So, now the comics industry has told them to fuck off, will videogames follow suit?
So, now the comics industry has told them to fuck off, will videogames follow suit?
>"they didn't want female characters"
>missing the point this hard
what did they do this time
I'll believe it when I see it.
I'm fucking amazed at businessmen has taken so long to cotton on to the fact that a black, gay, trans-Spider-Man is a fucking shit idea that no one wants.
No. Too cuck
Jews will always follow the money, except for jews working directly under Disney.
this article title reads like a typical sjw style headline of purposely missing the point and wording what actually is taking place in a specific way as to make it sound like people are racist and sexist. it's probably just a hit piece on this "marvel vp"
>Hire a bunch of fanartists and hack writers who have joined the cult of far leftism
>Get them to make reboots with genderbent/racechanged characters for the sake of diversity
>Tell the fanbase they're bad people for feeling alienated
>Say it's the industry's problem when sales tank
>When you can no longer ignore the fact that your comics are now a laughingstock and your sales have next to nil because SJWs aren't interested in comics, finally admit you were wrong
Crazy stuff.
>My free speech is allowed but yours isn't
Free speech just means you're entitled to suffer the consequences for sharing your retarded thoughts, but the Government won't participate.
Can't remember where I heard that.
>carol isnt as bad as she was under KSD, bit will forever be the posterchild of that era of marvel
fucking sucks man.
Also it's mostly 'murrican and leafs that fell for the diversity meme too hard.
I assume the next line is "but we're going to keep pushing for diversity because it's pushing for what's right."
>People who do not buy your product complain that you need to stop making your product for those who do buy it
>You ignore your fanbase and pander to a new one that has no interest in your product
>It doesnt sell
I like how they make the fans of comic books look like dicks for not liking shoehorned agendas.
Comic books are still gay as fuck though.
The latest Marvel relaunch bombed in comparison to DC's.
>couldn't handle opposing opinions
>I'll believe it when I see it.
marvels plans for the near future is to bring back all the classic white male title characters that have been replaced over the past several years.
>'didn't want female characters out there'
>Countless strong female characters in comics, maybe more so than any other medium
Hmm, my almonds...
>Also it's mostly 'murrican and leafs that fell for the diversity meme too hard.
No shit, what Eurocucks even produce content for Marvel or even DC?
>social media shutdown
>a negative thing
Why wouldn't males want more chicks in the comics? Unless they're wearing burkhas
The reason comics arent selling is that theyre an impenetrable clusterfuck. The diversity probably made sales rise for a bit but then peter out back to normal because nobody wants to buy 13 different 3.99 comics every month to see what the fuck wolverine is doing. Also marvels diversity is forced and insulting. The lesbo question from dc's 52 was handled very gracefully.
Unfortunately, that guy also said the diversity characters are here to stay and mostly blamed fans for not wanting the diversity.
I don't get why Marvel can't admit they were wrong on this. Everyone knows they bet on the wrong horse, but think something else is responsible for their string of failures.
>'calling out'
>as if half the arguments aren't disputing whether X example is sexism to begin with
Very slippery.
>to cotton
The problem was not minorities. The entire premise of the X-men is super minorities and they are incredibly popular. The problem was all the comics were written like shit, tied up in even shittier event storylines, and then rebooted every few months to get people to buy new first issues over and over.
Like he said, when he see it.
Soon, hopefully.
They won't have the balls to admit it though and will surely spew the same passive-aggressive house shit.
People wanted a black spiderman, doesnt mean they would buy the comics.
>tfw DC is rising in sales and beating Marvel because they went back to maybe not happy, but uplifting content where the heroes are no longer depressing and dark and old heroes who were thrown away during N52 are coming back
I don't care about sexism and sjws, I just want superheroes to be treated with respect and love.
I laughed when I read about this, marvel have been making so much retarded decisions and blaming it on the diversity meme is pathetic
They really like my money.
This is simple PR, they are attempting to get SJW to buy comics.
People who buy comics are like people who buy games, they have no ability to say no. They buy them no matter what propoganda is pushed into them.
I wish western comics weren't so dominated by capeshit.
i meant in vidya. glorious nippon kept on keeping on.
they didn't miss the point, they're just going for the victim money
>"Calling out sexism"
>"Feminist criticism"
In other words, "I don't like this, male sexuality is evil, video games need to stop attempting to please men, their primary userbase"
>Criticizing people is censorship
>Get criticized
>This is censorship
>I don't care about sexism
that makes you sexist
This, desu.
