in mind, obviously. Why would I not consider everything I'm going to do with a purchase before purchasing it? That's an immature way to go about determining buying something or not.
This is true, but it still hurts

I post this copypasta any time I get an excuse to

>"You ever crack a boon before?"

and that one are the best

>I spent around the same as a console on my pc to play about 200 games from Steam plus emulators and however many others I've pirated, plus all the everyday work I use it for anyway

Jesus, what does reviewbro feed his dog?!

>brah thread

why was he crying

Can someone update me on how reviewbrah is doing right now? I want to follow him but I had to unsub. His videos are REALLY boring.

He's still doing food reviews

another short wave station bit the dust


Why does this guy look like he's high 95% of the time?

Canadian Sup Forums autist stalked him and his family

What's the Joey's World Tour of videogames?


What are some games with epic rivalries?

>spend over a thousand european dollars on PC
>get enjoyment from playing games I like because I can appreciate how things run relative to my old shitty build
feels good

I love this one

Brah is pure

Is this guy alright?
Last I heard he was caught up in some stalking conspiracy and was living in his car or something.

Even if that were true it gets you access to far, far more games than you could get from spending the same money on a bunch of consoles. Also takes up less physical space than all those consoles and games would on top of running them better as well. So yeah, you have to pay more money for a better experience. It's kind of a no brainer.

just have to keep moving

jesus christ its literally just reviewbrah with a wig


>I spent $300 on my PC and play AAA games at 720p

You haven't killed yourself yet?

who? I just saved this pic from another thread

The smug leaf in the image is a canadian who stalked him and broke into his parents' house

running on empty.... FOOD REVIEW


That dog looks high too, what the hell.

Why does dog look so happy?

This could of been a dogu thread, but you all blew it. Very disappointed in all of you.

Funny enough he does in fact browse Sup Forums

It gets to review a lot of peanut butter.

>tfw too poor to afford gaming PC
>tfw only console I have is PS4 and Vita

I can't live like this anymore.

isn't that the kid who got dox'd so many years ago because he made a "troll" (read as retard) youtube channel and has since made multiple under different aliases?

peanut butter is bad for dogs.


Well some emulators do need strong specs if you want to enhance games to the maximum but console plebs wouldnt know about that

GPUs are on an 18 month release cycle iirc, and CPUs get like 5% performance gains each generation at this point.

>I didn't spent thousands on my pc or a console and i can play a fuckton of actually good games for very cheap or free

>TFW I spent $1200 to play JRPGs, VNs, indie games, and character action games on my PC
Feels good senpai

Because he probably has a caring owner

Pic related


>spend almost $1000 on building a PC a few years ago
>mainly just use it to browse the internet and play Spider Solitaire

I can play Andromeda at 1440p ultra 60-70 fps while console fags are stuck at 20-30 fps 900p.

>I only spent 350 bucks on my pc and I only play emulators and pirate every thing
I bought fallout 4 tho since it was such a good game.

And the platforms ten thousand exclusives released over the past fifty years or so?

Eww. Those are some dirty ass feet.


>spend thousands on pc just to play shmups and console games anyway

fucking fuck me i knew i hated pc games but i still went all in



>this is what consolefags actually believe
poor deluded fools

Friendly reminder that Joey is /ourguy/.


I don't know if you were around for /vint/, but it was fairly confirmed that all console/pc shitposters are BRs. Not a good look, my friend.

>I spent 640 dollars on my PC to play multiplats, indies, rts games, online games, but mostly PI games, Total War games and Dorf Fort almost all of these for free except for Total Warhammer
>I spent 400 dollars on my PS4 to play Bloodborne and PT
>I spent 300 dollars on my Wii U to play Bayo 2, W101, DKCTF, MK8 and Splatoon
>I spend 300 dollars on my Switch to play BOTW, ARMS and Mario Odyssey

Why would you waste so much when 1060s and 6100s are so cheap for just general PC gaming?

3 things about review brah which have always irritated me are his fucking finger nails being so long, he puts way too much wax in his hair and his charity shop suits which are too big, even though he says its the style he wants.

If he cut his nails, used a reasonable amount of wax in his hair and bought himself a nice suit instead of handed down suits he would look pretty dapper

Wow, you can see the pain in his eyes as he bites into the fucking pizza.


Doggies are the best

In all seriousness though, I love my PC and spent rounded up $1,300.00 on it, but I still can't fully figure out why I did it.

Is there any reason to buy a PC for games? Everything good can be bought on consoles. I don't even like shooters, mobas, or strategy games. I feel kind of cheated honestly. At least it lets me draw

>Angry Sup Forums crossposters are almost all Americans
>Whiny /r9k/-types are largely Eastern Europeans for some reason
>tumblr-types are largely comprised of Canadians and mainland Europeans
>platform war shitposters are disproportionately BRs
>people obsessing over CEMU are mainly South Americans (This one isn't so surprising)
>porn posters are almost entirely Aussies and Canadians

What else did /vint/ reveal?

Leaves these days...

what does BR stand for?

What is the appeal of this man?

That almost everyone is a spic from Mexico. Jesus christ Sup Forums is disgusting.

>Bought a Ducky Shine
>Bought Automata and only been using a gamepad

Brazilian. South American country.

With a nice dog like that I hope he is a happy person

>Ducky Shine
was it the 6?

yeah, bought it with a amazon giftcard that I received a year ago

>Everything good can be bought on consoles
For me it's the opposite, there never seems to be enough exclusives to justify buying a console.

Then why was BR used for brazilian in one line and south americans used in a separate line underneath it? shouldn't they both have just been south american?

I'm gonna pat that doggo!

No, because it was all of South America that was obsessing over CEMU, whereas it was almost exclusively BRs shitposting and actively making the board worse with their console war crap.

BR just gets used because it's become almost derogatory through association despite not being a slur in itself.

Oh god no.
Well at least you didn't pay full price for it.

Who the fuck is this guy?

what do you think his review was for this doggo

south american is like too generic so the use BR because they already has bad fame with HUEHUEHUE

It's just a canadian trick to try to divert attention now that it was revealed that they were always the cucklords posters.

Because he fucked up. They're all categorized under fucking spics