Matpat did a theory on who you REALLY are in DS3. What does Sup Forums think of it?

Matpat did a theory on who you REALLY are in DS3. What does Sup Forums think of it?

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I don't give a fuck.

I hope he doesn't touch nier

but knowing how it's getting mainstream, it's inevitable.

Are we Ness?

I stopped watching this nigger after what he did to the pope.

That ness theory was bad, yea. But I actually agreed with him on some of the points he makes in these videos.

>hate the fuck but seen one or two of his videos
>pulls apart all the meme games that are hot at the time
>all he did for mgs was 'dude, snake smokes weed'

>nu-Sup Forums unironically linking to this little faggot
I know we've got 13 year olds running around this board, but Jesus, can you try to be a little more transparent?




Reminder he gave the pope a copy of Undertale.

sans from undertale



He also did a theory saying Rogue One were gonna become villains

Stop fucking taking his theories as fact you mongoloid


but that makes sense though...?

>falling for autistic clickbait time waisting new world order brainwashing shit

matpat theoryvery good. why dont agree?

>Matpat gushes about how much he loves the game
>posts a picture of PATCHES TAKING OFF HIS HELM
He never played the game, did he?

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

You're literally a fucking player character. That's what you are. MORON.

fucking what does that even mean? He's talking about the backstory before you control the main character. He didint magically appear from fucking thin air dumbass.

In das1 and 2 you are a random guy who turn undead and got good enough to reach the end. In das3 you are a random dead guy who got revived to search for the lords. That is your backstory

Except it wasn't random at all...


You create the character in every soulsbourne game. His/her "backstory" is whatever you decide it to be. NPC characters allude to "destiny" and "purpose" but that's mainly because they have their own motives and agendas. Matpat can make up whatever the fuck backstory he wants but it's left ambiguous for a reason just like the lore.