TWO days left. Describe your hype level in one word

TWO days left. Describe your hype level in one word.

What difficulty are you playing for first play through?



I'm pretty excited. I'm playing 4 Golden as an appetizer. Probably normal I guess. We'll see

The easiest available.

I like the casual experience so I can enjoy the story


Oh, and Hard

Normal, haven't jrpg'd in a while.


Never played a Persona in my life and ordered the Steelbook off Amazon on a hype-induced whim.

What should I expect?

Maybe if it didn't revolve around the lives of literal high schoolers it might be interesting

Challenge since playing some of jap version on hard was a bit too easy for my tastes.

Is P5 worth getting?

I tried SMT Nocturne and it wasn't my cup of tea (Matador was fucking bullshit).

Are the Persona games any different/easier?



Persona games are far easier than SMT, yes.

Normal on 1st playthrought
Hard and all social link on 2nd
Very hard (if exist) and plat in 3rd

Befriending cute Shakespeare characters and creating OP movesets on them!


>Matador was fucking bullshit

You must not know how to use buffs and debuffs in games. I expected to get my ass reamed because of all I heard about him, but I took him down in one go. I was pretty familiar with MegaTen by then though.

Persona games are different. You still have fusion in the game, but Personas just give your characters different abilities, you don't use them on your team. Negations are back in Persona 5 after having been absent for two games. The dungeons in Persona 5 are actually good, the best in the Persona series. When you're not dungeon crawling you'll be involved in social sim stuff which you may or may not like. You should give them a try.

Kek what a shitter

I'm thinking about doing easy. I don't have much time to play bideo games and this game is fucking long.

What exactly are the differences in difficulties?
If hard and above is just stuff like inflated damage numbers, prices, and enemy dodge/hit rates, I'll just play on normal

I played P4G on normal , don't know if I should do hard on P5. Recently I've been trying the higher difficulties in games

I'm unable to play any other videogames due to sheer hype.

Probably start out on Hard but I tend to get frustrated with Persona games when my protag gets killed in one turn by accident leading to a game over so I'll probably switch it to Normal at some point.

I figured out that buffs were the key to beating him, but you practically had to build a party specifically for that boss. I'm convinced that beating Matador is impossible without buying that elemental upgrade from the merchant in Ginza.

If Persona games allow for more freedom when it comes to approaching bosses and such, I'd be happy to give them a shot.

Difficulty in turn based RPGs is mostly artificial so I'll just play on the lowest setting.

I hear hard is just like normal except you do 20% less damage and take 60% more. So you need to be extra careful not to give the enemy the chance to attack.

Any word on how good/bad the ps3 version is?

Nahh by then you should have a demon that increases hit accuracy or at least lowers it for an enemy don't need special shit

Bosses tend to allow for quite a bit of different combinations in general, Matador is just the casual filter who's there to make sure you know how to use buffs. I don't even remember using elemental upgrades, but I had Ame no Uzume, and she helped out a lot.

Persona is a similar experience. You can use whatever combinations you want to. If your shit gets slapped too hard, fuse some new Personas.

it's fine. It's just a tad lower resolution than the PS4 version and the load screens are a couple of seconds longer. Persona 5 was literally originally designed on last gen hardware

Persona's a bit more lenient, but you're still going to be using fire-resist stuff on fire bosses, wind-resist stuff on wind bosses, etc., especially if you're getting your shit pushed in.

Safety: Damage received: x0.5 - Damage dealt: x2.0 - Experience: x3.0 - Money: x5.0

Easy: Damage received: x0.5 - Damage dealt: x1.0 - Experience: x1.0 - Money: x1.0

Normal: Damage received: x1.0 - Damage dealt: x1.0 - Experience: x1.0 - Money: x1.0

Hard: Damage received: x1.6 - Damage dealt: x0.8 - Experience: x1.0 - Money: x1.0

Challenge: Damage received: x1.6 - Damage dealt: x0.8 - Experience: x0.4 - Money: x0.4 (Critical and technical hit damage on both enemies and allies is tripled)


Very sexual, actually.

So... just numbers padding.


My grades are fucked this sem (thankfully its only my second year), so I'm skipping the entire week for this shit. I know its worth it. I hope.

When's tuesday?


Challenge is really meant for NG+ otherwise it's damn near impossible since everything just one-shots you

I guess I'll switch between Normal and Hard to see what feels better. Did the same for Apocalypse.

Unless you're locked into one difficulty, in which case I think I'll just stick to normal.

I'm more anticipating the announcement of Etrian Odyssey V localization that P5 may or may not have delayed for the sake of sales

I'm still hype to be able to play a persona without having any significant bit of it spoiled yet beyond an image or two that could be anything if you're afraid of spoilers don't linger in the threads relating to it idiot

I don't know what the difficulties are but I'll probably go for whatever's more along the lines of the SMT name without drowning myself in damage sponge enemies if I can figure that one out quickly enough.

I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing how Nekomata is going to be rendered, and if Vouivre/Dormarth are in even better.

