You will not buy Yooka Layle, right, user?
You will not buy Yooka Layle, right, user?
im not fucking 10 faggot
I learned my lesson from mn9
only kickstarter I've ever backed and glad I did. Got the game for $15. These men have proven themselves to be extremely competent devs.
i dont support any company that will bend over backwards to appease one screeching leftist. that shit is dangerous
except mn9 and Playtonic have literally nothing to do with eachother. Playtonic are the guys from Rare who made the original Banjo-kazooie. They've already shown themselves to be good devs.
i already preordered. waiting for it to unlock on steam
I had a passing interest based on nostalgia, but if the company wants to get political by dumping a voice actor for their personal views outside of the work itself then I'll get political with my wallet by not purchasing Yooka Layle.
literally who gives a fuck it doesn't take away from the fact that it's a great game made by a legendary team.
Rare stopped being good devs after DKC2
I fucking said it
I'm going to buy it on PC and switch just cause of this thread :^)
if they want monies they need to stop trying to pander to imbeciles
but then i guess in this day and age that is impossible no matter how it's sliced
>Playtonic are the guys from Rare who made the original Banjo-kazooie.
They're also the guys who made Nuts and Bolts
>once respected developer comes back after hiatus and produces absolute trash
theres a connection and a possibility
no one gives a fuck about DKC this is about the greatness of banjo-kazooie.
Nope. I still havent even beaten Banjo Kazooie.
i'll pirate it if it isn't a bland square box platform game that it is looking like it's turning out to be.
Yes i am
mn9 was hurdling towards failure from day 1 and it was fucking obvious. Playtonic are actually doing things right.
even their worst n64 games was better than DKCrap series
>Playtonic are the guys from Rare who made the original Banjo-kazooie.
Yeah, and the guy leading MN9 is the creator of MegaMan. What's your point, faggot?
>They've already shown themselves to be good devs.
>mn9 and Playtonic have literally nothing to do with eachother
see above
Don't say you weren't warned
I already bought it and Im playing it day 1.
Was gonna get it on launch mostly to support devs. But they fucked up by letting SJWs steer their decision making. I'm not the biggest Jontron fan but removing him while saying they want to avoid politics and saying they're for "diversity" is enough to make me not buy the game. I'll still pirate though.
>creator of megaman
Akira Kitamura had nothing to do with MN9 user
Inafune or whathisface was a business man involved with Megaman, Playtonic is engineers and designers from Rare who made BK themselves.
Already bought it
3 different people made Mega Man and Comcept has actually stolen money from people. They promised 3DS and Vita versions of MN9 and have been radio silent for over a year. Plus MN9 looked like shit from the start.
>inb4 Playtonic stole money no refunds
They refunded people for the Wii U verison and offered people to switch versions. They have no reason to give refunds to people bitching about a removal of a guy they had no idea was in the game until he was gone.
Probably a day1 buy to be honest.
I already played the toybox tho, so no pre-order.
Pre-ordering games is always cancer.
I'm buying five copies to contrarianism Sup Forums
That's why all the desperate backers were spewing nonstop, at least. That's why sexy brown genie game didn't get as much support.
>Sup Forums will hate shill this game despite it getting good reviews
Triggered so hard by those nasty sjws they can't enjoy a game
Backed the game and got 2 copies for my friends.
See But whatever happened to all those Eurocucks stating blah blah international product laws say gimme da dosh back, gov?
Or does that literally only apply to Steam and brick & mortar now?
Or maybe it's because Shantae fans were being snide cunts? You get what you deserve
The only review out is an 8/10.
I already funded it but want to sell my key for 20$
Things That Didn't Happen For 200, Alex
"The place on this doll where you were hurt."
Id take you up on you offer if I wasnt afraid of getting scammed.
I don't buy games.
I don't buy shitty games, so no. I'm not even going to fucking waste the bandwidth to pirate it.
You're not the boss of me. No, collectathons aren't something I like
I'll maybe pirate it when it comes out
I will buy three copies, just to spite you.
I felt pretty meh about it for a while now, and stopped caring completely after the Jontron bullshit.
>Inb4 Canadians get triggered and attack my post for not throwing my money away
I do not care about whatever controversy of the week people are shitposting about, but I'll probably wait until a sale before I get the game, if I get it at all. It looks pretty mediocre.
As someone that's wanted a new banjo game for over a decade this game to be exactly what I want. No amount of shitposting will get in the way of that.
Anyone else buy Snake Pass because of these threads? How are you liking it?
I'm only like an hour in and it's been really tricky to get the hang of, but it's been enjoyable so far. I get way too tense for the "hanging over an infinite void" climbing sections though, so I think it'll be the kind of game I play in short spurts instead of a marathon.
Buying both games honestly
i was looking forward to pirating it on my wii u :(
Yeah. I enjoyed the first 5 levels, but #6 has been kicking my ass so I stopped for a while.
>1 gems, 2 coins, and 1 Mana off cap
>Just can't handle that awful fucking climb
I am as well, just wanted to see if anyone else had some impressions. I at least want to give Yooka Laylee an hour or so to see if it's worth the cost or if I should refund.
I'll pirate it.
