This fucking year
This fucking year
is worse than 2014.
>no black hand
Just because you got out of grade school doesn't make 2014 especially good for the rest of us
I see the true master race is live and well.
>No Persona 5
And don't use the "it came out 7 months ago" because Yakuza is even older
Coming on Tuesday, Amazon just shipped it.
Doing God's work
What games op?
Fuck I gotta wait for my paycheck to come in to get to play these, I got Zelda but there's no fucking switches anywhere. Have fun OP
>No Horizon
ultimate pleb
How can western devs even hope to recover?
Horizon looks fun
Why the fuck can't we have idort threads?
Are we a dying race?
The poor are becoming poorer so yes, yes we are
Mono-platters get triggered from Idorts.
If skipping that shit makes me a pleb, then i'm all for it. It just looks like another kinda generic open world game to me. And it's a shame because that initial reveal with the robot dinosaurs did interest me a little.
Western devs do better with smaller projects than large AAA big budget shit I find. At least the smaller projects that don't get up their own ass. I like Shovel Knight, and am really looking forward to Sonic Mania and the Crash remasters.
Just make them. Most idorts here don't have a reason to post very often but if you make a thread they'll come.
But it's popular and sort of a Zelda rip-off, hence it's bad. Oh and the main character is a girl, gross
>No Horizon.
Has fucking taste and doesnt buy Eurotrash user.
Make one, user. Be the change you want to see on the chan.
I'd post in it.
Idort thread?
Deciding between picking up a WiiU for the games I missed (although I played Tropical Freeze and W101 at a friend's) or waiting to see what Microsoft will announce this summer. I have a feeling they went quiet because they're going to announce a bunch of new games to go with Scorpio.
I mean not really but what else am I gonna play until the zelda DLC actually comes out
>muh japan
I'd grab the Wii U.
Scorpio will most likely be a PS4Pro situation. And even if they make a brand new console, they are still focusing on the PC/Xbox pairing.
Legitimate question, what does Horizon do that sets it apart from other games like it? Nier has that quirky and depressing Taro storytelling, there isn't really much like Gravity Rush, BotW is one of the best open world games out, etc.
Horizon is certainly a beautiful game, but is the gameplay heads above anything else like it, or the story or characters fantastic?
I'm wary of Microsoft at this point, after seeing how they're making no exclusives really for their consoles and generally burn their bridges with developers. But Wii U...I honestly think you played the best games on the system aside from Bayonetta that aren't already getting ported to Switch. But it may become a collector's system with how short of a life it had so I dunno. I'd wait and see.
Honestly I'm expecting them to try to push more cross platform stuff in which case they're making their own console pointless if they make it too pricey. At that point any sane person would just get a PC
>included botw along with ps4 games
why can't more people be like you, op?
2017 is year of the weeb
It's been pretty good Tbh, then you've got Andromeda shitting everything up.
Also the year for platformer fans. Between being that and a weeb i'm looking at potentially the best year since least for me.
Horizon doesn't even seem that bad thanks to Andromeda.
The east rises once more this year. I wonder if we'll even get the first part of the FFVII remake in 2017 too, I am so curious if it can manage to be good or not with modern gaming, while also appeasing those of us nostalgiafags who played it when it was released.
>no andromeda
>RDR2 and Tekken 7 still to come
The combat is great, the story is intriguing and well-told, the music is great, the graphics are great, the protagonist is likeable and well-written. It doesn't do anything new, but it does everything it does better than most similar games.
>midnight release switchfag reporting in
Stay mad noswitchfag
Hmm. I may wait for a price drop and by backlog to clear out. I'm just kinda burned out in certain aspects on those games.
Never buy a console on launch man what are u doin
>the chan
Perhaps I will pick it up after I get my tax return then. A friend of mine was none too happy with the characters, he kept saying Aloy was like ME's Shepard in that you were this infallible problem solver that everyone dickrides nonstop and no one can hope to ever be as competent as you, but he's also the type to instantly be skeptical of a game just because of a female lead, so I take it with a grain of salt.
Horizon is fine and I don't regret buying it, but out of 2017 releases I've played so far I'd put it behind Yakuza 0, Nioh, BOTW, and even Gravity Rush 2.
