What about some good old Fighting games Thread, hum guys

What about some good old Fighting games Thread, hum guys.

What have you been playing?
What have you been waiting for?
Best fightan you ever played?
Worst Fightan you ever played?
What is the coolest move you ever saw in a fighting game?
Who is the best girl?

Chun Li will always be best Street Fighter girl and anyone who says otherwise is a fucking contrarian

>What have you been playing?
KoF '98
Waku Waku 7
World Heroes Perfect

Switch is proving to be an awesome classic fighting game machine so far.

What have you been waiting for?
Ultra Street Fighter 2, looks fun and full of nostalgia too.

Best fightan you ever played?
Marvel vs Capcom 2 (I'm a casual Fighting game player though so I know how to do inputs and spacing but not advanced enough to know how to use cancels to reset combo chains and such).

Worst Fightan you ever played?
A tie between Shaq Fu for SNES or Rise of the Robots for SNES.

What is the coolest move you ever saw in a fighting game?
MK3/UMK3 Liu Khang's fatality where he brings down an arcade cabinet is pretty awesome.

I also love Silver Samurai's jutsu supers in MvC2.

Street Fighter V mainly, I also bought USFIV for cheap to practice some stuff.

I'm waiting for the SGB which is a CPT event in my city, shit's gonna be fun even though I'm gonna get destroyed.

I don't know, probably capcom vs snk 2, or third strike.

Definitely Killer Instinct, just can't get into it sorry.

The 25 hit combo by daigo against momochi at stunfest.

Karin Kanzuki and Kolin, hard to choose.

Still playing Tekken Tag Tournament 2.
6 years later and I can't break myself away.

Tekken 7 needs to come out already.

How the fuck are you playing that PoS still? I play it off and on but I quit every time I realize how shit it is conpared to t7

It's hardly shit you twat.
It's a pretty great game, but Tekken 7 will be better.

>What have you been playing?
SFV and GGxrdRev
>What have you been waiting for?
Tekken 7 and Rev 2
>Best fightan you ever played?
3S and Revelator
>Worst Fightan you ever played?
Nitroplus Blasterz
>What is the coolest move you ever saw in a fighting game?
Dunno, Urien's SFV super is pretty cool
>Who is the best girl?

>Combos are exagerattingly long (which is shit when you are trying to play more then 1 team)
>Balancing is still pretty bad
>Solos are still overpowered shitters
>Bounding system shows its flaws after a while
>Rage mode is a bullshit mechanic


That was my first fighting game.

I'd love for one of the characters to be added to jive.

This really. Cammy and Rose are the only acceptable other answers, but Chun is the best.

Wow, way to out yourself as a scrub.

>Combos are exagerattingly long (which is shit when you are trying to play more then 1 team)
They're not much longer than T6's combos and I personally love performing long combos.
>Balancing is still pretty bad
Balance is fucking great, especially considering it didn't have any post-release balance patches. Every character and team is viable.
>Solos are still overpowered shitters
Solos are the furthest thing from overpowered. They are literally incapable of utilizing any of the tag mechanics and you lose matchup coverage with solos. The only trade off is that solos get rage when they're hit with tag assaults, which can be worked around by using tag launchers instead
>Bounding system shows its flaws after a while
What flaws exactly? It's the same system that was present in Tekken 6
>Rage mode is a bullshit mechanic
I will give you this one. I didn't like rage in 6, still don't like it in Tag 2.
Literally git gud.

Recently dropped SFV (again) and started Pokken proper. Right now I Switch between SSF2 and Waku Waku 7.

You were in the Waku thread yesterday weren't you?

I lurked it, lots of Arina image dumping.

You'll understand what I'm talking about when you get to play T7.

I frequent my round 1 and play it instead of Tag 2 now.

Understand what? That you've got no idea what you're talking about? I'm glad you enjoy Tekken 7, but you're very wrong about Tag 2 and that's that.

Hope you don't change your opinion again when they put eddie into the main game. Apparently Capos bring the game down.

What have you been playing?
Street Fighter II Champion Edition and Hyper Fighting

What have you been waiting for?
Best fightan you ever played?
Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting

Worst Fightan you ever played?
None that I can remember.

What is the coolest move you ever saw in a fighting game?
Tiger Uppercut

Who is the best girl?
Chun Li

I haven't played a lot of other fighting games besides sf2 if you couldn't tell. Does anybody here go on Fightcade? I frequently go on there but most of the times for champion edition its brazillians with bad connection, or nobody at all for hyper fighting. I'd be happy to play with someone if theyre interested. Im from U.S if youre wondering.

