Are you excited, Sup Forums?

Are you excited, Sup Forums?

I wasn't until I watched the Giantbomb quicklook.

Not really.

I've literally only played 2-3 JRPGS in my time and one of them was FFXV. needless to say I'm not a huge fan of the genre but I think the art style in P5 looks cool and I don't mind the thought of a high school simulator. Kind of on the fence desu.

Well it's no surprise you're no fan of the genre if one of the only ones you played was FFXV.

Of course. But I'll be watching my GF play it because I'm too busy working on my own game project.

I'm fucking pumped lads, post your favorite piece of fanart

Persona 3/4 weren't that good, they had awful pacing, some annoying character and sometimes liked to kick the player in the shin just to be "le hard hardcore game for player that like to use the phrase git gud"

i wish people would stop pretending persona 5 is gonna be different just because "WOW DID YOU SEE HOW STYLISH THE MENU LOOK?"

Post your main character name GO

no, I played the OG version



I think Persona 5 is going to be different because it addresses the actual gameplay issues. Finally, real dungeons and gameplay which isn't a direct downgrade from the parent series.

I kind of wanna be. The art style looks really cool.

But I haven't been following it at all. I just hope it's better than 4, which I did enjoy somewhat.

Did they really cancel the PS3 version in Europe? I can find no mention of it, but that's the excuse my store gave to switch me to a US version.

I see it on UK stores.

yes will there be a midnight release

I would've been excited if I was in HS
I just don't have the time for JRPGs anymore...I might as well just wait until a price drop or a year goes by.

>I just don't have the time for JRPGs anymore
There are few games these days that don't demand dozens upon dozens of hours of your time.

Well yeah, W3 was the last game I got my moneys worth in terms of hours.
Looking at HLTB though 100+ hours is around the minimum of completion for P5

I don't see games in terms of "money's worth in terms of hours" and I wish most games were shorter, because most of these open world games suck to play and can't justify their play time.

That's exactly how I feel about JRPGs desu, most of the time they're just way too padded.

>le hard hardcore game
But Persona isn't even difficult desu

Go talk to a P3fag once in a while.
Or if you're lucky, even an elusive P1fag.

Never played any of them, so no, I am not

Well that's a relief I guess. My store's just trying to fuck with me then.

Was spoiled a while back. No reason to play it now.

If the game's not fun to play, why do you care if you beat it?

Not even to fuck all the qts?

Why are people so fucking obsessed with this shit? I'm not that excited, and i know I'll enjoy it, but why does it warrant 50 threads a day?

>Did they really cancel the PS3 version in Europe?
Nigger i preordered the Ps3 version yesterday in a GAME down my alley

Persona 3 and 4 were kind of a big deal two console generations ago.

not gonna bother with the game one bit since a good 80% is just story and that chunk got ruined for me

>Why are people talking about one of the most recent videogames in a videogame board

It came out like half a year ago.

what difficulty setting should I play?

Not in the west

This is an English imageboard, therefore a majority of people here are probably EOP.

>physical copies will only arrive by the end of April

I hate digital but I have no choice

A fact that matters to like 0.001% of Sup Forums Sup Forums users since nobody fucking knows enough Japanese to play a game like this.

I'm feeling dread more than anything as amazon still hasn't fucking shipped mine.

Hard if you've played other SMT games

the first 2 dungeons are the worst part of the game and the 2nd boss might make you go down to Normal.

nah. they took too long. watched a longplay.

looks boring.

eh, you got a point. it looks fine for what people have come to expect, and they look like they're iterating on a solid formula, but I'm not really in the mood for another 90 hour glorified VN with so-so combat. kind of reminds me of bayo 2, how it got praised for stripping elements out, despite being almost exactly the same in every other way.

it's become "mainstream"

Excited as fuck!

>Why is one of the most anticipated games in years, that has been delayed multiple times and is one of the only games in years to live up to the hype and reinvigorate its genre so popular here?

I'm so excited, I can't wait as this is my first Persona. I have fond memories watching my older cousins play Persona 1, 2, 3 and have watched tons of gameplay on 4 and golden over the years. I haven't seen much gameplay aside from trailers and three reviews I watched so I am going in pretty much blind. Just can't wait.

Yush cant wait to play it. Cant wait to see HueHueHue tears because they cant afford it.
And Canadian tears because the girls look attractive.

Its a win all round Anons.

Does the network feature on PS4 require a + subscription to use?

Pre-load fucking when?

Why would I cry over attractive girls?