Sup Forumsidya Drawthread

Previous Thread:
>Post character name/franchise and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Remember to UPDATE THE BOORU!
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:

Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!
NSFW Deliveries should also be posted in
Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky

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Reposting from previous thread.

Can i get a T-pose (Front and Sideways view) drawing of this girl? I want to model her in 3D but there are no anatomy references.
Its supposed to be a play on a Dota 2 hero called Pugna who was turned into a loli girl with a skimpy top and long wavey hair.
The Drawing on the left is a simplified version of the original character while the left obviously is the fan-made girl version.
Here are some more drawn references.
Pretty please, Will post model when finished.

Requesting Rise sitting on on stage, legs spread and pantsu visible, and with a mischievous look on her face.

Requesting Altina sitting cozy in Rean's lap.

Use the /vint/ thread while it still last

Requesting Misha Arsellec Lune from Ar Tonelico wearing the Sacred Gear armor that Saji has, but based on Reshiram (right leg and arm) and Zekrom (left leg and arm).

This lil cinnamon bun isn't getting anything in the new banner, so requesting Elise in a cute (not lewd) bunny outfit.

No, that's stupid.


Requesting Anna from Fire Emblem Fates wearing a bunny suit with a design based on her normal attire.

Messy paizuri please.

Your waifu adores you. Truly, it is an unescapable fate.

Requesting Level 99 Fist of the North Star-style 9S protecting his waifu

Requesting maid Hinoka standing on her tippy toes to dust a high area and accidentally giving an upskirt view please.
Requesting Aigis turned into a fuckcube or a fuckvase for this user.

Sumika from Orange_Juice and Mystia from Touhou remind me of one another, so, requesting they do something together or a fusion of the two.

Requesting a smug reaction image of Alarak from Starcraft like Constanza Shiggy Diggy with his psi-blade.

requesting Pic related with any vidya character of your choice
I recommend Olivia from Pokemon Sun and moon
and if you do this with Aigis don't give her feet and do it with her actual hooves things

Requesting Bomberman: Act Zero style Patricia Wagon/any grimdark version of her you can think of.

Requesting a big titty white mage.

Other than 9s and 2b mating press, any other couples you want to see in that position?

Requesting Megaman X learning the Dark Hadou from accidentally opening a Wily Capsule

Something sexy of her, especially involving thicc hips or butt. Maybe pulling down one side of her panties seductively?

Requesting an outfit swap between Noire and Severa/Selena.

Melia dressed as Meliadoul from FFT.

Requesting sexy /u/ time between Miriam and Dominique

Requesting Mai Natsume lying on her back, wearing a strap-on and stroking the shaft in remembrance of her long, lost penis.

Requesting art of Phantom Bomber's mecha, Mystic Hatter/Mystic Echo.


Licking a thick, long, hard rifle please.

I have an idea for Shoko. How about her suspended in an apparatus nude or with torn clothes with her legs spread over a wheel lined with dildos of veryous shapes and sizes. So the wheel turns a little, a piston goes off in the wheel and thrusts the cock into Shoko. The wheel turns again and the enxt cock goes inside her. The cock is never the same so she is never able to adjust to what's happening to her and that adds to the torture. Could I get it drawn?

Requesting Santa at the mall, letting little kids sit on her lap.

Requesting Lusamine wearing this female east german uniform.
As background the east german flag.

What? I want Kenshiro-9S killing robots for the sake of his waifu

Medb being gangbanged by a bunch of well-hung men, unable to be satisfied and instead they're dropping like flies unable to keep up with her.

This needs to stop.

Tangy with a maple leaf on her head.

Draw Whitney laying on her back over the edge of a bed. Big tiddies necessary.

Requesting Lucina, Cynthia, Zinnia, Lightning, and Marie as Power Rangers.

Poochie can be Zordon.

Requesting Tiki in the Virgin Killer Sweater.

Meme Sweater examples:

Requesting 9S with a butt that's bigger than 2B's!

Are there any drawfags left that draw boys? Are there any drawfags at all?

Requesting Rosa being fucked up against a wall.

