What's the best military-style headset for use with a PS3 and a PS4, PS3 prioritized?

What's the best military-style headset for use with a PS3 and a PS4, PS3 prioritized?

My guess is the Razer Blackshark, but I can find very little on its compatibility with Playstation other than the fact that people are able to "make it work."

For it to fit the criteria, it just has to be militaristic in appearance, the more subdued the design the better rather than CAMO COVER, EXTENDO BOOM MIC, TACTICAL FLASHLIGHT, AND BOTTLE OPENER/WINDOW PUNCH ATTACHMENT type shit. i just want a comfy military-type headset to use when playing online.

...Or will actual aviation/military headsets work?

Razer Blackshark, btw, looks like an aviation headset. If I get it, I'll be coloring the green cables black though. That shit bugs me.


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Why the fuck do you need a "militaristic" headset for your fucking playstation?

maybe it's a military playstation

Wow, please end your life and I will give you a military burial.

kys reddit

For fun.

Too busy playing games.

I don't get why looking for a headset with looks that you like is somehow autistic. I like military shit. I was in for a while and now I'm using my GI Bill. You're telling me the utilitarian appearance doesn't appeal to you instead of all that edgy faggot shit every other "Gaming Headset" has?

I usually just use JVC Gummis but PS3 doesn't have the ability to use those like the PS4 does, so I have to get an actual headset. I wanted something that looked simple and preferably could take a beating, all the better if it had the aesthetic that I enjoy, but I forgot where I was I suppose.


these fucking leafs just don't know when to stop. somebody please just nuke that shithole please

I don't get it.

I don't see what the big deal is. Nigga just wants some aviator headsets

Thank you. I don't get neo/v/ at all. It's like everyone's in some rush to be "the cool kid" first, not that wasn't always a problem, but holy shit every thread I've been in today has been like that.


I don't know how expensive you want to go senpai but

might work. I think you'd have to buy one of those reverse-splitter cables for it to work on your playstation but it should work

it's the only one I could find that didn't look like gaymur shit

>caring about what a sound delivery system - that you can't see when you're using it, and will only use at home - looks like
You and I will never understand one another.

Do you, man. You'll have more options than me, anyway. If I didn't want to spend my money in this specific manner, I could've gotten any number of headsets or just gone the obvious route and gone with Sennheiser. Everything I've ever gotten from them has been great. I've had the same IE80s for 4 years I think.

I was actually looking at those. There's a youtube review comparing these and the Razer directly. Thanks for finding that, man, it's definitely an option.

Also I looked it up and apparently aviation headsets aren't standard 3.5mm I think they're, like, amp jack sized so unless you had the right converters you're fucked. Sorry bud.

Also, that exact reason is why I usually used JVC Gummis. $20 and they did everything I needed including the mic and if they broke, no problem. Just walk up the street to the NEX and grab another set. Went through 2 over the course of 3 years. That being said, I now need a set that can interface with my PS3, so I may as well have fun with it right?

Yeah, the jacks are big as shit. Typical aviation fare. I'm trying to find more info on getting it to work. Specifically, I need it to work with the PS3, which is the sticking point. Thanks again for going to the trouble.

Here's the youtube video I mentioned.

I'm not sure if you'd need a DAC for it to work, and I don't know if you can even plug those into a ps3 controller. It would be bulky as shit if you could

but even then I read that most aviation headsets don't have any bass so it would sound dumb

Correct, yeah, the bass gets thrown the fuck out I just read as well. I bought the Sennheisers back in the day for personal use in singleplayer and listening to music because I like bass. Unfortunately I'll have to find a "gaming headset (tm)" that replicates such a headset instead to retain audio quality it seems.

None of my ps3 controllers have headphone jacks whatsoever. I've never heard of a headset interfacing with a ps3 controller. I'll look into it.

Aviation headsets are pretty much a no go. They require a decent amount of power a USB can't supply.

Razer Blacksharks are very nice, it uses a single 3.5mm but comes with a splitter for devices that need mic and audio split.

I'd assume you can buy a USB adapter for that sorta thing.

It seems so, I was actually on that track. Thanks for the confirmation, I wasn't sure if I was following the right lead. Thanks for the tip on the power, I didn't know that.

>I've never heard of a headset interfacing with a ps3 controller
I think only ps4 controllers have those, my mistake.

Gotcha, that was my impression as well. Trying to find a 3.5mm to USB adapter that seems reliable atm, I'm going to end up going with the Razer.


This has great reviews and a SHITLOAD OF THEM. Gonna go with this. Thanks for the help, fellas.

this is what I've been using and it's been working out pretty well

How is that tiny military wee-wee?
