>dog = PC
>water = Breath of the Wild
Dog = PC
What did he mean by this?
PC is emulating water properly finally
that's a dragon you idiot
Dude I think your dog ate some chocolate.
>when its clearly a raccoon
American """"""education"""""
You fucking idiot that's a dog in apple juice not water.
>dog = nintenbro
>water = no games
The pool is a planet and the dog is a room outside.
What sick fuck drowned that camel?
i think this means PC will meet its doom if it continues to try to emulate BOTW. be warned CEMU!
Nice blue filter effect on that pic OP. But where did you get the image of that elephant?
That is clearly a flying dog you fucking twat, that's the blue sky
Oh I remember this optical illusion, it's actually a close-up of a rat trapped in blue amber, right?
Good fucking job hiro. Now we're going to be even more overrun by fucking reddit tier meme shitposting.
its a deer, idiots
Did he died? He's just napping right?
Clearly an moose
Weak bait faggot
have none of you ever seen a spider before
>being this dumb
It's just sleeping
>this level of elitism
literally who gives a fuck what animal it is
Water is colorless, stupid. That's powerade.
I'm not stupid user I know what a deer looks like and that's clearly a small horse.
Don't post in this thread unless you're going to contribute.
Sup Forums was always that.
Leaf shitposting.
Are you fucking kidding? Look at that fucking water, it's rendered all wrong. The shadows are clearly just lazy fucking baked on shadows and the rest is horrible ENB, no PCfags water does NOT look like that. Try again.
>not knowing a Moth when you see one
user, how stupid are you?
>breath of the Wild is a static picture with 1 FPS
Sounds accurate.
That's not a dog, it's a wolf
One frame per second does not mean a still image, idiot.
Are you fucking braindead or something, deer can breath underwater
So it can't be that
It fucked up rendering the dog though, looks like a mountain lion
>one FPS
>static image
pick one
> squirrel = denuvo
> leopard = paying customers
> casual observer = privateer
>pcbros still salty the best game they had to offer was Gone Home
It's honestly pathetic at this point user
What if it's the same frame every second?
c u c k cuck
has c u c k been filtered to bro?
p c u c k s
Food on top = game
Greek column = DRM
Eel = pirates
Gone Home was released by a bunch of faggots 4 years ago.
I'm sorry but you're going to have to move on.
it was still the only well reviewed exclusive you had to your name. until it went multiplat. now all you have is undertale
>le sneaky merchant
What a horrible feeling it must be to drown like that.
its just one of those language inconsistencies like cookie/biscuit or rat/mouse
Don't worry, drowning is a very nice experience, just like freezing to death before you actually die you feel all nice and good. The deer
What is this "you" shit? Are you literally underage?
>Train = Denuvo
>Cat = Pirates
holy shit that's gross
i think these days animals recognize roads as a place to commit suicide and just hang around them so they dont have to wait to die
>what is this you shit
I'm talking about you PC faggots
But user, you are on a PC right now.
I mean, you are, right?
You're not a filthy phoneposter, right?
Jokes on you I have a PC and a couple consoles, fucking nintendo consolewars dicksucker
Is this motherfucker serious?
That's some brutal doom tier gibs and blood.