Oh shit son you just found a monkey's paw, anything you wish will come true but it comes with a downside...

Oh shit son you just found a monkey's paw, anything you wish will come true but it comes with a downside, what will you wish for?

>I wish for a new F-Zero game

It's F-Zero Federation Force, rocket league clone.

>I wish for a proper re-release of doom RPG

Did people really enjoy the first F zero game? I've played some time ago and it was so much flawed.

>I want them to make another Mass Effect, but get away from the characters and settings of the first three


I want the Zone to disappear!

no, not really. most of the people enjoyed X and GX far more than the 2D ones. They're pretty flawed. Still fun but they're not nearly as enjoyable as the later ones.

Granted but its worse than Andromeda

I wish for Rockstar game Agent to come out

Demon's Souls Remastered with the 6th archstone. The downside is nothing because it would be the most perfectest thing ever

for westwood to come back

I wish for a 3D Boktai game on one of the modern consoles.

The downs side is that every time you play it a bunch of anons on Sup Forums run into your house screaming about how it's the shittiest soulsborne game ever made and how Dark Souls 2 was the high point of the series.

I wish for every video game protagonist from here on out to be a qt girl.

Ps4 exclusive, frame dips and microtransactions with pay-to-win weapons.

Granted, every new game now lasts five minutes with little to no gameplay and every artist even remotely competent dies before making fanart, lewd or otherwise

I wish FromSoft would stop making souls games

>Wish for an enormous open world Zelda with the freedom to do anything

>No dungeons or story to make it happen

I... guess?

granted, but they only make mobile games

Halo 3 on PC + map editor


Granted, but MS bring back GFWL just for that one game, and the map editor is a glorified Forge mode

>Oh shit son you just found a monkey's paw, anything you wish will come true but it comes with a downside, what will you wish for?
>>I wish for a new F-Zero game

I bet you're the asshole who used this last to wish for a Starfox game.

>wanted a Freedom Fighters sequel
>get Homefront: Revolution

I wish OP's mom dies.

Granted but you must reply to this post

Lemon squeezy.

>Always the healthiest human on the planet
>Always the strongest
>Always the richest
>Always alive as long as another human is alive

You're reduced to a limbless torso with no dick and mouth but you give a mean headbutt

I want another Shadow Pokemon game.

>It remains to be playstation exclusive

Every Japanese game of the past, present, and future that doesn't have a PC version (that is, games like Vanquished, Yakuza, Persona, Katherine, et al) to be immediatelly ported to PC.

Literally no downsides.

I wish for a video game about Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and /k/!

they're all ported, but they have no settings, locked resolutions and framerates and a host of bugs and poorly implemented controls

i wish for a gf

Their ports are terrible and localized by Treehouse

It comes true

granted, but it's 2D 'indie' pixel art

>everyone dies but you suddenly, nullifying the first 3
>also the 4th is now nullified

I wish for /vint/ to remain a permanent merge.

>Their ports are terrible and localized by Treehouse
Meant for


Granted but the only posters are now Canadians.

I want the suikoden series to return (and be good)

I wish for a Monkey!

>Sup Forums is the protagonist

But it would die in less than a week

>thinking that this is a drawback

monster hunter on pc with this gen graphics


Released in Japan only.

And no multiplayer

I wish for the return and rise of the Roman Empire.

granted but it comes with shit hitboxes for every monster and a built-in desire sensor

>>I wish for a proper re-release of doom RPG

it's comes out only for wonderswan


Remember, she's a lesbian, so she won't stick around.

I wish for a new Twisted Metal game

I wish that early access games will cease to exist.

Granted, but anyone who doesn't speak impeccable 1st-century Latin is exterminated

i wish for 1 million monkey paws

You mean a Sapphist.

granted but it's now split into 16 games at the cost of $60 dollars per game

granted, vita only

I wish pokemon was real!

Granted, it's now made by bioware Montreal.

Wish: I wish Americans get good at video games
Downside: All multiplayer games cease to exist.

Oh no...

That sounds pretty rad, to be honest. Are you sure you understand the monkey paw?

Granted, animal fighting becomes legal.

Pokemon is real. The games, that is. Nothing about the world changed.

Granted, but everything else like gyms and shit don't come with the package and they're just glorified pets.
You can't fuck them either.

You play it and realized they've aged like shit, they were never that good to begin with, and the remaster doesn't significantly improve upon the original game.

How is this bad?

They're all exceedingly boring and act like real animals with real-world limitations.

I wish for every human to become a qt monstergirl futa based off their favorite animal capable of interbreeding with each other without horrible mutations occuring. :^)

Favors rich fags Who bring lions and elephants to fights.

Granted, but their monstercocks are so big that it's impossible to get an erection without passing out from blood loss

Granted, but you're still undesirable and no one will want to fuck with you.

Damn you Calyps-I mean, monkey paw!

Go back to your containment board, you fucking faggots.
Literally nobody liked you before you started spreading your cancerous damage control memes. Now the only people who like you is yourself because you leaked out.

Granted, but they all become infertile.

>the new F-Zero game is a moba

I wish to become omnipotent, using the dictionary definition of "omnipotent".

Granted, but it's released in North Korea only, and is a pc98 exclusive

The remaster is shit, and completelly ruin the atmosphere
the 6th archstone was made by an intern with drangleic castle tier design.

Sounds like someone is a little salty, a bit of post election grief you got there pal?

You become a Mormon.

granted, you're omnipotent in Sims

Time to go to North Korea

Whoa. Calm down, kiddo. I've never even posted there.

have fun living the rest of your life in some concentration camp where they starve you.

I want breath of the wild for PC and PS4.

KotOR3 developed by Obsidian.

Granted but it's capped at 720p and 30fps like vanilla Dark Souls on PC, with no fix possible

Granted, "She" have a cock

Every wish I am going to make will not backfire in any way.

Granted, something which doesn't work cannot backfire. :^)

>Can have 4 wives

Granted, Origin only with denuvo

I want SJWs to rule the industry.

>implying my pc could handle more than that anyways

No downside

I wish Digimon was more popular and successful than Pokemon.

granted but the SJWs are from Sup Forums this time

Granted but its only because they make mobile games

I once wished for the Goemon/Mystical Ninja series to be revived, and it came back as a fucking pachinko machine. TWICE.

And this isn't some monkey's paw shit. THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED IN REAL LIFE.

Pokemon ceases to exist while Digimon's popularity doesn't change whatsoever