Are guys like TotalBitchtits and /r/pcmasterrace who are obsessive about frame-rate above all else the videogame equivalent of audiophiles?
Are guys like TotalBitchtits and /r/pcmasterrace who are obsessive about frame-rate above all else the videogame...
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Framerate is objective and easy to compare. Higher is better. Whether it actually matters is different, but it is a very simple number to fixate on.
I will give this to pc master race people though, at least that's a quantifiable thing to fixate on. Audiophiles are fixated on magical nonsense that only true believers can know.
Post the equivalent to this guy.
The only people who make fun of audiophiles are dipshits who don't understand just how incredible having good sound can be.
You can't always affix a number to audio quality but lemme tell you the Skyrim theme just isn't the same with audio slur.
Post some real cables
Higher is better, but people who say 30fps is unplayable are full retard and qualify as audiophile levels of stupid. That goes for the people who hump the geometry trying to find a single sub par texture on the floor, under a crate in an unlit part of the building so they can complain about it.
Somewhere between fifteen and eighteen frames per second is the threshold below which your brain sees still images instead of motions. If it drops below 15fps it is, quite literally, a slideshow.
Do you use cable elevators? They really open up the sound stage and make it more dynamic.
No, the real video games audiophiles are the dumb-dumbs who bought into the PS4Pro for "4k," and if you think otherwise you're delusional. 30fps is observably worse.
Audiophile more and more designates a specific type of person, obsessed with sound quality in an almost mystical way.
being an A/V guy, audiophiles are pretentious fools who are easy to market snake oil too. Its like believing a certain brand of instrument will make you play better
looks like wood
Yeah, but the main difference between retards like BAIN and the geriatric old fucks on the Steve Hoffman Forums is that they generally tend to actually have good taste in their respective medium.
Of course it is. But I can still play and enjoy my no gaems on it so it's all good.
I care about audio quality, but not enough to spend thousands of dollars on equipment, most expensive stuff I've bought is a $300 pair of bookshelf speakers and a turntable that was around $250 or 300.
No, 60fps is actually really noticable and definitely is a nicer experience.
Audiophiles on the other hand can fuck off. I don't tend to shit on other's hobbies but goddamn it, I'll always maintain that past a certain point audio fidelity and other shit like that is so extremely minuscule, you barely understand the difference, if there's any.
Sure a Sennheiser might be levels above a no name dollar store chink headphone, but after that you just pretend it's a life changing experience.
I don't know maybe I'm extremely biased because of that gif with the dude having fucking convulsions because of fucking headphones, that's pissing me off to no goddamn end. Fuck you dude, you're a poser.
Nothing wrong with spending some hundreds if you can afford it (especially on speakers). It's not that all sound equipment is the same, it's just that once you reach a certain point there's no observable improvement.
Worthless without the magic pebbles taped to them.
Anything under 200 fps is LITERALLY unplayable
Oh yeah I completely agree with that, the difference between a $10 pair of headphones or speakers to a $100-200 pair is significantly more noticeable than going from $500 to thousands. There's definitely point of heavy diminishing returns.
But do those pebbles protect against viruses? I thought so.
No, they're the video game equivalent of people who want a decent fucking product for their sixty dollars. Call them spergs if you want but they're probably the only reason that anybody even gives a shit about making decent PC ports, otherwise we'd still have fucking MW2-tier ports on the PC.
Spending thousands of dollars on audiophile equipment will get severely diminishing returns, but I hate how people use "audiophiles" as an attack to dismiss legitimate upgrades in sound quality. Obviously if you listen to Youtube streams with Apple earbuds you're not getting the most out of your sound.
That is amazing.
but we do
like a little baby dont know what to do
>how dare you have hobbies and iterests and try to know more about them and enjoy it in a higher technical quality?
Oh look, this thread again.
Sure, why not. If you can't appreciate 60fps, 120fps, 144fps or whatever above the sub 30 shit you get on consoles then fine, have fun with your videogames.
It's just a hobby. Some people take it to an illogical extreme but whatever, it's their money. Same with cars, computers, grilling, anything really.
It's just 60 fps, which is obvious to anyone. It's not like they're arguing niche shit 144.
Don't forget the magic phone call that will make your equipment sound better.
