What's the Sup Forumseredict on SF V?
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What's the Sup Forumseredict on SF V?
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90% of Sup Forums and 4 chan in general don't like it, the rest plays it out of obligation.
I might go back to it when searching for players on lobbies isn't a fucking pain in the ass and when better characters are added.
When's Marvel?
Worst than SF IV which was worse than SF III.
That aside, it's an okay game.
Killer Instinct is more active, and a better game.
Would've been deader than SFxT if Capcom and Sony wasn't pumping money into the CPT.
To be fair, SFIV would still be mainstage if Capcom didn't force it off, given that the signups at majors for it were increasing every year since 2009. Really was a retarded move to force it out after CapCup 2015
game is good in theory, but capcom retardation has ruined large parts of it
Chun Li's thighs literally get like 25% larger every game.
I get way more matches with way less downtime when I play sf4, 5 is nowhere near as active
The worst part was that there were a lot of emerging players towards the end of USF4's lifetime. A lot of them get recently sponsored and failed to perform well on S1.
for the price ($20 on sale right now) SFV is a very good game for a very good value imo
>Killer Instinct is more active,
no its not
>and a better game.
no its not. its a solid game with unique mechanics. but its also old and not better than sfv.
It's amazing. The girls are legit the only good part about sf5.
i play it daily
>no its not
Takes me a minute or less to find an opponent in KI. How long did it last take you to find one in SFV?
Not relevant
>not better than sfv
It sure as hell is better balanced. In what way is SFV better?
>SFIV round 3: now even more stupid
damage output is too high and the game feels even more clunky than the first.
Its not bad, its fun, it has an active community but its not a great beatemup.
If you don't dislike flashiness, Xrd is the superior choice.
Or just go grab a copy(or emulate)3rd strike.
Blazblue went deep into hell and the new Kof...no idea actually.
SF V just isn't fun at all.
I play for the erections.
Looks to me like they actually got downsized between 3 and 4.
I miss those Sup Forums lobbies
I guess she lost some weight. Like she did between alpha and 2
Decent now, it will be good eventually. Some characters look amazing, some look very awful. Gameplay is fast and rewards good reactions. Reworked characters feel much better than previous iterations. Netplay is good if you are wired and awful if you aren't. Don't be a wireless faggot.
There is no fighting game better right now that isn't a pyramid scheme by Arksys. Buy it if you like Street Fighter, don't buy it if you like other fighting games.
Better than sf4 but still a crappy game. Ono needs to be fired before the franchise can recover.
Was SF III worse than SF2 though?
hell no.
Its just that SFIII is considered to be pinnacle of the genre.
Aside from crappy chara design, its regarded as the best in the series.
>Its just that SFIII is considered to be pinnacle of the genre.
No one even knew it existed until half a decade after it was released.
>crappy chara design
I actually prefer III's designs to most of the others in the series, I thought they were pretty cool for the most part.
I think so, but it's a split opinion.
It's shit
The thuggery at tourneys are the best part.
isn't fighting games basically a dead genre ?
A slap to a face really. Capcom are so far up in their own ass with SFV I'm actually flabbergasted. This is without a doubt the worst fighting game that was released last year and it'll still remain that way this year too. Over a year of the initial release and Capcom has been so lazy, incompetent, or both with the current result being so fucking little to show for it. Any other Fighting game developer be it SNK, Arcsystems, hell even fucking NetherRealms would have a lot more to show for their game within a year of release than Capcom has if they were in Capcom's shoes.
SFV is a complete joke and seeing it fumble itself ever since release has been nothing more than a sad disappointment to watch. Cause this could be a decent game with some changes, but as it is it's completely bland. Also this "Season 2" that they want to call it, is such a damn shitshow. Such minimum effort shows that they don't give a damn on making an actual quality fighter. SFV will be a scam product for fanboys to keep falling for desperately wanting this game to be good and nothing more with Capcom at the helm.
