Darksiders II did nothing wrong
>didn't save thq
>delayed release of ds3
I didn't like how the first two zones were massive world maps, and then the rest was just 1 castle each.
Goddamn. I'm still playing. Don't fucking say that!
I actually liked the new world structure and random loot.
Didn't like this though.
this sadly
fuck udraw, thq was actually cool
It ripped platforming and platforming animation (and villain and like the whole first part)from PoP just like the first one ripped from zelda.
had a great time with the game tho.
Same. First game is incredible, but Darksiders II feels fucking special. Logically, it should feel derivative. It doesn't, though. I can't say I've played anything like it.
You didn't respond to me last thread. Did they actually steal assets? Prince of Persia is Ubisoft; Darksiders II is THQ. I'm not attacking you. Honest question.
who the fuck are you even talking to
>Darksiders II feels fucking special
>I can't say I've played anything like it
The game feels exactly like a cash shop freemium f2p, with no cash shop and no freemium.
Like the loot was supposed to be shit that you grind or pay for, and then halfway through they said fuck all that, just let the player have fun.
Pic unrelated, it's the opposite outcome.
The dude who keeps claiming THQ ripped the assets from that canceled Prince of Persia reboot.
Well Nordic just re-released these games, right? They wouldn't do that, unless a third one is planned, imo.
I don't feel that way, but you're entitled to your opinion. The Vulgrim buy a box bullshit is kinda silly, but I'm enjoying it. You've got the option to visit real shops.
Yeah, but they've got 1/3 the budget.
the reply to him not me, fucktard.
its just ripped off heavily, like the first blatantly ripped from zelda(even the fucking horse had the same mechanics).
Just check the wall animation, it even uses the hand the same way.
Loved the games, but would like to see something original next time.
Weren't there rumors the third one had a chick with a chain or something?
>inb4 GoW ripoff
let it die is a terrible game.
never felt I wasted time more than when V convinced me to play that garbage.
not even suda CUHRAZINESS saves it from the cesshole.
You're not fooling me, buddy. You're the same guy that mentioned this shit last thread. You type in a very unique way.
someone please screencap this guy
you are obsessed about a stranger you never saw about an internet argument you had on an imageboard days ago.
god fucking dammit
First of all, we didn't argue. Second of all, I'm not obsessed. Calm your autism.
>see a reply you don't like
>not obsessed
>not retarded
I was interested in your opinions. I hadn't heard about THQ ripping off Ubisoft. That's it, that's all. Stay triggered, though.
I don't get why this was so badly received. I enjoyed the hell out of it.
Granted it got more and more rushed towards the end and the final boss was a joke, but everything else about it was great. Music especially
Shit, fucked a link up
The music is unreal. One of the best soundtracks ever. I'm gonna buy a physical copy so I can rip that shit lossless.
it is literally still full of game breaking bugs, and even has guides online on how to avoid them.
Thq dying ruined this game, but here is hoping its new owners continue the series.
by ripping I mean copying, in case you are too retarded to understand plain english.
Look at platforming animation of wall running of Death and tell me if its not the same
Or look at the first darksiders, which has zelda dungeon system, zelda items, zelda horse mechanics(and also DEM PORTALS).
The success of the series comes from blending together the best part of various games. The first one rips off even too much, while the second adds a lot on its own.
shit, I completely forgot the OST.
I also loved the visuals.
It managed to convey the art style of Madueria in a 3d world without making it either goofy, cartoonish or out of place.
meant to reply to you my bad.
So yeah the game having game breaking bugs, and seeing how the game ran out of budget in later sections is why it received such a bad reception.
Its a great game if you know what not to do.
What shouldn't I do?
Worked on my PC :^)
I wasn't aware of game breaking bugs, thats obviously shitty. I don't remember the game having a reputation for it though so it seems unlikely that people didn't buy the game for that reason
Is this game worth getting? I've always wondered about it. Enjoyed the 1st game.
So far, so good, but I'm still in the first area. Apparently shit gets rough later on. I'm glad I bought it, personally. Enjoying the fuck outta it.
don't teleport out of dungeons while doing them. is one of the major ones, but i forgot the rest.
no clue about pc i played on ps3.
Worse main character
different mechanics
better combat
yeah its worth it, and also remember to back up your saves.
it's just all around fun as fuck, even if the ending is rushed.