Based Leftycartoons BTFOing butthurt anti-SJWs.
Most of the dudes who buy comics are perfectly okay with female characters as long as they're attractive both aesthetically and as characters instead of intentionally average (or below average in some cases) annoying preachy holier than thou Mary Sues.
It's too late for capeshit. It's far too late to crawl out of the leftist abyss they willingly dove into. Serves them right the fucking cucks.
Yeah, the article headline is pretty misleading since it's about non-core Marvel characters including new female ones. More about diversity in the sense of new IPs than racial/sexual/ethnic diversity like it's suggesting. It's still pretty vague since it's not pointing at any comics in particular.
>listen to a bunch of people that don't purchase comic books about what comic books need more of
>"I don't get why we're not selling, people must hate diversity"
Fucking incredible.
Superheroes have always been leftist. Conservatives don't read comics other than Chick Tracts.
This. The problem isn't "diversity" It's that their comics are fucking bad (and the diversity quota is just one element of why they're fucking bad)
I'm all for more competent female characters and asian/latino (just no niggers please), but you gotta know your demographics man.
Capeshit readers are mostly sad white nerds, why would those guys want diversity rammed down their throats? If youre gonna add diversity, at least start off small or something.
>People who buy comics are like people who buy games, they have no ability to say no.
Maybe a weak minded toll like you, when I see bullshit I keep my money.
People don't care what kind of adjectives are attached to a character as long as the primary one is well-written.
Too bad Marvel is incapable of producing well-written content.
Sup Forums here, this man is correct. At this point I only buy trades and full graphic novels/collections of complete stories, or I wait until someone tells me a certain writer or artists run is amazing. Honestly with all the retcons, especially recently comics are becoming way less interesting for me. Retcons have always existed, but it seems like in recent years every single time the writer changes they try to undo everything in order to make a new and exciting story, and it never works out. I've been reading comics for 15 years and recent comics have been the least excited I've ever been for the medium.
>titania character assassination in 3. 2. 1.
Nice strawman you've constructed there you Sup Forumsmblr piece of shit
White males read a lot of comics, and Trump won that demographic by 30 points.
And to be fair the same goes for male characters. Most people would rather have attractive and interesting characters instead of dull and obvious mouthpieces for the writers' political opinions.
This. I'd rather just buy those omnibus things with the complete story. I did like Batman Earth One though, short self contained stories are nice. I know that's how comics are and I don't want them to change because I'm not a fan of the way in which they do things. but there's just so much it feels overwhelming.
Also, I never understood why they don't just create new heroes instead of changing already existing ones to different races and genders. Doesn't that further complicate things for other writers who want to do something with that character?
>Unfortunately, that guy also said the diversity characters are here to stay and mostly blamed fans for not wanting the diversity.
Shit like this will never ever in my entire life make sense to me.
>You don't want this thing we're forcing down your fucking throats? Fuck you then, fans. We're going to keep doing it.
>What the fuck do you mean our profits are down, Goldstein?
Video games, comics, what other industries do this shit? Films? It's pure stupidity to openly spit on your fans and then get mad when they won't buy from you anymore.
no way has the writing gotten this shitty and hamfisted .... no ... it can't be real ... do they even try tro make interesting characters or stories anymore or is it just a platform for their whining?
You could argue that it is hard to write good characters when you are forced to meet a quota of SJW bullshit.
If I'm wrong and conservatives do read comics, why is it called Sup Forumsmblr and not Sup Forumsrmfront?
This is why I prefer manga despite not being much of a weeb. They're just much easier to get into and always have one author. Also, most don't run for 50 editions.
This, already tired of 3 decades filled with so much grimderp story lines.
>alienate your core demographic
>sales drop
Bullshit. Forcefully changing the gender, sexuality or race of a character to normalise an agenda is garbage, no matter how well written. Fucking degenerate.
I can't even tell if it's an edit or not
Explain the drop in sales then.
>pander to new, loud ideology that never invested
>fuck repeat customers
>why are we not making money?
Really jimmy's my neutrons.
>have a built in fanbase for decades comprised of white nerds
>start to insult the white nerds as evil in every major publication you put out
>they stop buying your books
Because Sup Forums isn't just comics.
so can someone show an example of marvels "diversity" shit?
Is it just gaying up characters or making everyone black or something
i have no doubt that eventually we'll reach the point where the virtue signaling comes to an end. siege of dragonspear got torn apart with its hamfisted tranny shit, mass effect andromeda is being actively mocked even by the LGBTQWERTYBBQ audience it's designed specifically to pander to, the time is nigh
also, re: comics, it's almost like longtime fans didn't want to buy butchered, propagandized "reboots" of their old favorites, or had a problem with the insane double standards present in the new and "improved" female Thor for an example
Why don't those repeat costumers like women and brown people? Are they racist/sexist?
