Would you ever play a game featuring girls that gain powers to transform to save the school from ethereal monsters?
Would you ever play a game featuring girls that gain powers to transform to save the school from ethereal monsters?
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Koei Tecmo translates it and brings it to the West, and if they put it on PC, then yes, I'll play it and probably enjoy it.
The world needs more magical girl games. Plus this game is visually one of the best looking games out there. Why are Gust's artists so good?
*If Koei Tecmo
I'm a smelly EOP.
But if it gets translated I'll buy it day 1.
If the gameplay's as terrible as everything else Gust shit out, God no.
I will if KT translates it for my EOP ass.
Is it as good as Ar Nosurge? I liked that one a lot.
Only if there's a kiss.
Pick one and only one
The battle bits look very typical gust RPG, but what about the non-magical girl school life, what is it like?
I will if it get's localized
id play anything if i can jack off to it
Number 5 is the best one
>best tits
>best hair
>best body type
Those bitches are all very cute
I like 7 and 11 the most.
What kind of man plays All-Girl Highschool JRPG
14 is cute
>all that same face
And why are their ears so fluttered?
It's Kishida, That's to be expected.
3 all the way
>long hair
>small tits
>perky butt
I bought Berseria, Nier, Nights of Azure and Atelier Sophie and Firis at full price.
If they put it on PC and has anime and what looks to be carpet munchers I will buy it.
Kill yourself PCbro
You can't even explain what's wrong with their gameplay
Because you can't.
A lonely, depressed, horny man who wishes his life had gone better, A man who drowns himself in escapism.
Why? They're often legit good.
You can read a few texts from the girls sometimes and go out on dates with them to raise friendship. There are missions that give you points and you have to do them to advance the story, but not every single one of them. If you choose not to advance the story you can keep going on dates with all the girls. It's a very casual game and the battles are the easiest I've ever seen.
Those types are indeed trying to pretend they're hot shit and do their hardest to play "cool" videogames.
When will GUST finally kick the bucket? Yuri pandering will only last so long.
6, but only if she gets violent
They're only starting baby, this game has their highest budget yet and they have support from Kadokawa (who own From Software)
Normally, i hate moe blob games of cute girls doing cute things. But fuck gust games. Their sure gameplay/music compensate that.
Also, its hard as balls to explain to normalfag friends why these games are good.
People think a yuri magical girl high school game is cool? I'm not sure we're on the same page.
7, 8, and 14
The battle soundtrack is bretty good.
Of course. The yurier the better
Well, I imported Valkyrie Drive TWICE, and bought Gal Gun Double Peace four times.
You tell me, OP.
Not if it's yurishit.
You're retarded as expected.
11 is super cute between glasses and that side braid. 10 is very cute since she's so tall and I love her wavy hair. Also 6 has a great expression, from the above line-up she seems to have a bit more meat on her bones which makes her stand out a bit.
They're not real m8, you won't get to put their penis in them regardless. Get over it.
Only if we find out later that the monsters are all magical girls that went mad
Has this come out yet?
Is it actual yuri or is it just undertones
the running animation looks so shit, but the environments and music are good, and gameplay actually looks really fun.
it's a cute all girls school where they defend the school from disgusting boys trying to enroll in the school.
of course their weapons are conventional items like soccer balls, sticks, bookbags, shoes, etc.
Was gonna, looked interesting, then
and dropped harder than a twelve cheese stacker in the bowl.
>hating yuri
>in a magical girl setting
nigga, what even interested you to begin with? there isnt a single magical girl series, show, whatever that doesnt have yuri undertones.
The american really stands out.