Name a Zelda game you think is better than pic related and explain why it's better

Name a Zelda game you think is better than pic related and explain why it's better.

Protip: you can't

Ocarina of Time

It's an actual Zelda game, unlike Skyrim of the Wind.


>Ocarina of Time
>an actual Zelda game
funny way to spell LttP

ocarina of time has 99
breath of the wild has 97

by the way critics are not biased.

Can't do that yet, I'll have to wait some time for my thoughts and feelings on this game compared to the rest of the series to really settle, but it's certainly up there, top 5 at the very least. Might even be at the very top.

Honestly, BotW is best game I've played in the past 20 years.

But I don't think it is better than OoT.

BotW, however amazing it may be, is still derivative. It's a refinement/perfection of other game ideas.

Whereas OoT literally broke new ground and it's influence is still felt to this day.


Yeah this is how I feel. I haven't even finished the game yet and I've been playing since launch. But so far, it's in the top 3 Zeldas for me and will likely be regarded as one of the defining installments of the series for decades to come.

>you think is better than pic related and explain why it's better.
>you think is better
>you can't


oh ok

>Barren and empty.
>Too big, unecessary big.
>To fill the world they spread a lot of collectables, breaking weapons, small clusters of enemies.
>Fetch quest, like finding Shrines to progress the story.
>Padding, like fiding Koroks seeds, to make the inventory manageble, gathering resources and cook to deal with enemies that take half of your HP and to make Link walks faster, taking 380 pictures to complete the compendium for no reason.
>Too many mountains, you have to hike a lot.
>Hiking takes forever and is tiresome.

>Shrine are easy and small.
>Dungeons are much smaller than previous games and have some dumb puzzles, non-intuitive puzzle into it.
>Bosses are uninspired and clone to one another.

Enemies and combat:
>Lots of reskin with few enemies variation.
>Bad AI.
>Damage Sponge.
>The camera doesn't follow you around behind your back.
>The lockon doesn't lock easily.
>The lockon doesn't cycle through the enemies.
>Your shield an sword breaks too easily, really, it breaks a lot, specially on mini-bosses.
>Quick Time event if you dodge.
>Feels like a dumbed down version from Twilight Princess battle.
>Knockback is strange, you can't really knockback the enemies, unless you are using a heavy weapon, it is strange, can't pinpoint exactly.

>Pretty confy, good characters.
>Bad dub.
>Nice villages and cities.
>Only nine small villages.

>Too much inventory management. The stuff is intense. Water temple is nothing compared to it.
>Minimal physic based rune abilities that got switched for traditional items.
>Master sword needs to charge, like a smartphone.

>The way you cook is kind of dumb, you should open a menu after interact with the pot instead.
>Framerate deeps to the point of micro stutter.
>Generally runs at 20 FPS.
>Too much assets pop up.
>Too much fog, baraly having any depth of field.
>Low level of detail.

wind waker, ocarina of time, majora's mask, and twilight princess

Why do people pretend that placing a block on another block or putting a rock on the ground to complete a completely obvious pattern is so much more fun than anything any other open world game has done?

yes but OoTs score is based off 20 reviews while BOTW is based of 90 reviews

the fact that it retains such a high score while having nearly 5x the amount of critics makes it a better game.

This pasta is complete bullshit.

>Fetch quest, like finding Shrines to progress the story.


you know that image is incorrect? Anyone that's played the game can immediately see why. Your post isn't even worth reading.

It's applicable for the tutorial plateau I guess

I actually think Witcher 3 has a better open world experience but the map is not nearly as large

Was there a reason to explore in TW3? I got bored soon after the first area so I have no idea

You need to have 13 hearts to pull the Master Sword and recover a memory. Play the game, drone.

I wasn't the one who created the image, but just the dragons and some minor stuff is wrong, fix it for me.

>Too big, unnecessary big.
>Barren and empty.

look at other open world games like fallout or skyrim and tell me about the world being barren and empty

These games are worse, but BotW is pretty shit too.

They're both great games. But whadda ya know, kids gotta pick a team. Because they're kids.

nu-zelda fags are cancer
zelda was best pre-oot, botw fixes the 3d games

yes, because it not only has little repetitive tasks but also loot/treasure hunts and quests that have writing and are more than fetching 10 apples

any zelda with an actual adventure, story, and progression

so...oot, ww, tp, mm

also lttp, links awakening

>fix it for me.
fix it yourself you lazy shitposter

You don't need the Master Sword. You don't need to do fucking anything. The entire game is OPTIONAL. Thats how much freedom you have.