It's not unplayable by any means, but I mean this by no hyperbole that you'll do much better with literally any other fighting game out there. Even SF4, a game I dislike, but hell I can see why some people can love it.
People want the same game over and over again and are mad when it's not Super Turbo.
>Netplay is good if you are wired and awful if you aren't
No. It's terrible regardless. They outsourced the netcode to some Korean mobile game compnay and this is the biggest issue with the game right now. I used to play 4 with a group of friends from various parts of the world (we all have wired connections because we're not retarded) and we had no issues, with 5 none of us can play a single match without the ridiculous rollback netcode making it unplayable.
I like the charas too, but for many the new charas are too weird.
popularity its not the same as "quality".
In japan the game was also a hit, it still has a dedicated fanbase in japan.
>The thuggery at tourneys are the best part.
Fightyan "esports"are the only esport I can watch. And Sf community kinda grew on me.
Seriously why isn't GGPO standard?
Join the usf4 revival group and play some games instead of shitposting on sf5 all day
Exactly, the way the rollback code works is fucking retarded compared to GGPO. Shortly after release some guy even tweeted Capcom a comprehensive guide on why the netcode wasn't operating correctly and how to fix it (and basically make it work just like GGPO), they actually responded with "thanks we will hand this to the team" but literally nothing has changed regarding the netcode since then. They don't give a shit.
USFIV still has a dedicated fanbase in japan too and most people will tell you that the game was shit and played out of obligation by the pros.
Even the CFN beta that just happened didn't change the netcode?
Capcom are beyond help.
Not that guy, but it is very active. 10 seconds to find a match from what I've read.
The sad thing is that the last time I was on W10, some games and other things I used a lot just wouldn't work, so I went back to 7. Only way I go back to KI now is by getting a second SSD and having a W7 / W10 dual boot system.
And the only reason I'll be using 10 will be for KI and whatever other game will be W10 in the future.
>that blind Ken that actually won a few times.
Dying slowly. Once Marvel comes out its all over for Platinum
>haven't bought SFV
>Season 2.5 Beta shit going on
>download so I can test out the game and see if it'll run on my PC
>training mode isn't available because online modes only
Well fuck.
The lounges show flags but are sorted by oldest first, so actually getting someone to join is a mess. I also had far more matches with rollback, so much so that I just uninstalled it.
Probably a higher up's fault.
Since the people who understand networking aren't the ones calling the shots, it's probable that they decided not to put too much time in making it GGPO or GGPO-like.
Thanks to the shitty launch, switching netcode is probably too risky for them at this point.
I can't wait for something better to come out so I can drop this shit. I'm fucking tired of the same matchups nonstop and my favorite characters being fucking bottom-mid tier and then getting nerfed for no reason.
i can't stand to see chun li take such a beating
The Japanese can't adapt to current trends or are unwilling to. Iron Galaxy, Nerherrealm, and Reverge Labs use modern standards regarless of what you think of their games.
It's not terrible but season 2 is worse than season 1 and a couple of characters are too powerful.
You can play GG, KOF and KI like right now
One of the main reasons why i stopped playing was the horrendous online and MM. I dont know, was it that hard to let players set up an small lobby for ranked like it was done with IV? I had to wait like 10 minutes to get a match and even if the lounge decided to work, more often than not i had lag with people who i played ultra with just fine.
Fuck SFV and fuck capcom.
>couple of characters are too powerful.
>You will never go back to the good old days of SF4
I miss Hakan...
Gonna get into GG when Rev 2 comes out. Never played the series. MK is trash, KOF is okay imo, and I wasn't a big fan of KI when I tried it.
Fighting games are trash except for Smash Bros.
who's the best beginner character? I would just pick Ryu but it seems like he's not good in season 2
Same. I was hoping for Oro or Necro in season 2 but that dream got crushed.
Weirdos are always the best characters.
