Persona started at 3

>persona started at 3
>dmc started at 3
>witcher started at 3
>fallout started at 3

Got anymore series that didn't become good/recognized until its 3rd game?

>fallout started at 3
See me after class.

Metal Gear Solid 3

Elder Scrolls

>Persona started at 3
People will argue that persona 2 is also great. go play a mainline game instead. They're much better
>dmc started at 3
nah dmc 1 is great too
>witcher started at 3
I haven't played witcher but I have many friends who absolutely loved the second game.
>fallout started at 3


diablo 3

Halo 3

Half life 3

DMC1 was a boring RE clone

DMC3 defined the entire series so when people think of DMC it's either the 3rd or 4th game they remember from

>DMC1 was a boring RE clone
It creates the 3D action game genre which is further defined by Ninja Gaiden Black and DMC3

csgo (3)

overrated shit

dmc started at 1, 2 just doesn't exist for good reason

>>dmc started at 3
>Metal Gear Solid 3
>Halo 3
None of these are good examples because they were popular and mainstream well before their third entries. I

>>persona started at 3

You mean 4


silent hill :)

MGS was popular before it's 3rd one though. Fallout doesn't really work either.

Just because 3 gets the most praise doesn't mean it was a literally who series before it.

>fallout started at 3
You have to be 18 to post here you cock guzzler.

>people itt think fallout was even remotely recognized before 3
Just because they're good games that you played 20 years ago doesn't make them popular.

>No Overrated shit

You fucked up OP.

Final Fantasy

I bet most of those people didn't even play the old Fallout games and are just trying to fit in. To say that Fallout didn't begin at 3 is just dumb.

How come it took that long for people to notice?

Persona? More like fursona, this shit reeks like wet dog.
Devil May cry? Overrated shit.
Witcher? I'd rather burn myself at the stake AS a witch!
Fallout ? This one ought to be buried forever with the rest of the radioactive waste.

>People will argue that persona 2 is also great. go play a mainline game instead. They're much better
How so? Gameplay or story wise?
God damn I missed these kinds of posts.

Are you retarded?

>witcher started at 3
>fallout started at 3

So, Console Gamerz thread?

>DMC1 was a boring RE clone

Holy shit did you even play the fucking game?

Facts though

Witcher 1 and 2 were shit nobody played

I didn't check that post since I thought it wasn't that. Apparently I should've.

Don't know about RE since not that user but 1 is boring compared to the others, less weapons and no styles modes to switch around with and there's like 4 or 5 bosses with 2 only being worth shit

wew lad

MGS? It's technically the third game overall

They were better than 3, though. Still kinda crap games, but 3 is worse.

What makes you think someone who is 18 would know a fallout before 3? Fallout 3 is 9 years old. someone who is 18 this year was 9 when fallout 3 came out.

Story by far although the writing can be shit sometimes.

>tfw you actually want Sup Forums to go off-topic for once, but they don't


>GTA 3
>Super Metroid

Ace Combat

ALttP (the third Zelda game) is the game that cemented 90% of everything the series is known for

>tfw there will never be a 20th century boys anime by the same company

Most of these series were already popular before the most famous ones came out.

It is odd to know this place is now full of people that look back on your earlier shitposting days as only history with a few key notes.

>If these games weren't available in an american console they would have never become famous

You can find this to be true with recent games like Witcher and Dark Souls too, it seems that as much as butthurt PCfags and weebs want to deny it America plays a big part in games becoming relevant.

You could say the same shit about most of every series. The first game isn't from the future, it is always built upon... I played 1 after 3 and had a good time skipped 2.

>people miss the point of the thread

Don't kid yourselves. Millenials only know about MGS because of 3. Try to get a normie to play the top down shit of mgs2 and they will not like it.

Traptwin a cute

Half life

I only know about it because egoraptor.

Never had a Sony platform and I wasn't allowed to play shoot bangs as a kid.

Ironically true. The hl3 meme probably brought it way more popularity. That or portal

>witcher 3

I just played this last night and I spent the entire game repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.

I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my sofa for those last 5 hours it was so painful.

Drakengard 3

It's already a miracle we got Master Keaton and Monster, Urasawa stuff is way too “western” to get anime adaptations.

Dark Souls 3 was the one that made the franchise famous.

This witcher 3 is litterally just reddit memes and video game references.
That and muh girl power

>tfw you thought you were the poser for claiming you're a huge fan when you only started with metal gear solid
I missed out on 4 and just got 5 last week, but have played all the other metal gear solids. 5 is the first one I've played in years though.

And they all start getting dumbed down at 4 too.


Fallout 4

Witcher 4



>I just played this last night and I spent the entire game repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.

Holy shit, seek help man.

Get out reddit

And then they just die at 5

Witcher sells better in the EU

>Master Keaton
I wasn't aware that existed, gonna check it out.

Supah Mary Brothers

there's a difference between a series beginning to be a powerful brand and "becoming good", user. I suspect you know this, but you've phrased this thread in a way that they seem like the same thing, which will undoubtedly invite people saying that fallout 2 was amazing and insulting all the series's you posted while missing the point about popularity.

>Mario world
>Megaman X4

Holy shit you are right.

Warcraft 3
Quake 3 (for multiplayer)
Arma 3 (maybe?)
and most importantly GTA 3

DMC3 fits both though

Persona 2 is awful though. For all people like to bitch about how P3 and 4 are casual, Innocent Sin is one of the easiest games ever made, and the combat is boring as shit to boot. Add to all that the garbage bloated encounter rate.

It would have been better as a VN

Mario was already popular with super mario bros 1 but with SMB3 the fame exploded.

I heard a long time ago they were going to do some HBO thing with monster, what ever happened to that

MGS1 sold 7 million copies, claiming that the series only became well known with 3 is literally insane.
>Witcher 3
Also wrong, TW1 was somewhat obscure but 2 was a very popular game.

>fallout started at 3
More than the other games in your bait, I'm saddened most modern gamers think this is the case. Not even New Vegas compares to the brilliance that are the original two Fallouts.
They, along with Arcanum (despite all its faults) are some of the greatest narrative based "you can be anyone and do anything" type CRPGs ever made.

>Fallout doesn't really work either.
Yeah, the hardcore Sup Forumsirgins who played on PC in the 90's knew about it. But Bethesda made the series more popular by reaching the mainstream audience. Especially now that Fallout 4 removed most of the RPG elements, and is more popular with the casual console crowd. It was a niche series before Bethesda took over.

I know this is bait but you made me mad anyway. Good going.

HBO dropped it iirc. Either Del Toro is looking for another studio or he dropped the project. The latter is most likely since he's probably busy working with Kojimo on Death Stranding at the moment.

It's hilarious to see how many people misunderstood OP. He isn't talking about quality retards, It's like saying that the Souls series started with Dark Souls, sure Demon's Souls was great, but It wasn't the one that made the series a hit.

>missing the point of the thread
The point OP is making, is that those installments of their respective franchises reached the normies. Fallout 1&2, Persona 1&2 were niche as shit games that only Sup Forumsirgins would know about. Then they became popular, not necessarily better (which is what most of you think).

He's wrong about MGS tho.

>persona started at 3

OP has not mentioned MGS


Poor del toro.

That's because you played the PSP version, go play the original and tell me it was easy

It literally plays itself

MGS is technically the third MG game though......

It's the 4th game though.
You forgot Snake's Revenge. It's not canon but it's still the second game to come from the series.


Monster Hunter in the West with Tri