Diablo loot is fucking shit in every game.
My only qualm is how slow Death moves, maybe he moves at the basic vg protag speed but to me it seems like he moves at a snails pace.
>the basic fury ability that teleports you behind your enemy not only doesnt give you I-frames but your hitbox doesnt transfer until the slow as fuck animation is complete, so even if you press it as an enemy is starting their attack animation and you reappear behind them, youll still be damaged by their attack as they hit the purple glow you leave behind
Literally what was the point
leave tight dodge/counter mechanics to Platinum games. This ain't no witch time.
this game is about attacking like a fucking maniac with freeze weapons or something like that
>Did they actually steal assets?
Obviously not you dumbass
>The game feels exactly like a cash shop freemium f2p, with no cash shop and no freemium.
>all of the earth dungeon
>heaven is about 10% as detailed as hell
>probably for the best because hell is an endless stream of "collect three piles of shit" quests
Why does it run like shit though? specially compared to the first one.
It has its moments but also a lot of nonsense. 1st one is great
Works on my machine. Sixty frames.
>Game breaking bugs
Never heard of them, are they common? Does the remaster fix them?
>tfw when you'll never get to do CURRAAAYYZEEE whip combos with Fury
What did he mean by this?
>tfw you'll never do revolver ocelot tier ricochet executions on enemies with Strife
Closer to suicide every day.
I don't want to live in this world anymore. Though "[a] producer of Nordic Games, Reinhard Pollice, stated that "One thing is for sure: The tale of the four horsemen is not over !"."
I want to believe DS is not dead. I want to believe.
All you have to do is go to the tree of life
It did everything right.
I don't want 1/3 the budget Darksiders III without the original team. I don't want to repeat the faggotry of Diablo/Fallout/Silent Hill. Let Darksiders rest in piece.
Oh fuck. I can't wait to meet her. Muhhh dickkk.
>tfw youll never play a 2-4 person CUHRAZY game where each player can choose their rider and each is vastely different playstyles that properly combines the RPG elements of DS 2 and the intensity of 1. Also depending on which riders are playing the dialogue and story is vastly different as well as the combinations, where if you play all 4 riders the story is completed. And you only need to buy it for 20 at release to coop it instead of 60 each.
I enjoyed it but I still think the first game was better.
I never cared for the randomized loot. Death should have a single sythe, not 200. I also thought the pacing was a little off.
Still a solid game though.
>rule of three all the time
got a little boring after a while desu
Supposedly, Nordic is working with the original team to create Darksiders 3.
The FULL original team?
I just want to take their time making it
darksiders 2 was a bit rushed out and that shows especially in the dlcs
but for some reason I have hope in nordic games
they have talked about darksiders before and it gives me the feeling they care about the series
I hate how they went from regular platforming to that cinematic no fail platforming garbage from Prince of Persia. Besides that though I enjoyed it more than 1.
>Also NPCs reference each character differently (War and Death are treated as legends, while Strife and Fury are weaker and treated as lesser). So if you play the "lesser known" riders you are treated as weak, while War and Death are easy modo. If you play them all together War and Death are awe'd by their siblings abilities. Demons and Angels also call Strife and Fury out on their abstance until you kill enough of them and they fear you more (aka the best coop player, or rider, will be constantly regarded as the most powerful).
Yes, even the janitors and the cafetaria ladies.
all the horsemen are legendary
wasn't it stated somewhere that war was the weakest of them? but he is still fucking strong
How much meth are you on right now? Be honest.
The death of THQ killed Darksiders II, and the game still made them money.
I think War is the youngest of the four.
The platforming is the same in both games. You fall in a pit, you respawn.
t. Playing them back-to-back atm
War is the weakest historically, but only War and Death have fought in the apocalypse. So only the Angels and Demons of the period would know them.
All of it. I was a writer who was fired from THQ. No one is making a third game, although the idea guys basically made it up.
I think he is stating the person with the best score (ala DMC) will be considered the most powerful. So SSS player War would be considered by NPCs to be the most dangerous/powerful versus an A Fury.
and thats why it was rushed out, lostlight and shadows edge barely had anything in it, while the other areas were pretty fleshed out
I still think darksiders 2 is great, but it would have been greater if thq didnt fuck up
The first one was better but the second had the GOAT soundtrack
Agreed. THQ died too young.