What's that nerd? What did you say about my Playstation 4 and favorite game? Okay, you're about to get it now!

>What's that nerd? What did you say about my Playstation 4 and favorite game? Okay, you're about to get it now!
You have only the most recent item you got from the last game you played. Can you defend yourself against the incoming beating?

He should have thought harder before threatening a man with a minigun.

>dead space force gun

He will rip in pices

lol a spaceship

>Titanite slab
I'm sure I'll be fine.

I know muay thai, I don't need items.

Watching a lot of anime doesn't mean you know martial arts, user


I'm 200cm tall and in decent shape. If pic related's gonna pick a fight I think I can take him. Assuming things don't go well,
>literally any gun
Chad's in for a rough time.

That's right.
I know martial arts because I was almost blinded in one eye by a fatfuck when I was 17.

clearly trained for hypertrophy, not strength

also probable manlet

but you're weak nerd and have no idea how to even handle one

>mfw I headshotted him with boko spear

Without shitposting you, what exactly is your definition of "Decent shape" because that dude is shredded. I don't think "Decent shape" is a good enough defense against someone who looks like that.

>mfw I fantasized headshotting him with boko spear

a 450 pdps siege axe from PoE. He won,t survive the 1.90AS

Fume Ultra Greatsword, dont think I (nor he for that matter) could lift that

Void Gear

He won't exist

I have enough muscle mass to have visible biceps, although nothing like what that guy has. Again 200cm and about 155kg is already a damn good advantage when there's a size difference and I'm just gonna give chad here the benefit of the doubt and assume he's a little over average height for men in the west, maybe 185 cm plus more weight than whatever the average for that height is, considering that muscle mass is heavier than fat. That's still a pretty decent advantage in my favor, and I've been in fights before. Gonna assume Chad's not a martial artist or anything more than decent in a bar fight. In the end, literally none of this matters if one side has a gun and the other doesn't

Last played was Dark Souls 3.
Fuck I never used a sword in my life.
I hope I can get him with the pointy end, that's a good trick.

>hearthstone cards
how about I suck your dick and we cuddle after instead?

Fair enough. I did note the height advantage, I was just curious as I said. Regardless yeah, the gun kind of settles things.

Do homos even like Chads?

>Golden Gun from Killer7
Stupid faggot Chad

The Ashbringer...

>Cornered by large McMan Meat
>Biggoron Sword from Breath of the Wild in hand
>Too fucking heavy
>Get's the shit kicked out of me

Botw 0/10

>traps are homos

what are you gay?

Wow that portrait of a lion in the background just completes this entire photo.
The symbolism is just mindblowing

Even using the Samurai Edge is a bit of a handicap considering OP said the last item obtained, not just any item. RIP Richard, I'm sorry bro.

fags like feminine dudes or beefcakes

This kind of hyper masculinity is disgusting, these neanderthal will be ostricized from society soon enough.

All the jocks I know play on Xbox.
I'm more of a Nintendo guy myself.

>dual 650mm repeating cannon
I'll be alright

t. Fat sperg
Gym culture is only growing for men and athletic is the new standard for acceptable physique

I just can't get off to roid muscles

they gotta be honest muscles or it makes me feel sick looking at them

it looks more like a lab rat then a person to me at this point tbqhfam

I think the dude is too jacked to be honest, that being said poster 1 is a dumbass and poster 2 is current.

Bought and customized a Buccaneer.
Bye Felicia.

Gerudo outfit from Botw
My boypussy is doomed


I'll fuck your tight boycunt, nerd

>Demon's great machete
Hes fucked.

n-no chad...stop...

>>mighty lynel spear

Assuming I can even wield it, I should be set until it breaks

Well I just unlocked the flamethrower tech power in mea? Unlucky chad, my guy

I doubt i'd be able to lift that thing, let alone wield it. So i'm probably gonna get my ass beat.


To be honest you'd probably struggle to lift it at which point he'd laugh at you while your feeble attempts arouse hime. with each tug at the machete you notice his boner has extended another foot to where you're staring his mighty cock in the face. He'd laugh and the room would begin to shake. The sheer volume of his laugh would make your ears explode. He'd then use his telekinesis to force open your mouth to take his mighty throbbing dick(8ft long at this point). With his first thrust you'd be skewered kid.

>Just finished playing Ethan Must Die mode on re7
>Last item I picked up was grenade launcher
I can defend myself from the beating, but probably kill myself in the process

come at me bruh

What was the last thing I got in Thimbleweed Park

I think it was a piece of paper

But I'm a cursed clown so I can probably *beep* the *beephole* up good


What if he doesn't open the mail

>implying i couldn't take him out with my bear hands

Go against a fictitious Chad with a heavy bolter?

yeah okay.

Fucking bears get the fuck out of my board

Let's see, I bought BotRK on Jinx. Doubt that it's gonna be enough, unless I can use active on him.

>A console for Chad

When will this meme end?


he gonna get ripped apart

So do I get his body and fighting skills then? I guess that would make me a world-class fighter, so probably.

A sword blade I think.

>K9000 Cyberdog Gun
I'm ok.