> but you practically had to build a party specifically for that boss
This is Megaten 101 and one of my favorite things in the series.

Nothing beats doing some fusing then completely shutting a fucker down, as opposed to just grinding yourself to higher levels like in other JRPGs.

My favorite series of all time, so : ecstatic
I'm not sure if I'll do normal or hard. Probably normal so I can go through it again on hard.

Same, excited to see all the HD models above anything else.

Demon biographies are still in right? Are they rewritten at all?

looking at this looks like I'm going normal unless it's easy as piss
I like how Challenge has a unique thing to it so this may be the first game I bother with highest difficulty but god damn that xp/money thing looks harsh.

I'll probably do the hardest possible difficulty like I did with Persona 4. I'll probably regret it. But fuck it.

Playing it on Normal

Got the game a week ago actually... I'm fucking loving it. The music...this game ugh

You can freely switch between any difficulty except Safety. Once you switch to that, you can't switch again.

Save Challenge for a NG+ so you'll have stuff to give you an edge.



Does anyone know if Persona 5 on hard is even challenging? I feel like P4G on hard just meant you had to farm gold dudes for experience.

I really like the look of it, but I've never played a Persona game.
I do want to get it, though. Hope i'm not going to miss out on too much.

Is it going to be available at 12am EST?

Yeah man I'm also super happy I didn't get spoiled that Igor is the final boss.

>mfw I live in NYC and stores in the city started selling it on March 23rd but I still waited to pick up my preorder at GameStop tomorrow night.

It's a standalone story, perfectly fine to start with.

Hard. I did the highest difficulty during my first playthough of P4G and I'm not doing something like that again.

did you just spoiler persona 5?

No way man I'd never spoil the fact that Goro is the traitor!

aw man. i hope you die

Normal. Don't want to get frustrated of my first playthru.

Obviously any turn-based game is going to be easy if you farm experience.

Compendium prices in the past couple days were absurd on hard, not doing that again for a first playthrough.

as if that would ever happen

I'm just making fun of you user I don't actually know shit either


>Can't pick it up on Monday night due to sleeping for work
>Can't pick it up until Tuesday afternoon until I get off work

But honestly Goro is probably the traitor it seems pretty fucking obvious, Atlus kept trying to hide that he was even a party member EVEN THOUGH HE'S ON THE FUCKING COVER which makes him suspicious as fuck.

Already playing it. Japanese dub also dropped today.

Only for Europe so far.

This game has such a shitty final boss.

thank god. does anyone even know anything? i accidently spoiled myself for P4G, when i was looking up how to get the true ending and all. it was still surprising. but i know nothing about persona 5. i have watched a trailer and thats it.

What stores?

You're already spoiled. Everything ITT is true.

Yeah there's actually shitloads of spoilers everywhere, Japanese version has been out awhile. I did get somewhat spoiled but I think it's only midgame spoilers rather than endgame so it's not too bad. I also got spoiled that P5 doesn't have multiple endings but I intentionally went to figure THAT out.

I don't know about the traitor thing but Igor sort of is the final boss, but it's a bit complicated

Every spoiler here is actually legit...sorry dude. I've known pretty much every twist for months

The game is at my door right now.


Well lucky me, that's the region I'm from.

Man, stop making fun of the guy. You're gonna make him actually get worried that he got spoiled.

J&L game in Midtown
Videogamesnewyork in St Marks

I literally haven't been this excited for a game in years. I honestly can't remember the last time I was F4'ing a amazon tracker.

Persona game tend to be easy for people used to SMT so I'm going hard. My first play through is going to be pretty loose. If the last games are any indication I'm probably going to immediately do another 100% run. Hopefully there's another unlockable difficulty level once you beat the game.

>playing normal so i can enjoy the story

Wew, people are actually thinking persona games plots are remotely interesting or any different from shounenshit

J&L Game, routinely breaks street date by a week on most games, and Videogamesnewyork

The additional difficulty level is actually DLC, but it's free day 1 DLC so whatever.


So I heard you guys liked Sae.

Is it coming out at midnight or is it one of those middle of the day releases for digital?

You know, this picture is the kind of spoilers I like because it just makes me go "what the fuck is even the context for this, how, what, why"

it's a spoiler but not really a big deal at all

leave before something actually big gets spoiled for you

>going through persona fusion tutorial
>didn't get another persona besides pixie
>game forces me to fuse arsene
>have to buy him back at 2k and he's level one because I couldn't register before the tutorial

For what reason atlus

>payment rejected from amazon and now it won't let me pay with a different card

Am I fucked? I just want the TYH edition and want it day one, does this mean I'll be getting it after release day because it won't let me change credit cards



Always register all whenever you go into the velvet room

you gonna thank me later

Contact support asap senpai

Anyone else feel weird about playing a Persona game past high school?

Also Normal because I learned my lesson after 4.

The hardest difficulty. I loved the gameplay of Fes and Golden so much hope it hasn't changed too much.

They added some new mechanics like range weapons, negotiations and hostages.
