>b-but it's a portable gaming console who needs a dock!
Nintendo Switch now warping in dock mode
I'm drunk and what is this?
So this is what the nintendo seal of quality means
Haha holy shit op
Well what the fuck were you doing on reddit in the first place
>owner clearly did it himself
>"hurr it's Nintendo's fault"
Warp drive engage!
No owner did nothing you are just speculating because you suck corporation cock
>their only defense is an ad hominem
>3 threads with the same Reddit repost
Really causes me to ponder
>dock does nothing but let the thing sit in place
>doesn't even put any pressure onto it at all
>it somehow warped it
Explain please
>Sonybros and the nonexistent Xbots are Redditors
>Especially considering that Nintendo has explicitly chosen to make it so that there's no way for you to back up your save data in any way, so if you have to send it in to get repaired or replaced, all of your game saves may be gone forever, and if the unit actually fails, they definitely are.
What the fuck, really?
A piece of plastic can't do this. Stop spewing lies.
>plastic don't bend
yes, jet fuel can't melt steel beans
It's pretty much a dead giveaway that any thread is Reddit shit when they use the subject field. Only exception is generals.
A bunch of different materials with different heat properties will cause shit like this if your engineering is that of a 2010 chinese noname tablet
>reddit app
>Reddit app
not him but
>implying don't buy shit to shit on it and just to get views on youtube
check 7:29
Did you even watch the video you fucking retard? Also see the channel, also he complimented the switch in the video for being so durable
Went from Nintendium to self-destructing hardware
my point is that, people buy shit to test it, break it, or flat out shit on it.
in this case he bought it to test destroying it, any body can just take a screenshot and without context claim that anything could have happened.
That youtube channel has a motive behind doing it you gigantic useless sack of shit
You are geniunely a conspiracy theorist tier piece of shit toddler drone
And you are using that to claim that they are lying, fucking delusional
Why are there FOUR threads about this shit?
*sigh*... that explains it
user, can you tell me with a straight face that people who buy/get things just to shit on it don't exists?
don't be so naive user.
not claiming that they are lying, but to take it with a grain of salt, as we don't know if it was caused on purpose or it's actually an accident.
Just like how everyones switch makes that death ringing sound and is broken?
Kill yourself you are somehow using your tiny mind with your mental gymnastics to conclude that this is what definately happened even though you have absolutely nothing to back up your claim with
yup, you are naive, move along.
Shit's photoshopped yo.
>c-could b-be lying
The reddit thread has bunch of people explaining that they are getting replacements, even checked the switch subreddit expecting damage control but even there they were noting that they got bent consoles and that they are getting replacements so it's cool
What am I looking at? How does this prove it's been photoshopped? Teach me.
user. if the dock can scratch the screen, it means it's pressing on the screen. The switch is made of cheap shitty material.
>Sup Forums literally stealing content from reddit
>has been for years now
This place is a husk of its former self.
Heat can warp plastic you fucking ding dong. If the screen were actual glass this might not be happening but Nintendo really went cheap on this one.
Good job retard
It scratches the screen because there are little plastic guiders that lead it into the hub.
I can take a picture if you don't believe me.
It's funny because Reddit steals content from us all the time.
Why are you fags even using Reddit, is this place just flooded with normies now?
Plastic can bend. Apply enough heat and slight pressure, over time it will bend.
Hell, just take a 3ds xl and press down on the plastic surface, you will be able to bend it slightly because it's cheap plastic they use.
>4 threads about this right now
Really made me think.
>something bad about a corporation toy emerges
>jump immidiately claiming it's definately lies
Cock sucking whore
the only "issue" is that the back of the switch isn't air tight, press down on the back and it'll flatten out then bend back, nothing too serious
yeah user, another just claims "oh yeah I'm getting mine changed for another" you just blindly believe the guy.
Gee user, I just checked my Switch and it's not bent, even though I played for long hours and it has even frozen twice due to heat. (would you believe me)
>switch has a metal back plate
>somehow warps that too
>Sup Forums literally stealing content from reddit
Its your people coming here and making the threads, just stay there
Well this is the internet so expect constant
Yes and still growing.
Sup Forums - Leaf Redditors
They're praising nintendos customer support while at it, but no, it's all a conspiracy
believing everything the internet says just because it's against a corporation you somehow feel should get fucked.
user, this is for your own good, you might think that people are honest when talking against big corporations but its not always true, people do actually lie on the internet, again, I'm not saying they are, I'm saying not take their word as gospel cause you know how "big" all the issues were claimed thanks to the crowbcat video, yet it wasnt really true, the only big issue has been the joycons sync issue, all the other issues are really small.
I miss /vint/ already
t. Conspiracy theorist
There is no reason to believe that they are lying, in fact if you look at the comment history of many of them you'll see that they've been talking highly of the device
We need to purge any and all redditors and Leafs.
>Buy Switch
>Play it hourly almost everyday (lunch break at work)
>Joycons never had issues
>Dock hasn't scratched my screen
>Switch perfectly straight
Did I just get lucky or are other people complete retards
again user, I'm not saying "don't believe them" get this through your head.
