What are some games that are a little rough around the edges, but still amazing games?
Rough around the edges
bethesda games
>harem route
>evil harem route
>you become a god harem route
One hell of a game.
Kingdom Under Fire series. The RTS camera could use some fine tuning, and unit commands could be less finicky, but the combination of both RTS and musou games is freaking fun.
>little rough
That translation is straight out of Google's.
I've never heard of this game, sell me on it
Actually, most of the lower budget cRPGs that got released since the "muh nostalgia" kickstarter RPG trend started
Its set in Ireland.
It felt like a worse Lost Kingdom to me. And it sucks how Eleanor had difficult controls plus a stamina bar while Keats got all good attacks without any limits plus a super version. It just made her areas such a chore despite being the more important part of the story.
I straight up loved this game. I know half the people on this board harbor a hate boner for it, and the other half suck it's dick despite it's flaws, but I genuinely enjoyed it and hope their next RPG plays similar while building and impoving on the ideas presented here.
Fucking sold.
The translation is the rough part, everything else about the game draws me in and makes me want to keep playing. Luckily the translation, while bad, doesn't ruin the game for me but I know not everyone feels the same.
Alpha Protocol. It's painful to know we'll never get a sequel with more polished gameplay.
The emails and being an asshole were the best of that game
>Billy Hatcher
>Lost in Blue
>Kingdoms of Amalur
I often replay this game, there are just no other good Spy based RPG's. I honestly feel that this is one of the best settings for a choices matter style game.
World of Warcraft
I've got this on my backlist of over a 150 games convince me to play it now user.
FE: Fates is riddled with flaws, but is pretty fun and has some engaging characters despite everything
iji, age of decadence, riven
the emails look like a hipster tried to imitate jagged alliance 2
oh wait
Dragon's Dogma.