Tag 2 is a really shit game breh.

Even tekken revolution was better.

Killer instinct is the only fighting game with a decent story.

Also, you don't like a fighting game because of the story?
That's a shitty excuse for not being able to pull off an UUUULLLLLLLTTTRRRRAAAAAAAA CCCOOOMMMMMMMMMMBBBBOOOOOOOOO

>Even tekken revolution was better

Opinion disregarded.

sfv , 3rd strike and thanks to this asshole rivial schools on DC

Fuck Project Justice was so good. It just needed a bit more depth and the game really would have caught on.

The world needs a new RS game.

Curious, you don't like supers or maybe some other balance changes in the later SF2 games?

>What have you been playing?
Yatagaratsu, got a torrent of it to see how it is, it is actually quite good but doing motion moves, even DP or 1/4 circle feels incredibly high execution for whatever reason. I've been playing SF3 and some other fightans on fightcade but i just usually get my shit beaten. i need to remember to make a list of players to avoid else I'll just get upset every time.
>mfw i can't for the love of God beat any chun li, Yun, elena, or Athena(kof 98 and 00)

>What have you been waiting for?
MvC:I but i'm not very optimistic about it, I also would like to buy rev but none of my friends play it and the game is usually dead online, not because it is a bad game but it a very overwhelming game and playing more than an hour of it seems tiresome as fuck, which is why i probably never find anyone online.

>Best fightan you ever played?
I'll go with a tie between SF3 and SF4, both have a lot of stuff i like and dislike but SF4 roster size is just really fucking cool.

>Worst Fightan you ever played?
I guess it would be either SF5 or Mortal Kombat XL. SF5 has a lot of problems but i can't for the love of me see the fun in Mortal kombat XL, 9 was really fun but XL just feels like a huge mess, having more doesn't mean better.

>What is the coolest move you ever saw in a fighting game?
Alex Hyper bomb, the fact it changes the animation depending on which direction your opponent is facing is just really fucking cool.

>Who is the best girl?
Juri or Any DOA girl really.

I just wish i had more people on my level to play in most games, most people are already master of pretty much every game i play and getting bodied doesn't help on the learning process. There are some regulars on third strike but most of them are though guys.

I kinda envy the japanese and anyone who can play fightans on the regular, it must be pretty cool.

the TRUTH right here

Quick question, why aren't you playing The Anniversary Edition of SFII? It's the best version of SFII by far.

I've been meaning to play DDND.
I hear it's a surprisingly great game despite it's weird lolsorandom style.

Super Turbo is isn't bad, in fact I would probably play that one the most, but I get my ass reemed everytime I try to play that one. I don't mind the supers or balance changes. I also just think the hit sound effects and music of hyper fighting is a little bit cooler than those on ST.

never tamled about the story, I don't like the combo system that's all.

I think it's way less fun compared to say SF or any other 2D fighter.

Been playing too much Pocket Rumble lately

Oh another reason I tend to avoid playing st and anniversary edition is because on fightcade, those two games in particular seem to have tons of frame skipping for some reason compared to hyper fighting, and it just makes it kind of annoying to play because you end up getting reemed by attacks you don't even see. anniversary edition, without the effects of fightcade, is fucking awesome, and I know I WOULD play that one the most. the ability to use all of the characters from all of the games is fucking amazing.

Ergheiz is pretty good but my all time fav is Kabuki Klash

Adding to my previous statement i really wish i had good internet and that my fucking retarded family members wouldn't use all of it all the fucking time, even playing on fightcade is impossible these days because of this fuckers.

Having to share only 10mb with people that constantly download shit on torrent and is always using all the internet all time is annoying as fuck.

Have you looked into your local FG community? I can't say for certain there will be one, but if there is, it'd be a good thing to reach out to them and try and become a part of it.

SFV, Xrd and a few others with friends.

Rev 2, Injustice 2 cause Gorilla Grodd, MvC:I

Xrd and Vasv

Injustice 1, but we still play sometimes for memes.

Hsien-Ko's Tenraiha and Eliza's Lady of Slaughter

Jam. Runner ups are Squigly, Hsien-Ko and A.B.A.

Quite sure there's no such thing in brazil unless you look into specific places.

