Sequel when?

Sequel when?

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Hopefully never, Ubisoft already killed it 3 times.

I thought the last one was excellent.


Yeah it was full of STEALTH game full of STEALTH like Thief 4.

Microsoft has it as a launch window title for the Scorpio. My dad literally works at microsoft

the fuck happened in 3, looks like a nightmare

Sequel when?

You know how I know you didn't play it?

>fan of the original 4 on xbox
>disappointed with DA on xbox 360
>hated conviction
>oddly pleased with blacklist though still mixed feelings

At this point, I'm done with the SC series, but I know there are fans of the SC reboots and wouldn't wish no more SC to them. I really don't see Ubisoft return to the olden days, so hopefully for the reboot fans, you'll get a sequel soon enough.

Chaos theory was objectively the best game in the series. Literally the only game that gave metal gear a run for its money in terms of stealth gameplay

Has anyone played Splinter Cell Essentials? Never heard anyone talk about it, despite it being the official sequel to Double Agent and part of SC canon.

Came out in 2013.

I just wish Ubisoft would drop their open world bullshit. Two of their games in the past 5 years which didn't stick to their formula, Blacklist and RS:Siege, both are excellent.

Not going to happen. Ghost Recon Wildlands is selling very well and so has about every Ubisoft openworld game, so they are just going to continue with this.

How's Double Agent? I had a fucking hyper drive blast with Pandora and an enlightenment with Chaos Theory.

It's trash, like the Ghost Recon games.

Played it along time ago. If I remember correctly, Sam is being interrogated by someone and the game itself is just a bunch of flashbacks to other SC games with 1 or 2 original missions.

never. let it die and go play some different games

They should remaster the first 3 with better graphics and xinput support.

Ubisoft made pretty good HD versions of Rayman 3 and Beyond Good and Evil, so this could work. They kinda did the same for the first 3 on PS3, but those were just the PC versions but slightly worse, so just get the PC versions.

CT had rubbery faces.

Fucking murder yourself to death multiple times.

symmetrical face mapping, never do it kids

If anything I think a dedicated Spies Vs Mercenaries game could be something Ubisoft could do without completely actionizing it and it still sell.

Graphically, the game has aged extremely well in my opinion. Except for those faces. Christ Almighty

Only if it's a new protagonist and without stupid ass shit like first person shooter levels.

you're remembering right user. Fun game but nothing special

I unironically want a Blacklist sequel with nu-Sam intact more than anything at this point.

>Love Splinter Cell.
>Feel my heart ache anytime someone reminds me of the last 3 games.

what didn't you like about blacklist

potential news at e3 or next year announcement, that or series is dead

Nu-Sam was in the newest Fifty Shades. Never knew he was such a Chad.

>All these Blacklist apologists

The game was barely better than Conviction

do you want to explain why you don't like it

why would you ever play splinter cell?

it's a dead name

SC became shit when they started to project mission objects onto walls and shit

who thought this was a good idea? literally made for babbies

>everyone hates Conviction
>personally love it; play it on hard all the time
>friend and I love the co-op

Not him but:
>Sam is even younger and looks like a Chad
>Different VA
>Not even the same mannerisms
>Only 3 different movement speeds, not speeds dependent on analog stick pressure
>Can't jump
>Overabundance of gadgets

That said it's 100x better than Conviction, but still worse than both Double Agent versions.

I forgot Fisher was a king in 2005

Early 7th gen, devs were trying their best to remove the classic huds and integrate them organically into the environment and character. Dead Space did it right, King Kong did it right, Conviction not so much.

Nu-Sam is pretty handsome.

I get why hardcore SC fans hate it, but it's still a well made game.

Pretty much this. Even if they do shit out another one I'll probably ignore it. This series hasn't been relevant to me since Chaos Theory.

What is Ubi remade the old SC games in the vain of the remake Wayforward did with Duck Tales? Not just a touch up but a visual rebuild for current gen but with all the old mechanics in tact with the newer mechanics being optional, would that be something you and older SC fans would dig?

It's called Blacklist. Best Splinter Cell game.

Get over some moves from old games. SCB is truly amazing m8. Try it, I'm a hardcore fan of the series, there is no reaosn to deny Blacklist.