Balrog is retarded. Laura is retarded. Come at me. They won't win everything but they're anti-fun in that they pop v-trigger and steal rounds doing whatever they want. Watching Balrog pop v-trigger and do 50% with full screen corner carry with a couple bars because the opponent forgot to block low physically hurts me.
Urien is also very good but in a different sense in that he has so many tools that he makes the rest of the cast look gimped. I'd rather they buff a bunch of characters to be 'overpowered' in the same way Urien is then apply the nerf hammer to the topi tiers. But instead they're nerfing Urien and leaving Laura and Balrog relatively unscathed, sending the message that this is the direction they want the game to go. Makes me want to quit unless Season 3 is a giant overhaul.
I want to cum inside Juri!
Ken and Guile, they are quite braindead and do some real good damage, you can also play guile defensively.
Balrog is literally the worst character in the game, just infront of Bison, if you prepare for his 50/50 v-trigger bullshit its fine
same with laura desu
It's poop
Her nostrils are just black painted circles
Play Balrog till season 3
>Balrog is literally the worst character in the game, just infront of Bison,
This is the funniest fighting game related thing I've read here in awhile, not just because Balrog is so far from bottom tier, but because even Bison isn't close to bottom tier in season 2. I imagine you're fishing for (You)s, so here (You) are, friend.
TFW i am half korean half brazilian.
Why couldn't season 2 have had one returning character from each generation of SF plus 1 or 2 newcomers? I swear if Byron is the next season 2 character is Byron than there is no hope for this game.
>if you prepare for his 50/50 v-trigger bullshit its fine
You can apply that logic to any heavy 50/50 character you know.
I feel that it's not the atrocity against humanity that some make it out to be, but it could have been a lot better. I play it once every two weeks when we have tournaments while looking forward to Blazblue week.
Could have been executed better game play wise. I hope next season we get characters that were one offs before yet people love and miss them, sfv can at least have the best sf roster if they tried.
I like Laura but Juri says a lot of sexy things
so you're good at brood war and have a juicy ass?
sounds like a great combo to me
who are the season 2 characters besides gouki and the blondie?
They obviously are pushing Laura to be the new sexy waifu to help sales and realised no one was playing her, so I think they're going to try and keep her higher up the tiers for this reason.
Which is fine with me cause she is my waifu and I've been maining her since launch.
how much until it goes f2p?
fuck you now i can't unsee this shit
what did he mean by this?
They are pushing sexiness for sales and getting rid of sexiness for esports.
SFV is unhealthy for the fighting game genre in general.
it already had free weekends on steam.
I saw this thread so I decided to play an online match on my 3ds version. I got my copy for free, I don't play the series or genre. I got into a match with a higher level player (had like 10k points to my 0). He spammed one move to dominate me, is this normal?
The version was SF4 not 5.
>Season 2 all newcomers
>None of the look like Ed
The fuck Capcom? I was hoping for another Psycho user.
wow, sounds like a shitty multiplayer game.
So tell me Sup Forums how Season 2.5 treat your character?
The 2 frames faster S.HK from Fang is delicious
SSF43D included touch buttons that allowed easy execution of special moves. Unfortunately, this meant that where you would normally have to hold back and then press forward for a move like Guile's Sonic Boom, you could now have them instant and thus spammable.
Yes, it was shitty.
Capcom remembered Vega existed.
It's a start at least. Capcom won't let him be the poke character he used to be but at the same time won't make him good at a new play style either.
and For Honor
most more
Carried by its name. Both Kinf of Fighters XIV and Killer Instinct are better games.
There's a lot of samey gameplay and some bullshit from the top tier, but I still don't think it's that bad of a game. I prefer its feel over SFIV at least.
They do nailed the music.
SF V ost > SFIV ost
This I will agree with. Though personally I prefer the 4 version of Giefs theme. I don't know what the fuck happened with Juri's theme. It's like they just got tired by that point.
Urien was kinda bland too.
Some SFV ost are weird as fuck, like Kolin theme, doesn´t feel like ost for a fighting game