I'm saying not to believe everything you read on the internet, however I still don't believe you, if you want me to believe these guys are to be believed, then create a picture with links and pictures that proves they have a good comment history, I mean why the fuck should I just believe you?
>shared from the Reddit app
Go to the reddit page it's accesible to everyone retard and there is currently no reason to believe there's some big concpiracy going on
Pretty fucking moot damage control then
>t-they could be lying
Sure but there's no reason to believe so
journalists and shitposters kept distributing the same fucking videos everywhere.
granted the joycon issue is real, I have experienced it, but then again, the joycon issue was reported by many many different sources along with videos.
actually, there is a reason, take how everyone kept talking about the crowbcat video and how the general consensus was that the switch had tons of issues and that if you bought one, it would probably get fucked in a few weeks.
>Pretty fucking moot damage control then
>>t-they could be lying
>Sure but there's no reason to believe so
yeah and journalist, youtubers, forum posters don't make clickbait threads, articles and videos just for that sweet attention they are seeking.
Same boat here. I was honestly worried but nothing bad has happened so far. I've played docked and undocked with my switch and never had a problem with it to date
Those do it for money you fucking braindead shithead and again you have no fucking proof, how are you not a conspiracy theorist, explain that
Fuck off you fucking conspiracy theorist, again anything could he a lie, don't trust anything not even yourself etc. but there's no fucking reason to suspect any foul play at this point
I am a leaf, everyone hates me and I have mental problems and am a huge dick on the internet
I'll return the favor my man
its still better than that piece of shit ps4 and xbone. not only are the games better but the system doesnt overheat unlike the nogames4. more exclusives, better overall quality in the games, and a unique system thats not the standard same shit system they repurposed for the past 8 years. at least nintendo tried to innovate. names ONE thing sony or microshit has done that became industry standard in the video game market. nintendo has always been ambitious and took risks with their system, and everyone else just copies their work (le sony move le kinect). stop being a fucking crybaby about every little nitpicking thing wrong you sony pony
same here, except for the joycon issue
user, not every single webpage gets money through ads, many just want to increase their traffic, damn it user, get your head out of your ass, use your head and don't just follow whatever everyone tell you. use your head, in this particular case, those reddit users might be legit "if you have investigated them", I won't believe it simply cause I haven't met any other user that has had this problem IRL. If it on the internet you should doubt it until you actually investigate it yourself to make sure. if you did this for the reddit guys then good for you, that doesn't mean that I or other anons should blindly believe you just because you say so.
Yes, on the internet you shouldn't believe everything just because someone said it, or at least don't go "oh shit, I must tell every one I know about this thing I read on the internet, without fact checking" in other words, don't be paroting retards, because we already have too many on Sup Forums shitting up the place with their idiocy in the first place.
lol, ok.
Yeah it's definately reddit dispatching bunch of users to start a bendgate drama to get more traffic, holy shit you are delusional
Do you think this is fake by the way?
>100th thread
>everyone uses the term warping
How much does sony pay you?
Okay so why are you not a conspiracy theorist?
about the heat, yes
I saw this video a few weeks ago and remembered that it could be bent, so I actually believe they might have bent it accidentally by siting on it or something, but it don't matter for now, since mine hasn't bent and none of my friends switches have bent either, frankly I don't care enough to go check on those guys to see if they are legit or not. I was just bored and after the whole switch launch issue thing that went on in Sup Forums and many other sites I just though I would take some time to just tell you guys not to believe everything you read on the internet, and I have already explained why.
because, I believe everyone can do anything given enough motivation, I'm more of a skeptic, I won't believe anything unless given hard proof.
and come on, you are on Sup Forums man, how many trolls invent shit up and generally say shit just to get on people's nerves? you know people lie just for the fun of it, people love creating chaos and doing it at the expense of others or companies is no problem at all for anyone. thus on the internet, don't believe everything you hear.
Mine's starting to bend at the same spot. Just checked after seeing this. Definitely not a fake.
It's probably bad manufacturing quality
You have no reason to believe they bent it you skeptic , fucking hypocrite looking to put the blame on users
>ever taking it out of docked mode
>sonygers getting this pathetically desperate
I've already explained myself many times, explain your reason to believe its true
This is a feature, its just getting used to the owners hands and maximizing comfort.
best part of /vint/ was how we all get to see that all sonygers are
cant wait until canada range ban Sup Forums will be saved
>yfw the Wii U actually looks good by comparison now
Seen 5 different images of curved switch, checked post history and they've been active in the community without any negativity, no one has been saying that bending them by hand has been an issue, nothing about their claims seem off
If switch could be deformed by just bending them a bit, it would be a huge complain
then kindly provide an image with said facts, otherwise don't expect people to visit reddit on your account just to verify, and if you expect people to visit reddit to verify your claims, then please leave and don't post this shit here, stay on reddit. I am not going to visit reddit just to verify that your claim is true
it can be bent using force as shown in a video
Yeah people are definitely putting all their force into bending it just to get that slight warp... you really think that's more likely
But you are going to deny without looking at any of the claims, neat, you just showed you are spouting baseless shit
did I say I wouldn't look at it? I said create an image with all the info to verify your claims, obviously you should also include links, in case people want to further verify.