Switch consoles are warping after keeping them docked

>Switch consoles are warping after keeping them docked.

uhh....that's not good.

I wonder how this guy managed to do that

you literally stole this from reddit

its trying to switch into something better
like a ps4

You would know, fag

Maybe it's warping to a better play.





>put switch in dock
>dock takes a sharp left
>switch warps through spacetime
WTF Nintendo?

>bending your switch just to make a shitposting thread on Sup Forums

Was his dock warped or something?


I call complete bullshit on this. There's zero tension on the device when it's docked, and it doesn't get nearly hot enough to bend easily. The adhesive keeping the screen on would probably come loose before that happens.

>slowly bends
>after 2 years it's closed up and you can't see the screen anymore


>better play

want to try that again?

reverse image search takes 5 seconds dumbass

>sonygaf making more shit up
pathetic. dont you guys have videogames to play? OH FUCKING WAIT


>the Switch is an absolute piece of garbage hardware
and the news are...?

more like that warp in your back pocket after you sit on it

"SWITCH; it warps in your pocket, not you dock"

guys this is legit.

>Switch owner starts to sweat

> 1 post by this ID

>that noticeable of a bend
>from overheating
Guy probably sat on it and then decided he could at least get some internet points out of it.

Even if it's legit that kind of fault is covered by the nintendo standard warranty.

This closes the book of nintendo

We needs flags back. Fucking eurotrash Sonyshitters.

woke up in the morning for a session of zelda and took the switch out of the dock when i noticed my switch was a pretzel
not only was it scratched to shit, but now the bowing and the SD card slot is a bubbling heap of plastic

seriously, this is unacceptable and someone should get on an emulator for this already, it's using 10 year old hardware for fucks sake, nintendo deserves to collapse

>leaf cuck sonyger

maybe it bent because you keep it in your pants pocket?

except OP's image is from somewhere else and you're bullshitting

nice try sonygaf

this combines the technology of the switch with the handling of the 3DS

Could battery bulge cause this?

nice shoop there sony pony? you cucks are really reaching now, huh?

bulge would bend outward, op's picture shows it being bent the same direction on both panels, it was either melted or the fat fuck bent it somehow

sonygers manufacturing false flag scenarios? YOU DONT FUCKING SAY!

when will mods ban sonytrash

why are you assuming its sonyboys?



>falseflagging just as soon as this

>taking a whole 5 seconds to do a reverse image search

>happens 1 out of 6 billion sold units
Yeah it happens. Whatever just send it back for repair. Nintendo is still winning.

I don't know about bent but I know the piece of shit stand on mine won't sit flush anymore for some reason. The fucking thing was used once besides putting an sd card in also.

>thinks its falseflaggers
yesterday revealed the truth you fucking cuck. sonygers are all fucking leaf shitposters biggest cancer on this fucking website.

lemme guess youre sonyger leaf too?

>yesterday revealed the truth you fucking cuck. sonygers are all fucking leaf shitposters

No. yesterday revealed that SJWs were leafs. there were literally no console war threads on /vint/

want proof? board's still up, look up the archives

Why why dammit fuc

thanks for falling my baits :^)

console wars are so easy


took me a second, lel


>defacing your property with gaudy stickers
maybe you should invest in a case instead of sitting on your switch you fucking animal

How would the dock even do this? It doesn't even squeeze the sides.


So, is it just one guy?

This place will make it seem like it's literally every unit.

Overheating doesn't bend like that, if it got hot enough to do that there would be plastic melted first.

>you literally stole this from reddit
why does it matter? can any polfag answer why it reddit matters? is it to create a safespace in v?



nah, mine isn't bent like OP but the built quality around the plastic on the back makes it feel like it might whenever it feels like it

sonygers are desperate for any kind of ammo just ignore and report

>binding of isaac sticker
so goomore like bending of isaac?

go back to pol

it's more likely that either the user is repetitively inducing stress in some way during use (whether intentional or not), or the dock is aligned in a way that induces stress in the manner causing it to bend

Additionally, it's still on Nintendo's engineers to either use materials that would prevent this from happening (assuming this happens in a common use-case for the Switch). A good design should be retard-proof, especially if the product is made to be, for example, used by children.