>Buying a switch for one game
-FF12 remaster
-Wipeout Omega Collection
-Crash remasters
-Destiny 2 beta
I'm trying to play through Yakuza 0 now and I just can't get Yakuza combat to click with me. It has always felt slow and clunky to me, even dodging feels shitty.
Maybe I'm expecting too much.
Got it for Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey, and whatever Suda is cooking up with No More Heroes as well as Zelda. I don't mind waiting a bit to play more games on it, I have a lot on my other systems to work through too.
>Suda is cooking up with No More Heroes
He already said it wasn't going to be another No More Heroes game, but Travis is in it, and that production wasn't until later this year. So it's probably still 2-3 years out.
That's fair, i'm more into Yakuza for the stories and side activities honestly.
I'm at least curious for it. I'm also patient.
I just dont post about being one often. It doesnt often come up when talking about vidya.
Not that guy but I also got it at the midnight release
1 game should be able to hold me over for a couple months until MK8 Deluxe at least because I take forever to finish games
How's Nioh compared to Bloodborne?
Bloodborne actually pushed the Souls formula forward and solved a lot of its problems.
But Nioh looks a little bit like it takes the Souls formula backwards a little bit.
>That's fair, i'm more into Yakuza for the stories and side activities honestly.
I'll keep going for another while but I'm going to assume it's like every other Yakuza game where it's just "I'm a big tough man bro, punch it out bro".
>switch/botw release
>club penguin shut down
>gorillaz is back
>samurai jack is back
>rick and morty season 3
>shadman in legal trouble
Damn that was a huge past month
It's basically a Souls game but with Combat prioritized over everything else. It's pretty fun if you played Souls for the PvE and nothing else.
Gorillaz is pop trash
Combat's better, but for the most part it's not as good as BB.
Still well worth getting though, for all its flaws, it's still a really good game.
straight up this is the problem with every industry
bloated projects mean catastrophic project management, and massive bleed; meanwhile they can't cope with burnout because of size, and what their efforts are hoping to maximize (tiny excruciating details) instead of focusing on novel/inspired thematic worldbuilding
basically inspired passion projects are almost always better
The last album and current album are almost entirely rap user
"""Rap""" (hip hop) is pop.
It's also why games are ridiculously expensive with shit tons of DLC too.
It's a different game, don't get taken away by the "It's like DarkSouls" meme.
It's just as much of a Diablo game as it is Souls as it is Onimusha or NG or whatever else. You'll spend quite a lot of time perfecting your armor sets and different builds in a very Diablo-esque way.
It's a mission-based game so don't go in expecting an amazing world, and the plot is a romanticised version of japan's history like many games/anime/manga/novels of this kind - with demons thrown in. If you're not already familiar or interested in that era and its great figures then you'll take nothing from it
It's more of a gameplay-focused experience than anything else. And a fucking great one at that with better co-op (and most likely PvP) than Souls IMO. They even added specific modes catering to co-op play. and you have over 100 side-missions to plow through. It's a looong game.
I like it more than DaS2 and DaS3 since those were either shit or boring as hell when it comes to the level/world-design and world-building aspects I seek in Souls games, and their gameplay alone didn't make up for it.
Your friend isn't wrong, Aloy is sort of a Mary Sue who gets her dick ridden on a lot, but I think that's hard to avoid in a lot of quest-based games. The game gives a very good reason for her being so capable, though (spoilers).
>All of it is weeb garbage no self respecting adult plays
Big surprise. I fucking hate Sup Forums. I don't know why i keep coming back.
Kingdom hearts is toddler trash.
If you've never played a Ubisoft open world game before then you might find it to be amazing
Why the hell is KH there
Only "good" Kh was the first, and it was borderline retarded.
Great visuals
>like, really great.
>good musics
>combat is limited and becomes boring after a while, and the world feels empty.
>Main character is a big MAry Sue, you have been warned.
>The game gives a very good reason for her being so capable, though
Not a good reason.
You can make a character incredibly capable in soke regards but in ANY good character design you always add flaws. Aloy is just a bad character.
It has some glaring issues, but I still enjoy the gameplay and Disney stuff, even if the plot and general tone went completely downhill after the first game.
To shitpost?
Still doesn't make it a good game. You just eat up shit Disney and squeenix pump out.
It just keeps getting better too.
Don't forget Fire Emblem!
all shit games.