Dark Souls 3 The Ringed City

Have you ever been aroused by a video game enemy to the point where it affected your ability to combat it?

yes you're wearing the set of that boss

Ah not the full set. Its the Dancer's chest and gloves but its The Sunless leggings. You lose the yoga pants like mesh but gain hips for days.

I feel like ringed city could've been better

aka not so many dumbass enemies everywhere so I can take in the scenery. I wanna be able to look at how cool the area is, but you fucking can't because they throw a shit ton of enemies everywhere and you're more worried about the enemies than being able to appreciate other things in the game.

You can appreciate the scenery after you kill the enemies around you. Its not like new ones are gonna pop up. Except in the dreg.

I really enjoyed the enemies and layouts of the Ringed City until I reached the stairway with the seven herald knights. Quality tanks afterwards.

The Dancer. No joke.

I kept getting hit trying to look at pic related's boobs

Her whip did so much damage to me for some reason.

>go over to her
>take out binoculars and stare at cleavage
>have to stop because you can't move while using binoculars



I can't play Soul Calibur for more than maybe an hour without a break.

Every girl is next level.

He knows you want it.

I unironically think Midir is cute. Theres no art of him yet tho so I just keep him alive one of my character's and fight him to get my fix.

I am the same way, except he is only.kept alive because I suck ass and don't have any patience for how big his health bar is

We do need some art of his big girthy dragon cock though

Kalameet in ds1.


What do you think of Midir?

He actually killed me once because he did the thing where he drops his chest down and lifts his tail up and I got too distracted to dodge his spin

any cool new weapons?

All the new weapons but 2 are anime.

>tfw demon fetish


The new skeleton halberd thing is the coolest weapon in the game.

So Sup Forums, at which point during the fight did you realize humans couldn't compete with him?

When i fought him on the bridge and his massive throbbing rock hard bulge was in my face the entire time.

Are those textures supposed to look stretched?

An unfortunate side-effect of his size

What? That's no excuse at all.

There shouldn't be an excuse made to begin with. It's a petty and stupid criticism.

I was making a big dragon cock joke. Its so big, it stretches the textures.

That the textures look stretched? It's not a significant criticism, but it doesn't look great.


So is wanting to fuck Midir a meme or do people actually want to dicked by him.



>a meme
>not wanting to sex the superior lifeform in current year


is midir male or female?

das dragons don't have genders