Homefront: The Revolution
I got it on sale.
Arguably, the only game who's credit's I've "beat" is SSB
Zero Time Dilemma, credits rolled about 5 minutes in
2B's game. I actually beat it, credits and all.
Breath of the Wild. I have other games to play (Nier, Horizon, Persona on Tues), but haven't touched anything since last week...
Metal slug 1-5
Persona 3 FES
Halo 2 last week
It wasn't as good as CE but it was pretty good.
Miracle Girls Festival
Bakugan battle brawlers ds version.
path of exile
Shovel Knight, I've finished it today and I regret not playing it before
Pokémon Leaf Green
I literally beat the ancient dragon in Dragons Crown like 10 minutes ago.
Resident Evil 6
Titan Souls, for the 11th or 12th time
Failing a mission doesn't count.
Battle block Theatre
Fallout New Vegas
I've started a Science/Cyborg run
2bass and berseria
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, 3rd playthrough.
Sonic lost world (3DS) a couple days ago.
Fuck that game. It could have been great. The first few levels were really good. They were large but facilitated retrying them for better times and collecting everything. But every stage after the first world starts taking more and more time to complete (without the option of speedrunning). I seriously played a 25 minute sonic level, which should never happen. Fuck all of the gimmicks, fuck the EZ gimmicky boss fights, and fuck motion controls. Glad I pirated it.
[Spoilers]Fucking sick music tho [/spoiler]
Tales of Berseria
I got binding of isaac 1000000% Just Stop! achievement, meaning I've unlocked every single thing the game has to offer. 790 hours into the game.
I guess that can be count as "beat"
>beat game
>credits start
>hit the power button
>go do something else
I do this every time, so I can't comment here.
Eternal Sonata, like right now. It was pretty boring desu.
Pretty mediocre 2bh. Some nice moments but it's mostly tedious. Also, the cutscenes are borderline awful.
Playing through the first game now which is much more fun in comparison, and the humor is actually good.
If you count getting the first ending in a Taro game as "beating" it.
Did you "finish" the game, or did also finished the hard mode ?
Because the second version of every stage blows miles away the originals in terms of quality.
Neverwinter Nights HotU
I beat:
Kiryu & Majima's game
William's game
Aloy's game
Velvet's game
Tales of the Abyss
dark souls 3
>tfw you will never play tales of the abyss for the first time again
I've been right near the end of this for years. I was grinding Gald to get the dragon buster sword in my second playthrough and got burnt out. I wanted to finish it at some point last year but I forgot how the combat works. :(
Hollow knight
Yakuza 0, I'm so happy this got localized, its a fantastic game. Its just a shame that this series is so criminally overlooked in the west.
I got Super Mari Kart 100 cc ending... Not sure if it counts, there was Top Gear 2 before that on the beginner difficult and then Katamari Damacy but I didn't get 100% of it.
Borderlands 2 over winter break
Turok 2
Thank you for posting best girl
How about removing the OS chip?
>Winter Break
NieR: Automata. Three times.
I've seen Automata credits today twice (endings B and P) but I can't call it beaten
I feel like if I beat an anime, the game had some strong themes that I didn't expect to see in a game about small fighting robots controlled by kids.
Bulldoze a best.
Persona Q
Rhythm Heaven Megamix. Yes, even the Final Remix.
Ace Combat Zero
I actually keep a list of how many games I beat each year.
So far this year I've got:
>XCOM: Enemy Unknown/Within
>Wolfenstein: The New Order
>Shock Troopers
>Wild Guns
Currently playing Odin Sphere Leifthrasir and Gravity Rush.
yo-kai watch 2: silver edition
I wish I could play as Fumi/Katie in 3
Probably the witness.
This game is amazing, don't believe people that tell you otherwise.
this is weirdly autistic and yet i can see myself doing it
Thats hella autistic, but I might start doing the same.
What's in that 1993 doom txt file ?
Chloe please stay
>all 190 goals in THPS4
>What's in that 1993 doom txt file ?
I like to write down my thoughts on what I think works well in games, and what could be better. Kinda like bullet point reviews, I suppose. It helps me keep track of what I thought of that game at the time I played it.
Don't do it as often as I'd like to, though.
Hacknet. Labyrinths was great.
did you beat The Radiance?
Oh, I do that when I listen to new albums.
Sort of ten lines reviews.
bravely second
it was fun
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow.
Hollow Knight
not sure
>Resident evil 7 (with infinite ammo, so not really)
>Black Mesa (with 1 hit-kill and increased jump height, so not really)
>Headlander [legit]
>Detention [legit]
Playing right now: Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King [legit]
I bought and beat Quern over reading week. Best decision ever, that game was quite the experience for me. I definitely recommend it to anyone who is a fan of Myst-style puzzle games.
Probably D44M. Got really close to beating Castlevania Circle of the Moon but the emulator is giving 10 fps during Dracula's fight somehow.
Nier: Automata
Fire Emblem Fates Revelations
I have shit taste, low expectations and I'm easily amused.
Wolfenstein the new order on PS3. Good game but i recommed getting it on ps4 or the xbone. PC if you had a gaymen PC.
post some please
Breath of the Wild a couple days ago and today I finished reading Grendel
Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Loved it.
Mark oqg the Ninja for thr 5th time this time with the path of nightmares.
Nier Automata. All 26 credits.
But that game was fun
And basically served as a virtual tour of the real akihabara
Last week
It's charming at the least
I do something similar, pointing out what I dislike and how I would change it
I had the intent to post them as steam reviews, but since everyone and their mother hates my nitpicky opinions and I pirate most of my stuff (can't write reviews), I kinda stopped, also because I'm lazy
I know how pointless it is, but there's just a desire to rectify what I think is wrong (by rectify I just mean writing a pointless list, not actually modify games or make any)
Hollow Knight
Fun as fuck game, and I'm currently trying to do it at 100%
Sam BFE, fuck that last slaughtermap.
does completing arcade mode in guilty gear count?
Huh I should start doing that, sounds good to exercise writing and critical thought.
Good post, thank you.
MGS4, I think MGS got ruined by too much future tech, after 2007 in the timeline the story got too Matrix Revolutions. If only all of MGS2 was like the tanker mission.
Dank Souls III
Near a tomato
Abzu, it was some short bullshit water game for the ps4. I like the water and ocean and shit but hate the games with WOAH BIG SCARY STUFF IN THE OCEAN so it was perfect.
NieR: Automata
Got ABCDEHKTUW before the game asked me to delete my game.