I love how people thought this meme was going to die when we made the jump to digital audio/video. Never underestimate the stupidity of audiophiles.
Even a newborn knows that you need a good quality HDMI cable, but do you have quality power cables too?
Anything under 45fps is literally unplayable. 60 is much preferred, 120 and 144fps are nice but of course they are more expensive and you'll hit a CPU bottleneck unless you have an i7.
Can we all agree that not playing a game because it's capped at 30 FPS is over the line, though? I don't think a game ever should be that low ideally, but outright refusing to play a game because of that is stupid.
>decent fucking product
Fuck off. 60 and higher fps will absolutely make a game better, there is no denying that. But an otherwise great or amazing game is still good regardless.
Some strategy games that are all about macro are still playable at even 20fps, though it doesn't feel very nice at all.
No they hope to achieve 60 fps and audiophile does everything in his power to get as high quality as he can getting 60 fps is easy and relatively cheap compared to any audiophile setup
No, because framerate and resolution actually doe make a MASSIVE difference to your game experience that anyone can notice and appreciate.
The only people who care about or can even notice particularly great sound quality are people who eat and breathe music.
But do you have a $9000 quality power strip?
Sure, 30fps is very much playable, I've capped games at 30fps in the past to overcome stuttering issues on piss poor ports.
Anything less than thirty is indefensible and shouldn't be tolerated. 60fps and 120fps are the goals big studios should be striving to reach anyway, even on consoles whenever possible.
Yeah, and that great or amazing game would be made even better if it could run at a framerate that has been feasibly possible since the mid nineties on PCs. Consoles are stuck at shit resolutions and framerates because of power, it's a trade off for reliability, I get it. If you release on PC, if you can't run the game at max on the latest graphics card of the year your game came out, you are a shitty developer and only ported it to make a quick buck.
There's nothing inherently wrong with 30 FPS I suppose, but I just find it odd that in the year of our Lord 2017, consoles still struggle to maintain 30 FPS despite looking like shit. In the Switch's case, it seems like it can't even get to 1080p. My guess is that since most casuals don't care and they're the ones buying a majority of shit, there's no reason to shoot for 60 FPS. Why strive for improvement when you can simply NOT improve and still make money?
computing power has increased by ridiculous rates over the past few years
the software devs aren't being effective with the use of that power. sometimes, they're just downright incompetent.
imagine if lamborghini engine tech was available to everyone. what would you say if a car manufacturer produced a vehicle with a lambo engine that made 25kw at the wheels. would you call them out on being an incompetent piece of shit?
>not using cable risers
wow Sup Forums is casual
>Why strive for improvement when you can simply NOT improve and still make money?
See: every telecom ever
Better framerate is objectively better but it is definitely overrated. Once you get used to higher framerates the novelty goes away and it seems normal except now lower framerates look like trash, it doesn't really add anything it just changes what you see as normal.
Do you mean riser cables? Most newer homes come with them standard, at least here in the US. Older homes it can be tough to install.
I don't think so if the person can't ignore that, no.
If the person is not able to ignore the fact a game is capped at 30fps and that will severely diminish their enjoyment of the game then why wouldn't they go play something else?
No, he's referring to this.
Holy shit, remember that time the guys making The Order 1886 said they wished their game could have been 24 FPS so it would look like a movie?
Say what you want about tech snobs, but if they don't constantly fight for this shit then all bets are off, apparently.
As someone who has rich old parents, I can assure you these are not marketed at audiophiles, they're marketed at people who know nothing about technology but have fuckloads of money.
I'm not opposed to playing a game at 30fps, the issue is there are so many games that are playable at 30fps, I always feel like playing something else. Every time I think about playing an Xbox or Playstation game, I always remember some other game in my backlog that can be played at 60fps.
Make fun all you want, but I dare you to find a vidya review that's as professional, well thought out, researched and argued as the one accompanying the video:
bought a new pc and now play at 100+ fps on a 144hz monitor. going back to a 30 fps game is like playing a slideshow in comparison now.
jesus christ
>132 reviews, 4.5 stars
What the fuck, how can people be this retarded? It's a fucking digital signal. The quality is going to be exactly the same whether you have a $10 cable or a $2000 cable
30 FPS isn't unplayable, it's just disgusting to look at. Specially if you have a screen that doesn't do post processing to interlace frames. TVs use interlacing to give you the impression of smooth motion where there is none. it adds to the delay, but that's what you gotta live with if you use a shitty screen and shitty hardware that can't actually push out 60 FPS or more.
