Why do people pretend ecelebs help sell games?

Why do people pretend ecelebs help sell games?

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Most of these people who think like this are in a bubble and if it is being talked about in the bubble it must be popular.

The only game that ever got a significant amount of help from YT is Minecraft.

We JUST had this thread, lol.

It entirely depends on the type of game

If its something like a super linear walking adventure with barebones combat and no alternate routes of course nobody is going to buy it instead of watching a youtube walkthrough

It helps sometimes.

Explain FNAF

1 example isn't proof that it NEVER happens

Its setting was an untapped niche.

25-30k is pretty good for no name indie games
Why the fuck is the maker of this image thinking that doesn't translate to sales?

>Take a game from a start company
>Shill it
>It gets purchases comparable to a more fuller, defined game that has its own start up

I wonder

When you are talking literally everyone on youtube playing it obviously some of that will filter into sales, and then you have a much bigger fanbase for the 50 sequels

>Hey guys, look at these four games out of a hundred that actually sold because of ecelebs! FREE ADVERTISING GUYS

And how many sales would that piece of shit got if it hadn't been shilled? Less than 28'000 that's for fucking sure you dumb cunt.

As much as I despise e-celebs, parasitic let's players, and like how "cinematic" games have become, (to a point), this might have the effect of developers on emphasis on gameplay, or aspects that can't really be appreciated by watching a game being played without playing it yourself.

>Dunkey plays Nier
>Suddenly it's the best selling PC game of all time

Yeah, you're full of shit.

>B-b-but OP u-ur just cherrypicking, just like when we cherrypick the few games ecelebs actually help sell!


Well if your game is a piece of garbage and the only purpose it serves is to scare e-celebs into making silly faces then of course no one will buy it over watching the e-celebs

Don't they?

I only play weebshit, block all advertising and don't pay much attention to "gaming culture" but I'd have imagined marketing still works.

I mean I see plenty of eceleb on Sup Forums.

They do, there's a reason companies send free copies of their games to this pricks, it pays off.

People don't give a fuck about the games. They just want to watch the ecelebs. Children would rather watch video games than buy/play them.

You cant pretend the game itself deserves the same ammount.

Some people watch it just because it's their favorite LPer playing the daily shit game, no one cares if your indie garbage FNAF-copy didn't sell

>friend refused to acknowledge the fact that ecelebs get money for promoting games

He got defensive to the point of sounding angry because it was about a game he liked as well. It's stupid marketwise not to use these tools

You know what ecelebs help with? Visibility.

Very, very few people actually put in the effort of doing research and developing their own taste.

And in a market flooded with games you need to stand out.

In a market flooded with games, people still play the good ones (aka the ones that ecelebs don't shill)

>Underageb& are still defending ecelebs making bank off of video games while developers make dick
Worst timeline.

nice comparison image, but it would be nice to extend it to more games. I am afraid that tards like lirik, coocarnage and similar do help to sell games, but its really hard to estimate sales numbers

all these modern games being available on jewtube just lets you see how shit they are so the goys don't buy it

Keep sucking that eceleb dick

Not to defend LPs, but exposure helps sell things with substance. Shallow gimmicks aren't going to move games through more exposure

>facecam "game"
Pretty much nobody but streamers are really interested in joke games, most people just watch videos about them. It is literally a "let's player"-only market.

My fucking sides.
Are you serious?

the first amnesia wasn't doing very well until it blew up on youtube. i don't much care for ecelebs either but OP provided a single, poorly constructed example.

>4000 games released on steam in 2016
>let's players tons of games, especially those who play horror games
>their audience is mostly children who can't afford to buy many games
>these horror games they play are really short and really shit, basically serving as jumpscare simulators for the youtubers to react to
>one of those generic horror games played by ecelebs manages to sell around 30k
>this is somehow low

how many hundreds of horror games has markiplier played? the kids in his audience won't spare even the one dollar the game costs because they don't even have a credit card, and the older ones will understand that the game has no value.

other gaming-related youtubers like TB have even called this shit out, when developers make short, bland and shitty horror games because they only want the big youtubers to play them to react to them and hope that'll drive sales. However, it never does if the game is shit like they most often are. I think TB called the games pewdiebait because he pewdiepie was the obvious big viral target these developers were aiming for with their crap horror games.

I mean you have the info in the picture you yourself posted. the average player managed a TOTAL of one and a half hour played in that horror game. that combined with the $1 price tag most likely means it's not any longer than that, and being a modern indie horror game i doubt there's any combat or gameplay other than "get key to open door", so there's really no reason to buy the game.

tl;dr even kids aren't dumb enough to buy these exploitative horror games.

Amnesia was popular before YouTube, what are you talking about?

>how many hundreds of horror games has markiplier played? the kids in his audience won't spare even the one dollar the game costs because they don't even have a credit card, and the older ones will understand that the game has no value.

So why are eceleb worshiping cucks acting like they buy the games?

Tell that to Xseed.


i remember the devs stating that the first couple of months the game was out were disappointing sales-wise.

>calling people underage while acting more retarded than a twelve year old

if you develop a game that nobody wants to buy, you don't deserve jack shit.

if you become an eceleb that millions of people want to watch then you deserve any of the money you can get out of it.

just being a "developer" doesn't mean anything and doesn't entitle you to anything. if you're an entrepreneur like an indie dev or a youtuber the only money you deserve is the money you're able to lawfully make.

Okay if marketing really doesn't work let's just quit.

Let's put all the marketing budget of the games industry into making videogames instead.

as I said, they don't. if you see markiplier play a 1hr long shitty horror game, even if you laugh at his reactions, you don't go and buy the game afterwards because you've seen how shit the game is.


if you watch someone play a game that looks FUN to play and looks like a GOOD game, you might go out and buy it. it might also not have been a game you'd have found out about if it wasn't for the let's player.

you see how this works? people can actually discern good games from bad games. there are fringe cases where questionable game can become memes like FNAF but even with games like slender people don't give a shit when the game looks like crap.

>Defending an eceleb making a million dollars off your game while you make none
Time to stop slobbering on that eceleb cock like cuckold, child.

You'd make more money if your game became a success and Pewdiecuck or Markiplayer had to buy the games themselves

bro, we don't uses common sense on Sup Forums.
now, pick a side and only a side.
>e-celebs help sell every single game they played
>e-celebs totally don't help sell any game they played at all

no middle ground, no logic and rational thinking please.
we are on Sup Forums.

I'm afraid the world is too far gone. The one with the bigger marketing budget usually wins.

>abloobloo my game is so shit that I can't get good sales even when my game is marketed for free to millions of people

if you ever needed proof that your product is a massive failure, that is it.