Shit, when i got revelator i look everywhere to find other BRs to play, i even went to forums and even fucking facebook but no one wanted to play.

Than i found a random BR online but he had the PS3 version and trying to get anyone to join your lobby fucking sucks. It took me other 7 months to find other BRs to play and even them they dont play much.

I tried the same thing with skullgirls and joined a discord skullgirls group, only one guy added me and we played like once and never again.


Oh man, I am sorry. You might have more luck picking up KoF.

If even Darkstalkers can't get a new game, there's no way Rival Schools will.

why did she turn into a panda?

Because China. Same reason Dovonan turns into an Indian chick with curry. Because India.

Probably, but I still keep my hopes up since Itsuno's still pretty vocal about wanting to do another RS.

I don't like KOF though, i honestly find the command moves and the entire roster pretty annoying, i only know 2 characters because most of them don't tickle my fancy, also fighting Iori, k' and athena for the 10000000000000000000000000000000000000th time ain't that fun.

Best jiang-shi.

that port bombed too, so there is that.

It seems the only multiplayer vidya I enjoy are fighters, everything else has shit gameplay or has angnsty nerds. Locals have chill people you can play and a 1 v 1 is much better than listening to online fags sperg about stupid shit like in a discord mmo, does anyone else know this feel?

>SFV and/or literally any game I feel like booting up on fightcade
>Mvc:I, Tekken 7 and Future SFV characters
>Midnight Bliss
>Chun li

What kinda specs you got to run that?

>What have you been playing?
A little bit of everything on Fightcade. I've been trying to git gud at Real Bout Fatal Fury Special with Franco Bash, but this lag is just too much man. Even with port range forwarding. Puerto Rican Internet is the fucking worst.

>What have you been waiting for?
Nothing, kinda got everything I could want already. I'm waiting for River City Ransom Underground to finish getting patched so I can recommend it to my other friends. It's fun, but not CASUAL fun, which it sorta needs right now.

>Best fightan you've ever played?

Oh man, Breakers motherfucking Revenge. Hands down. That game is the fucking shit, even if the room is pitifully tiny and full of BRs. Also Heritage for the Future. B.Pol is fun. Trying to learn Jotaro.

>Worst fightan you've ever played?
Street Fighter 2. It's janky as fuck. Kinda fun but christ is it fucking clunky.

>What is the coolest move you ever saw in a fighting game?
Baoh's GHA in All Star Battle. He beats the ever loving fuck out of you and I love it.

>Who is the best girl
You can't deny this.

Picked up guilty gear xx on sale, new to fighters and guilty gear. How will the struggle be?

I plan on learning 'casually' and put in time if I'm enjoying the learning process

>What have you been playing?
KOF14, XRD-R, BBCF with my boy
>What have you been waiting for?
KOF14 DLC, XRD-R2, Kajun and Jubei in BBCF
>Best fightan you ever played?
>Worst Fightan you ever played?
I've never been asked that. Even though I enjoyed sf5, I'd probably put it in there because of all the bullshit capcom has pulled and it's a year after release, so there's 0 excuses for it
>What is the coolest move you ever saw in a fighting game?
T hawk's Ultra 2, Oni's Ultra 2, Guy's Ultra 2, Hibiki's Anti Air grab, just to name a few
>Who is the best girl?
Sakura from Street Fighter, followed by Jam in Guilty Gear, a tie with Mai and King from kof and Noel from Blazblue

Rivals of Aether.

Which xx? X2 #Reload or XX Accent Core + R?

Either way they're both pretty awesome games, but Accent Core + R is the definitive game from the XX series.

The old school GGs are not easy to be honest. Very techincal and even the basic mechanics can be pretty difficult to understand and perform. I'd recommend looking up some good guides from youtube to help you get an understanding of the mechanics and tackling all that shit.

Are you the Puerto Rican from the other thread in /vr/??

Anyone else here really into the older KOF games? A friend and I have been playing them daily for a few months now.

I really like 98 the most, but 02, 00, and 96 are all among my favorites.

Athena, Chang, Mai, Kim, Daimon, Choi, Yamazaki, Leona, and Joe are some of my favorite characters to play as. My friend bitches about having to fight a small character like Choi, even though he's typically not very good in most games(aside from 02).

I keep trying to get into 03, since it's unique, but that game feels like shit. Bad sound design, horrible timer, it just feels all wrong.

