If you've never spent days and weeks farming a rare as fuck mob with a low as fuck drop then you don't know SHIT about...

If you've never spent days and weeks farming a rare as fuck mob with a low as fuck drop then you don't know SHIT about video games.

>someone actually made you waste days and weeks of your life with somr simple coding


>trying to find the codex to start warlock green fire
took a fucking eternity

think i got boots twice, both times i was just running by and he was up, just needed to be on at a magical time where there was only 1 camper

I got that first try. I think I was 1/80 on o.kote. Then I started playing again last month, got maat's cap, ridill, shura haidate, most of the cursed gear, every piece of relic armor for every job, and almost enough money to upgrade my relic weapon over a week.
I kind of want to play again for real, but my linkshell was broken and I don't talk to any of my old friends anymore, but those Trusts were great.

If you've never paid a guild to allow you to have a chance for them to grab a boss for a chance of a drop for a chance to roll on a piece of loot every few days for your epic, then you didn't waste your time and your money on something that would go to shit in 2002

Why do that when you can just farm clippings and buy the part outright in less than a tenth of the time?

Then I don't need to compete with level 15 chinese farm bots.

No. Thank god. That kind of system is flawed and made for people to waste thousands of hours in a game. It's not really fun, either.

>LMB + RNG = Gameplay

Okay, sweetie.

>do a camp check
>it's the same guy at a spot that was there 24 hours earlier