Running a scam like this, paying a few Indians to fellate your product ain't such a high price to pay, considering the yield.
I like how its always old people who are audiophiles
isn't there hearing worse or some shit?
its like wine tasting isn't it?
Some might be ironic reviews, although can you write a review on a product you don't own?
Yeah it's almost like people are stupid and make uninformed decisions
> That pic
But the sound quality is only as good as the recording.
I dont get it
I prefer 60fps and above of course, but I can get used to 30fps. I just play for about 5 minutes and completely stop noticing it.
I actually prefer a steady 30fps to a variable 40-50fps in most games
You get by with 30fps, just as you got by watching VHS tapes in a letterboxed aspect ratio back in the day. Thing is, in this day and age, we shouldn't simply accept that when it's obvious systems are capable of so much more, resolution wankery be damned. I rather my games run smooth instead of being 4K (or unscaled to 4K) if I can't have both.
Here are some of the reasons why:
>he doesnt have acorns on his cables for maximum performance
I appreciate good quality audio.
I don't go out of my way to try and jack up the specs of my setup so I can listen to my old Elton John CD's.
Forgot pic
hiss hiss this is snek
>cable stands
_ ____ __ ____ ___ _____!
Did that snake eat the wires?
They're from an era where being an audio enthusiast was a more common recreational activity than it is nowadays. Spending your paychecks on the right Hi-fi system and the right speakers and headphones to go with your record player was pretty much the equivalent of PC and/or Console enthusiasm from the late 50s up until as far as the mid to late 80s for these sort of people, getting buzzed or blazed listening to Miles Davis or Pink Floyd or whatever in their free time. Then, VHS and Nintendo happened.
What's with the cable riser meme? How can you fall for this snake oil bullshit?
>ive had the time of my liiiiiife and i neeeeeever felt this way before
I've played DOS era computer games that were designed to run as low as 12 fps. I played the Genesis port of Hard Drivin' at like 5 fps and had a blast. If you can't enjoy a game because the fps is "too low" than you're a pleb plain and simple.
Sorry I think I'm missing something could you circle it a little more
30 is playable but 60 is so much better.
Games that dip to 20 should be obliterated. No excuse for games to do that unless they're on the N64.
I didn't even know viruses made noises
It depends what you're used to. Going from 60fps to 30fps is incredibly jarring. i imagine if it's normal to you it's not too big of a deal though. Still, I really don't like playing shooters at 30fps.
Nothing wrong with striving for good sound quality. Audiophiles aren't necessarily those types that believe in $2000 cables or magic rocks that make your sound waves better. Objective testing and measurement of audio equipment is a thing now so people can sort the bullshit from the real deal.
As most scams, it is based on real things.
Depending on what you have on your power line, the audio may indeed be affected if you get ground loops etc..
But getting a "better" power line will not solve shit.
Those "viruses" are referring to defects in the picture of scratched/dirty/rotten laser discs.
It's a quite ancient term that is probably misused as fuck.
It makes sense. In today's world everything is digital, so for best sound quality you want to have the conversion from digital bits to analog sound as close to the speakers as possible.
When these geezers were around, everything was analog. Noise had a bigger impact and would propagate across multiple systems leading to a pretty big difference in sound quality from one setup to another. They're effectively just trying to recapture the magic of putting together an awesome system, but the world has made it so foolproof that they have to use snake oil to convince themselves they're getting a better experience.
Lets say TV makers started pushing aggressively for 8K exclusivity right now, with a huge pressure on console manufacturers to keep up.
Because this is so sudden, Sony is forced to make a PS4 Pro+ in order to please their television division. It does a great job at upscaling all the hottest games, but at the cost of fps. Would you really be ok with Bloodborne or whatever at 12 fps as a trade off for a clearer picture?
>don't go breaking my heart
i couldn't if i tried
>honey if i get restless
baby you're not that kind
If you dont have these wood sticks, you just arent experiencing the music.
How does a cable fix disk reading errors?