>putting stickers on your property

Absolutely deserved it.

remember, Sup Forums is the boogeyman. anytime anyone posts anything you don't like, he's a Sup Forumsposter

day of the rake when?

did you try checking with a ruler?
Mine's kinda bent too like
Just barely but I don't actually know if it came like that or if it's happening because of the dock

I just walked up to my dock and look at what happened to mine. This is inexcusable. I can understand a slight warp but holy shit not like this!

And your point? All 3ds models tops screen scratches against the plastic lip on the bottom screen, it's been a design flaw since the OG 3ds and they've done nothing about it. People are still buying them.

>r the dock is aligned in a way that induces stress in the manner causing it to bend
There is like a lot of clearance between the Switch and the dock when inserted. There is no squeeze, it just sits on the USB port.

Also Nintendo engineers can't design around people sitting on stuff which is what the OP image looks like.

some people want Sup Forums to be a safe space from reddit
it kind of boggles my mind how many people don't realize this and see that they're pretty much just as bad as SJWs and the "redditfags" they hate for doing so

on one hand, i too miss the days of nintendium and of my OG gameboy surviving a trip through the washing machine. on the other, stop fucking abusing your things and they won't get bent

pol dismisses posts/statistics/journalism if they perceive it's in any way to be from a source they don't favor ala reddit, jews, liberals etc

>now its a 3DS

damn, a thinner 3DS
how do they keep doing it, lads

yeah, ruler touches all of it

I can only hope that it's not actually changing because of the dock and it just came like this

pol regularly dismisses "evidence" from any source proven to be subverted or attempting to obfuscate the truth. or do you just willfully ignore/accept the blatant biases in most media?

>t. reddit refugee

Fuck back to where you belong

That's a feature.

t. Nintendo

Mines has a slight curve since day 1 and i havent even used docked mode outside the inital setup

where? gaia?

>nintenbros derailed thread with "b-b-b-b-but Sup Forums!"
>doesn't even have to do with politics

i think we need the flags back to identify the leafs among us

thanks user that makes me feel a little better about playing it docked

you're fooling yourself if you think there's a perfect, unbiased news source out there for you to rely on 100% of the time. they all get it wrong or right every now and then, the difference is some at least try to be real like NYT and others just make shit up like infowars. if there's any bias, they have a bias towards sensationalizing everything to make a quick buck off gullible retards, not towards social justice causes.

>4 threads about this right now
Really made me think..

is this a leaf thing?
I'm a leaf but i've never even cared about politics

Dont know why people still try?

The crowbat video with 10 million views didn't stop the switch from selling.

It did the opposite there's no such thing as bad publicity.

/vint/ revealed most political shitposts were made by leafs

literally gave Sup Forums a chance to avoid future baits

Mine was slightly curved out of the box, and that hasn't changed after 100+ hours in the dock.

Probably just an imperfect plastic mould. Remember how some PS4s "wobbled"? Same shit.

I literally cant wait for those fags at /qa/ to get hiro to add flags back.

You leafs are gonna be ousted and annexed fast

PS4's "wobbled" because it sits on 3 prongs set in a triangle.

There are 3 fucking threads with the same OP image. We get it, you hate the fucking switch.

I have about 80 hours played while docked, no bending at all.

I think its more likely they sat on it

I thought I was on Sup Forums for a second there. Great bait.

>my anecdotal evidence is worth shit

>Introducing the Nintendo 4ds

the OP claiming that it's the dock and they didn't sit on it is somehow worth more than ?

Yes, some people have issues, some don't, however retard saying that their personal experience reflect everyone are just useless

but it was marketed to be on the go. why shouldn't people expect to be able to put it in their pockets?

Are you clinically retarded?

This is a Switch design flaw.

Bullshit image, it has nothing to do with playing on the go as far as reddit has figured, it has to do with the device heating up while docked