Because Sup Forums specifically is a tumblr colony and also includes cartoons.
Also conservatives for years loved Superman. part of the reason people hated Superman is because he came off as a Republican.
>can't admit they were wrong on this. Everyone knows they bet on the wrong horse, but think something else is responsible for their string of failures.
this is sjw mentality in a nutshell. They're too ignorant to know when they are wrong and are always looking for something else to blame.
>t. non comic man
The people who buy comics will follow a series and often collect all the issues.
When it ends they wont get the next series if they dont like how things are going.
Sup Forums shit and manga is selling like hot cakes right now, its not changed much since the 90s. now the west is going back in time to try lure some customers back
yeah, after you turned Captain America who was an icon of the country in WWII into a fucking undercover nazi, your audience might get tired of everything being driven into the mud all the time
Holy shit its finally all falling apart, second 90's here we come.
it's because they can slap the Spider-Man title on the front of miles' book for name recognition. just swithc out the pronouns there for literally any legacy character. why have yet another archery whiz when you can just call her Hawkeye?
hello. welcome to the thread. feel free to scroll up
Maybe you but we wouldnt be so deep into the dlc/microtransaction hole if people could keep their money into their pockets
Even G Willow Wilson pointed out that shitting on the original character does the legacy character no favours.
Stuff like "Kate's the best, Clint's shit", or "Carol's the bestest hero ever!" just annoys people.
Also, does it not occur to Marvel to make anthology titles instead of doomed solos?
I'm sad that Marvel still refuses to get rid of these characters and insists that they can still make it work, but not surprised they think this way.
It also doesn't help Marvel's profits that they intentionally antagonize fans of the older iterations of characters.
The worst part is this is entirely right.
The only way they could market femThor was the shock value of making actual Thor not Thor anymore and giving his hammer to some no name bitch. Once that wore off nobody cared about her anymore.
Marvel is incapable of creating new and interesting superheroes anymore so they just slap new faces onto old names and remarket them.
It's because the comic book industry's two main game plans are boring repetition or terrible shakeup. Their hubris was in trying to maintain one cast of characters for seventy years. If from the get go they had decided to retire their characters every decade or so and move on to something equally creative they would have been able to work in diversity naturally AND retell similar plots instead of becoming an endless stream of the same boring, failing garbage.
Since you're trying to equate comics and games one to one the closest analogy is probably something like the sonic franchise, which was created thirty years ago and is struggling to stay relevant despite being a drained well
Average capeshit reader today.
>people don't want this, don't want that
Still as stubborn as a mule. I wonder who they'll blame besides themselves this time.
And the video game industry already does. Also series end quicker. You don't have a new video game coming out every other week about the latest story of Batman. You'll have new games in new genres starring new characters. Sure, you'll see series die off as they abandon their core audience, but most heavy hitters either are brushed under a rug never to be heard from again, milked to death, or are still going strong trying new things.
Fucking kill yourself, Sup Forums.
The diversity isn't the problem. The garbage writing is. You can introduce a diverse character, but you have to make us LIKE THEM.
Female Thor sounded cool, like a Valkyrie. But it's literally just a feminist soapbox dressed as Thor.
for several writers it's the latter by far. i dare you to go read ANY page of Champions and see if it doesnt make you want to roll your eyes.
I'm glad I didn't grow up in a fucking social media bubble, can you even imagine being in any way fazed by people on the internet telling you to kill yourself?
I also love it when retards cry about "receiving death threats" where people don't even dox them
Nah, nobody who buys comic books wanted diversity. The people who cry for diversity are your typical SJW liberals who only look at the face value of popular cultures and call themselves fans.
Traditional female and non white characters being fleshed out is fine. Traditional white male characters becoming women, faggots or minorities isn't.
Pretty much. Characters are either black, gay or the opposite gender. Or all of the above. They also jumped on the white hate bandwagon.
Weird how some white basement dwelling neckbeard would stop buying their shit. Can't understand how it happened. What a mystery!
Probably because they're just shitty characters with paper thin personality and their redeeming factor is they fill out a checklist.
>someone makes something
>you criticize it with half-baked bullshit opinions
>people point out why your opinion is bullshit
>you don't have a response and that makes you a victim of censorship
Jesus Christ I want to believe I'm being trolled.