Requesting Styla in a bathing suit

Requesting Labrys (without clothing) with velcro carpet in her hair color between her legs. Velcro pubes!

Look who's talking.

i moved to /vint/ not a drawfag

>Unique IP's
Posts like yours need top.

Clothing damage/laying defeated on the ground please.

In Tales of the Abyss we are told that Arietta lived in the wild and was raised by Ligers. However, we never actually see her past.

So, I'm requesting a tribal/feral looking Arietta with how she might have looked like while living in the wild, like with grass skirts and face paint and the like.

>mine is literal the most tame on of it
I don't even know what point I can prove anymore

Requesting Elincia's royal pussy getting fucked hard by bandits.

Requesting a simple original design for a fantasy game about punching because fuck I'm out of ideas. Female protag.

Requesting Camilla dominating Hinoka from behind with a strap-on.

Requesting Linkle giving a thighjob.

Requesting the Ice Kunoichi Yukimaru making a snowman out of the Thief as punishment for trying to steal from her

Okay, but HOW MUCH bigger? This is an important detail.

>still asking for original designs
Dude we get that you need artists for your game.
Go hire someone outside of these threads already, holy shit.

Giving a buttjob, please.

>a minute apart
Stop spamming your shitty requests

Clair buttjob please.

I don't know who else has been asking, but this is the first time I've ever entered one of these threads.

Requesting Mai Natsume celebrating her birthday that's on April 4th, such as her receiving presents or standing before a birthday cake.

Requesting anything of J-Bomb from Blast Corps.

Nothing ridiculously huge but at least 2 or 3 pant sizes bigger

New Bloodstained character, with big tits waiting to perform lewd and lascivious acts. Requesting that.

Requesting cool and epic stuff with Beyond the Grave from Gungrave. (cool male art only, no rule 63 version)

Please use game artworks as reference. Not the anime version! The anime version has a different hair color as example.

Requesting Lusamine in Ivy Valentine's get-up with her regular clothes color palette molesting/dominating Lillie

Large enough that 2B drools over it or feels inadequate/jealous by his ass

rev up those kh requests

Pamela having her dress ripped open and the chest so her huge tiddies spilled out?

Requesting Nowa and Fululu doing something cute togehter. (They live together in a netherworld based after feudal Japan)

Or, have Nowa tie up Fululu usiing her bead necklaces and wristbands, Nowa is a oni, and it's just what these crazy onis do.

Then that makes it okay, and I will design and draw your character in a full turn around for you.

generic animu slut

Requesting Sabrina getting beaten senseless by an angry Pangoro

Aqua being fucked through her spats or deepthroating a cock.

Requesting oily Maizuri with lots of cum

Requesting memes

It was a stupid question, I'll leave.

who's aqua? i want kh characters like sora goofy donald spehiroth and cloud strife

Requesting the opposite

Kay giving the succ please.

Anything lewd would be nice.

holy shit how was that possible

I'd like to see Margaret working a gloryhole, please.

Requesting Missy and Lady Meeber in outfits of your choice

Requesting Frimelda in bikini armor if you wouldn't mind.

Requesting Junko clothed paizuri.

Setsuna putting her DSL to good use on a thick cock, please.

Requesting Scuttlebutt using her box as a makeshift gloryhole.

Requesting Zinnia getting mating pressed by a big dick shota and fertilized.

Requesting Marin, anything is fine.

Fiona stepping on a cock in this outfit please.

Requesting Aigis without arms or legs, chained up in a bathroom stall and being used as a goloryhole.

Requesting asymmetrical docking with Magilou and Fiore.

Requesting double paizuri with Xine and Marguerite.

>bored, drop by drawthread to draw something
>there's like 80 gorillion posts asking for lewd art
>probably one or two samefags spamming

nigga(s) you need to just pay someone to draw your fetishes already

Requesting Sabrina, any butt stuff will do.

Mishafag got 4 deliveries in a single thread last day.
It's working out for some.

Here's something

I've been using the default brushes for quite a while, any brushes or setting anyone wanna share?

kids living on welfare and food stamps cant afford commissions.