>gotta pick a team

I stopped playing TW3 to play BOTW and then went back to it after finishing. I can't say either is better, they both have flaws that I can point out.

>zelda was best pre-oot

>Witcher 3
We're talking about actual videogames, not glorified visual novels.
Get out.

Links Awakening is the best because it doesn't shove any useless shit down your throat and has a fun yet intriguing story and lore. It is a completely original and deep Zelda game.


>Random events
>Tons of caverns to explore
>Dwarven ruins with puzzles
>Mines and bandit camps
>Each hold has a unique little quest line

I don't think you even played Skyrim.

If you want to progress with the story you need to pull the Master Sword, so you need to go into a fetch quest to gather the HP.

Still the ways you can interact with the environment and the diversity of the different regions makes the game feel much more alive than most open world games. I'm not saying that the game doesn't have its flaws but still i'd say that BOTW is one of the greatest open world games ever made.

So don't complain, because the image is good enough, it would have less bosses, actually.


highly underrated game despite being a gameboy game

>one of the greatest open world games ever made.
Doesn't mean much. Open World games are bad.

seems retarded to count the 3 elemental dragons but not count any of the actual elemental enemies/minibosses.

I just remember having to trigger my bat sense to find a giant chimera thing and finding a corpse in a swamp. I don't know. I got bored fast as fuck

I was mostly going off of fallout there and im not saying that skyrim has 0 content in its world I'm saying that you cant get that bored with the environment in BOTW because you can do a shit ton of things to interact with the world

It does when you compare it to every other title in the zelda franchise.

The formula is so different and missing so much Zelda stuff, I feel like it's a spin-off rather than a full-fledged title. It's still one of the better games.

>trying to play Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City after finished Breath of the Wild
>all the lazy and stiff animations are incredibly distracting
BOTW has some ugly textures but those animations basically put every other game to shame.

>Better world building
>Has music
>Great music
>Characters with over 5 lines of character development
>Great visuals
>Best dungeons in the series
>1 to 1 sword combat, much more complex than BoTW's spam Y to win
>Great bosses
>Amazing story

I could go on and on

Minish Cap. Because talking hats.

>has a flooded forest

You are correct, fix it for me, remove them from the list.

This game barely looks like a Zelda game.

Carnival Simulator 98

nah, make better bait first.

That's like saying every 3d Mario game cant be considered a full-fledged title because it's so different from the 2d Mario games.

Change can be good sometimes and you guys need to take off your nostalgia classes every once in a while.

Better bait what?
There is nothing wrong with the list, also, it would dimish the boss list. Wow, the more you look at it, the more shit it gets.

Most other zeldas simply because their content is more condensed without much filler. BOTW ends up feeling kind of grindy at the end which is something no other zelda does.

>not counting traps and switches
>lists water mine and bubbles

Admittedly breath of the wild had far too few of enemy types, but common now. BOTW has more content than every other zelda game and you know it.

shame the game is highly praised regardless, then!

Not saying its bad but its different. Its missing a ton of stuff that people already liked about Zelda but they took away for some reason, like Hookshot and other gadgets, the musical gameplay bits, actual dungeons, transformations...etc. Not all of that was crucial to a Zelda game or anything but they were memorable additions to a 3D formula instead of flipping the whole design over and making a non-linear open world.

>barren world, small shrines and koroks, 4 mini-dungeons
>more content than any other zelda

It is, you can't trust reviews anymore.

How dense are you?
You can kill Ganon without the master sword. You never have to get it. It just makes the boss fights easier.

But you can't continue with the story.

I love the game, I'd rate it a 10/10 personally. Let me guess, next you'll call me a shill, or a drone. Same shit every time

>15 fps

fps issues were patched, and you're still exaggerating.

>Patched by lowering the already small depth of view.

Also, it didn't help too much, it is almost the same, I'm actually felling that the loading time is longer.

they didn't change the 'depth of view'(?) (that's not even a fucking term, I can only assume you mean render distance or level of detail maybe). The patch helped massively for both the wii u and switch versions.

>depth of view
depth of field, my mistake. They changed it.

Also 15 to 20 isn't that good of a improviment, it is still shit. This game is not a 10/10, that's for sure. The shit is flawed as a fuck.

But drones don't really play anything besides Nintendo, so that would explaing it.

>depth of field
depth of field wasn't changed at all, you still only get DoF during a battle. It's clear you have 0 clue what you're talking about

Yeah, very clear, because we all know that a 15/20 fps game is worth 10/10.

epic, simply epic.
you're embarrassing yourself


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