99% of games released are "well made" games, as in functional, playable, beatable, but that doesn't counter criticisms of lack of complexity, low difficulty, shortness of campaign, linearity, bad AI, awful and jarring levels (those in the Middle east), poor integration of context sensitive interactions, a cliffhanger ending, mark and execute, an asspull of a story twist regarding a big plot point in Double Agent, and many more, somewhat like pic related.

I think he did a great job. Bound to be hated by some, but overall have a good performance with the voice acting and body language. He also seemed very excited to do the role in BTS footage. I always got the impression Ironside was tired of the role.

This is what happens when you bring in the director for Rainbow Six Vegas to do a long-running STEALTH game.

He did a decent job, but his performance was bland and forgettable and he really needed a cast of likeable characters to bounce his straight man act off on. Too bad Grim was severely underused, Briggs was another bland straight man act, and Charlie was horrible.

I fucking guarantee, in the next SC game Sam will have a beard, every game seems to give its protagonist one nowadays.

Blacklist was actually very good though. It corrected most of the mistakes in Conviction. You still salty about Micheal Ironside?

How did the faces get progressively worse?

>Grim was severely underused

I agree. I actually liked her very much in BL. Though I don't know about her launching drones in Iran only to save Sam's ass, seems kinda rash for her.

who /team Grim/?


Can someone give me a quick rundown?


theres not enough sfm/blender porn of her

Although Conviction is in my opinion the best in the series, this is the correct answer.


What went right?

I fucking swear her design changes every game

oh come on you KNOW they hatefucked

You just reminded me.

god i hated vegas series, the customization was great though

oh man I spent more time picking leg armor in NV series than really playing

After the sexual tension in Blacklist I'd be genuinely surprised if they don't.

The director is the reason why Sam got a pistol with infinite ammo and basically became lethal as fuck.

fancy shaders

Is that Jensen?

You'd like Wildlands.


fisher this is lambert we need you to tactical takedown the echo tangos I repeat we need tactical takedowns on the echo tangos roger

Why don't they make James Bond games anymore?


So is Wildlands as shallow as the Beta lead me to believe? The only thing I really enjoyed was assaulting the really big bases, the boss fights sucked and the AI was pretty weak.

I bet they announce a new Splinter Cell at E3. It's been a while. Assassin's Creed and maybe Far Cry too.

Now that For Honor and Wildlands are out they don't have any upcoming games they've announced right now.

Solo it's just another open world game. Co-op it's amazing, easily the best co-op open world that exists.


This. Only want it if it has the same atmosphere and gameplay as CT

Why is it so hard for developers to make a character look like the same person after multiple games? Seriously it looks like a totally different dude everytime.

I get that graphics improve and they have to remake the face but shouldnt there be a distinct structure to stick to. Not a single series has been able to not fuck it up

inb4 XIII sequel

There is a reason XIII isn't available on digital stores.

There's two different versions of Double Agent. 6th gen version and 7th gen version. 6th gen version is superior. Unfortunately, the PC version is the 7th gen version, so in order to play the 6th gen version on PC, you gotta emulate the GC/PS2 version.

Why is that?

Probably because they don't want to?
Sometimes they think "Hey, let's make look more handsome/prettier than they did in previous installments", not necessarily "let's make him look EXACTLY THE SAME".

Ubisoft doesn't own the rights anymore to the XIII license.

>that instant slap she gives Sam after he tries to intimidate her
If anyone can handle Fisher it's her.

mein sides


I want to hear that NVGs sound in E3 so bad.

Fuck that guy.


They're all about online coop now. At least they've gotten good at it. The matchmaking in their games is pretty good.

Doesn't Fisher beat the shit out of her though? He smacked her across the face then drops her to the floor with a second slap. Grim was part of the operation that ruined his life so fuck her.

Yeah, Fisher almost killed her at one point.

In Blacklist she's still trying to get back on his good side.

Obviously he destroyed her but that's not the point, all I'm saying that it takes balls to stare Sam Fisher down and slap him after he launches his fist right next to your face and could kill you without breaking a sweat.


Hang yourself from the nearest tree.

>Grim was part of the operation that ruined his life so fuck her.
Can someone explain this? All I know is she helped stage a car accident that killed fake Sarah while hiding real Sarah away from Fisher. But for what purpose?

Conviction is a fucking great game, but too bad its a shit stealth game