So... what was it a picture of?
So... what was it a picture of?
disgaea wouldve been bearable without that silly loli fanservice shit
Disregarding that they're cows cosplaying as lolis hat is the fucking laziest cosplay I've ever seen.
The loli fanservice makes it more enjoyable for me
Amazing. Please post more.
At least this one is recognizable as Laharl
this is pretty cool tbqh
most black weebs I've met are pretty nice guys
We wuz OVERLAWDZ n' shiiiet
Oh no. I just took my sibling to one of these conventions. It was one of the single most cringey gathering I've seen in many years.
Look how fucking flat she is.
Which one?
The cute one
Maybe this is a good place to ask but how is Disgaea 5? Been thinking of getting it.
Best gameplay and UI out of all of them IMO. The dub is pretty trash and postgame content is lacking from what I've seen. I usually never and I mean never say this, but you may want to play it with JP voices.
It's an embarrassing photo of Laharl at that Christmas Party.
agree entirely. I usually love disgaea dubs but 5 is actually so bad that you need to switch to japanese
It's still a great entry Quests are a shitty idea though
This nig's nips are dangerously erect.
Not enough Trapharl.
Got any more?
>That pissed off/embarrassed look