>What have you been playing?
Vampire Savior

>What have you been waiting for?
More info on MvCI i guess

>Best fightan you ever played?
Bloody Roar 3

>Worst Fightan you ever played?
Rise of the Robots

>What is the coolest move you ever saw in a fighting game?
Mad Trapper

>Who is the best girl?
Ivy Valentine

I've been trying to get into 02UM for some time but I'm not familiar with the mechanics and I'm pretty bad at 2D fighters in general.

My team was Hinako/Lin/Foxy.

Third strike, Persona ultimax
another good port of Hyper fighting or third strike
Hyper fighting
shun goko satsu is always cool
I like ibuki the most

>What have you been playing?
Revelator and Soul Calibur 2. Trying to give KoF one last shot cause of the dlc announcement of Vanessa

>What have you been waiting for?
Tekken 7 and it's coming out in 60 days. I'm fucking sick of waiting for it already. Rev2 as well. Hate that it's a week before Tekken 7 though.

>Best fightan you ever played?
GGXXAC+R, Soul Calibur 2 and Alpha 2 or 3 depending on the mood I'm in.
>Worst Fightan you ever played?
In terms of fighters people actually can like and not throwaway titles. I'd say in recent memory MKX personally and SFV factually. I hate MKX's gameplay so much, but I think it would be one of the first fighters I'd recommend to complete normie casuals. SFV while playable has been a fucking joke since release and still is with how Capcom is handling the game. The list of problems I've had with this game ever since release would exceed the word limit.

>What is the coolest move you ever saw in a fighting game?
I think Alex's hyper bomb in Third Strike. Having it be different depending on which way your opponent is looking is super cool. Landing it normally for the killing blow with three heavy ass slams shouting HYPA BOMB and then ending it with "At ease lossah", is quite possibly one of the most satisfying things I've done in a fighting game.

>Who is the best girl?
Guess it has to be Vanessa for me. She's the closest to all the things I like in a girl and a fighting game character. Which is why it's one of the biggest driving forces for me to get into KoF cause they are good games and have characters I do really enjoy like Terry as well. However for some reason it just can't hold my attention as much as I want it to.

I have both 98UM and 02UM as well, but I find myself playing the fightcade vanilla versions more. Why? The lag is un-fuckin-believable. On fightcade, my friend from a few states over has a flawless connection, but on the UMs, there's no consistency. Great connections one second, awful lag the next. It's a shame too, because those games have awesome additional characters and balance changes. I'd lot to get to enjoy playing as Geese and Kasumi all the time.

At least my friend doesn't get top tier Lucky. He still annoys the fuck out of me in vanilla 98, even though the character is supposedly low tier.

Nah, I don't browse there. Did the other dude have tastes like mine?

I'm looking to start a free entry mystery retro game of the week tournament at my local weekly. Thinking I might be a madman and start with X-Men vs. Street Fighter

More ir less, he was recently going to figtcade a lot. Just a coincidence.

This is the first fighting game I have ever truly enjoyed and I don't know why. I just love the atmosphere and gimmicks

Well, story-focused anime fightans did sort of catch on a while ago. Maybe if Capcom eventually does just give Itsuno some time to just occupy himself as he will


Accent core + R

I'll see how far in the xx series seeing the technical learning curve

I'm looking into the xrd series too, they look good.

More or less, I've been trying to play KOF but i guess i just don't like the gameplay, most characters feel like they have many safe attacks that i don't really know what is punishable or not so i just get my ass kicked, trying to fight Athena is a fucking nightmare. I have never beat an athena and i've been trying to play since last November, i also only know how to play Terry and Daimon, i don't know anyone else.

>The list of problems I've had with this game ever since release would exceed the word limit.
Same deal here, every time i try to play the game i get angry at it on how much bullshit it has, i deleted it from my PS4 today and I'll just try selling this shit for cheap.

If you're willing to fork out the dough despite having just bought a GG game, Xrd is a really great place to start for newbies to the series and to fighting games in general. A lot of good stuff for getting into the game is included and a lot of the mechanics have been streamlined so they're a lot easier to understand and use.

It's still got a fuck ton of depth though and is very high paced, even if it's not as fast as the older sprite-based GGs.

XI is 03 but good. It's not on fightcade but if you have a buddy it's good.

You need to learn the grand movement options you have in KOF. Do you know how to hop? This is quite possibly the most important movement option you need to study and master.

