>tfw irl friend saw that i bought neptunia games on steam and is now messaging me making fun of me
Tfw irl friend saw that i bought neptunia games on steam and is now messaging me making fun of me
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Suck his dick.
Pirate here. Is there no option to hide your game collection?
No. You can play offline so they don't see you're playing it, but the hours are still there.
lol @ buyfags
Should have bought it on a separate account or GOG. Too late now.
you have no option but to open your boipussi for him, he is obviously alpha/boss as fuck
>a friend who laughs at you about whatever you like or play
Not your friend. Ditch that faggot.
I cant, he is my only friend and the only reason Im refraining from killing myself
>worrying about what other people think of your gaming choices
What are you a faggot? Oh wait..it's OP.
maybe lebbit would be more of your pace... fagget
>not knowing how to react to social situations
you spelled wrong
I play fucking Senran Kagura on Steam with my real life friends.
Who gives a fuck?
>have to hide your shit from friends, else they make fun of you
True friends don't do that shit, ditch that bitch nigga
You friend is probably pissed because he's actually gay and wanted your dick, OP.
Yea and nice thumbnail you moron.
>notice others forget to turn off discord
>Sengoku Rance
I'm not sure how I should feel about this. Waiting on one of these guys to bust out rapelay
>caring what your friends think of you
>not being able to take the bantz
you can see what it is very clearly, user. stop being an elitist.
Can't you just make your profile private?
Stop playing weebshit.
If OP wasnt such a fag we wouldnt be so elitist, seriously looking for /happyplace/ at Sup Forums is like ordering a salad at McDonalds
Sigh.... he said he cant talk to me anymore.... sigh
...... guess im busting out the helium tank
Any achievements you get still show up on their friend activity feed.
you better livestream that shit, otherwise your friend will be right about you being a pussy faggot
Friends can see private profiles.
You can only hide your inventory from them.
This meme needs to stop, and you need to go back.
Your dad tells you to stop sucking dicks, yet I dont see that stopping you
he's right, you sock fucking weeb
not asking for a happyplace, just stop being such an insufferable faggot
You can make your profile completely private, even to friends. I have a few that do it. But as the other post said, your achievements still show up on their activity feed so it won't help there.
>stop being such an insufferable faggot
>on Sup Forums
nigga do you Sup Forums?
Good comeback my salty triggered weeb friend.
Lol botnet
i think literally everything and everyone is an insufferable faggot. so its just something im used to. but really. being picky about something THAT insignificant when you can clearly see the image without trouble is just stupid
Okay.... i refunded the games. My friend is talking to me again. i gave him 50 bucks and a steam game to forget this ever happened...
Stop lying.
I play hentai games and shit all days, you don't see me care about people's opinion
Reply to me and not that other dumb user, user.
>he plays vidya with IRL friends
lmao faggot
>irl friends
What a fag, the only friends I need is you guys
y-you too
you just gave me the feels.
hello darkness my old friend
go suck him off you huge faggot
Fuck him to reestablish dominance.
>Friend makes fun of me for playing weeb game
>Tell him to stop being a faggot and try it
>Some actually do it and get to experience a good game
Only really works out if it's actually good. A real shame OP has shit taste.
>not memeing him to oblivion until he stops
>selling off your waifus like cheap whores
you're fucking disgusting. Neps are to be kept private and worshipped alone in your bedroom, in the dark at 3am on a wednesday.
>implying I even play Nep trash
>implying your waifu isn't a whore
>mfw irl friends asking me for obscure hentai games recommendations and loli mods for Bethesda games
your friend is just jelly of your great taste thats all
But user Neptunia games are socialy acepted since Snoop Dog made Nepu his waifu
But Neptunia is garbage.
>playing nepshit
I bet you guys do "ironic" erp while posting cropped hentai and "lewd xdd" pics.
he's just goofing on you. It is embarrassing to play sexy weeb games. Just have a laugh at yourself and get over it.
>Being afraid to show off your Nep levels
You deserve to be bullied.
This is just the next stage of his plan to become immortal through memes.
Sounds like a shit "friend". Just the match for a beta cuck that is afraid to stay with nothing because he thinks he cannot get any better, surrounding himself with rotten people as a result.
Why are you so gay?
>asking that question on Sup Forums
we are Sup Forumsirgins, we would fuck pretty much anything, also I came from /fit/
But you'd be getting fucked by something.
potato, potatoe
More like potato, tomato
>not asking that question on Sup Forums
Give us his profile fellow nepfriend.
I want to bully him.
This sounds like a good top story for fake news. Call them. They might pay you for the story and provide legal assistance to sue your intolerant friend.
>we are Sup Forumsirgins, we would let pretty much anything to fuck us