I was excited for this game for a long time but I don't think I'm even going to bother buying it anymore. The fucking mine carts in every level are what finally convinced me not to.
After learning they canned JonTron, I preordered and gifted a copy to a friend.
Feels good to shit on Sup Forums.
I will because I am not a reactionary alt reicher with zero real life experience. I applaud playtonic for its decsion, and the game itself looks good.
b-b-but they removed a guy for saying blatantly racist things! That's like, a violation of free speech, man! No other company in HISTORY would have done that. Five years ago you could say nigger nigger I wanna murder niggers and it was fine. THE ESS JAY DUBYAZ HAVE TAKEN OVER
You mean normal functioning human beings?
Normal people don't like the type of things Jon was spewing. It's not a social justice thing, user.
Facts aren't racist, faggot.
when did Jontron say he wanted to kill all black people. Why don't you also criticize destiny for wanting to fuck animals?
Already did, not your personal army, kid.
I'm pissed about the whole Jon thing, but what I'm really angry about is all the footage I've seen of the game. Everything besides that first world looks so boring and lifeless. Casino feels like I'm a toy in a child's bedroom with everything being flat. Every enemy I've seen just dies instantly with no "oomph" behind it like in Banjo.
My knowledge of the law says you're allowed to refund any product for a reason within EU (And I'm sure kikestarter etc. have their policies set up in place so it's worlwide, like Steam), so it would be weird if that wasn't the case here.
You're the dumbest person in the universe. You can't just make shit up to find a reason to hate people.
I don't play average as fuck games.
Whoops already backed the Kickstarter
The only other one I ever backed was for Half-Genie Hero and that didn't turn out to be terrible, so I guess I didn't get the hard slap in the face that most people did from KS.
Only SJW's have a problem with what he said. Normal people don't give a fuck, and just want to play the game, Playtonic brought the politics into it by doing this for no good reason other than to please the 10 or 20 SJW's that complained, and tried to look like the good guys by bringing up "diversity" as if removing someone who added to their diversity was a good thing.
>You can't just make shit up to find a reason to hate people.
Of course he can, that sums up a good majority of human history.
>That one unknown guy from Rare is in this new indie company
>OMG it's all the devs from Rare making this game, you HAVE to buy it.
Yeah I understand. I don't know what cut is taking Kinguin and stuff, also never used it, but I'd gladly reserve you a link to my key.
It looks too weird and I'm already well past the desire for a banjo threeie.
Backed the KS. I don't really give a fuck about e-celebs or politics. I'm still looking forward to the game
But it's several old Rare devs, including Chris Sutherland, Kev Bayliss, and Steve Mayles.
Are you retarded?
I'll wait and see
>Only SJW's have a problem with what he said
I mean I'm not gonna stop watching his videos if he actually decides to make another one in his lifetime but I'm also not gonna lie and say I'm glad he outed himself as a Sup Forumstard
I'd rather go through 9/11 again
what about Shovel Knight
>that fucking DK rap "homage"
All the things the devs have done to pander to their own fans have been pure cringe.
I'm cautiously optimistic.
>it's only for us white kids to have principles!
If you are black or mexican you have all the right to feel offended by what jonTron said.
I doubt he's gonna give up over some stupid things he said which even he doesn't believe in fully. More people hate the asshole that pushed him into a "debate"
>completely misinterpreted a random article
I wish the flags were still up so I can see the sea of leaves.
What are you on about?
Just because you are using statistics to justify racism doesn't make it any better.
Backed it and don't give a fuck that they dropped JonTron.
you obviously didn't understand what he was saying. his argument was the same as if someone was asking mexico to become more diverse and filled with less hispanics, make mexicans the minority.
What do you kids gain from trying so hard to stop people from buying these games? Is the industry saved because you prevented a few sales?
Depends on it's reception. As in critics who look at it objectively and not someone who will whine about JonTron. But it looks fun and I like platformers, so I hope it will be good, then again I'm not sure why people ever hope something to be bad.
Just because you said it's racist doesn't make it racist
I'm not doing anything.
This doesn't need me to make it fail.
If he doesn't respect your nationality or race why would you support him? Thanks but i am not a fucking tool giving views to someone who uses "facts" to justify seeing other races as inferior or antagonizes hard working immigrants by labeling them as people who is just ruining the gene pool or trying to take back a country.
I'm not worried about him getting discouraged because of all the political horseshit, I'm worried because his release schedule has been slipping faster than Notch in December. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if this was just his way of trying to justify his procrastinating.
No, I won't buy it because I already pledged on the kickstarter campaign you silly JonTron's dick rider
Yes, that YL rap was pure cringe but a true hommage to the original DK autistic rap
him stating facts doesn't mean he doesn't respect a nationality or race. he's stating facts to make a point. and it wasn't saying they are "inferior" but showing they are indeed different.
you are the one with the inferiority complex here. I wonder why?
And just because you say it's not racist it doesn't mean it's not racist, if you label a whole race as being more prone to crime and even go as far as bring statistics to prove it people has all the right to feel offended as much jonTron has right to voice their opinions.
what about him clearly misrepresenting the article?
I don't know where him not respecting other race's or nationalities comes from. Mahaps I ask for a source?