Hops are how you make mixups, overheads, opportunities, and more.

You say you're struggling with Athena? It's true her projectile game is daunting to a new player, but fireballs in KOF are typically not safe to constantly throw out, and this is due to how powerful of a tool hopping/hyper hopping is.

If you run and hop towards the opponent, it becomes a hyper hop automatically(normally, you have to press the opposite direction before the hop). You can use these to dance past projectiles, and tear her tight asshole apart.

It doesn't matter. Rival Schools is not a profitable IP, thus it won't be revived. That's how Capcom and the industry at large work.

I picked it up for the PS2 at a mom and pop store. Unfortunately, I have no one to play with locally, so it has just been gathering dust.

It sure has a weird ass roster and team selection. I really wish Duck King was in more KOF games.

>What have you been playing?
Gundam Wing Endless Duel thanks to a music thread about a week ago
>What have you been waiting for?
Yamazaki DLC in KoF XIV
>Best fightan you ever played?
CvS2, though I also really liked USF4.
>Worst Fightan you ever played?
Probably some forgettable 4th gen shovelware fighter no one has heard of. I tried the G Gundam SNES game and that was pretty awful.
>What is the coolest move you ever saw in a fighting game?
Probably one of the Guilty Gear destroyers. Otherwise I'm usually a sucker for any form of izuna drop.

i honestly have more trouble with her air moves , her grab, and that special she does the does damage around her.

They did say they wanted to bring back dormant IPs though

Please user, just let me tell myself these comforting lies.

Why is zombie love the purest form of love?

Playan: GGXrdR
Waitan: GGXrdRev2
Bestan: GGAC+R
Worstan: Injustice probably or some joke game
Coolest: Psycho Crusher and Fafnir
Best Girl: SFV girls. Game is ass but holy fuck what ass and thickness those girls have.

They're trying to keep fans invested. They're going to use that new Switch Street Fighter as an excuse to stop making Street Fighter by asking for sales it has no chance of making, just like Darkstalkers on the PS3 and Xbox 360.

>Best Girl: SFV girls. Game is ass but holy fuck what ass and thickness those girls have.

Her light phoenix arrow can be annoying, and the heavy does a lot of damage typically if it does hit, but you just have to be aware of her options. Light is almost always safe on block, so just block and return to neutral, unless you're in a corner. It loses to DPs in the corner, so if your character has one, let it rip. The heavy can typically be punished with a sweep when blocked, so take advantage of that.

Her command grab is kinda meh, but she gets a free DP/DM(if they're good or in the corner) when she lands it. You just have to know how to deal with command grabs in KOF in general. Hop on wakeup if you suspect they're going for the grab, and punish.

Her super isn't as amazing at it would seem. You can typically punish with a DM of your own on block, it's kind of hilariously unsafe. Just approach her on her wakeup with caution if she has meter. Try to bait her out, and punish.

She's an annoying mid tier, if your practice, she stops being so annoying.

Can I go cheap and pickup sign($10) over the revelator($40)?

finally started playing rashid and it's pretty fun

Cause love is blue.

>hand over the 4.99 plus tax, kid

i can't wait to never see it online like very other SF5 costume that isn't free.

Also, that art looks really good, i hope they sue it in future games.

Probably not. Sign's an older version of the game that's a decent starting point, but there's going to be literally no online players because of the fact that it's outdated.

This is a problem with Arksys games in general. They tend to outdate their products quickly ( See the entire blazblue series release) and as a result, the playerbase drops the outdated version before the new version is even released and move on.

Plus Rev has more characters and is getting a downloadable upgrade soon, so you won't have to purchase an entirely new version of the game if you want to keep up with the current version.

Mostly emulated games on my laptop since I can't be arsed to hook up my stick and turn on the TV. I'll be playing KOFXIV, BBCF, and GGXrd once I can stop being such a piece of shit.
>waiting for
Yamazaki and motherfucking ROCK HOWARD IN A FIGHTING GAME AGAIN and of course MvCI news
>best ever
Hard to say. Maybe Marvel 2 or KOF02 (my personal and shitty opinions)
>worst ever
I dunno. I played a lot of KOF03 and the Maximum Impact games back when I didn't know any better. They were fun back then.
>coolest move
Any one that wins a match for me. Really hard to decide, honestly
>best girl
Toss up between June Lin Milliam and Hotaru Futaba

i might try this if i ever play kof again, takes for the help.