>story is about evil corporations
>cyberpunk in general is inherently left wing
>creator of the IP and co creator of the game is an African American, so the game is bound to be full of references to Trump now
Sup Forums is going to do a complete 180 on CDPR once this game eventually comes out.
Story is about evil corporations
>making tons of assumptions based on nothing to stir up controvery for no reason.
There's only one assumption there (that the game is going to be full of Trump references).
And that part that you made up just so happens to be the only part that even means anything.
Corporations are evil IRL, everybody knows this except for a few stray Randroids. That's not controversial.
And cyberpunk is just taking modern trends and extrapolating them into the future.
>so the game is bound to be full of references to Trump now
>The game is going to be released before Trump gets impeached
>story is about evil corporations
Cliche. Partly true. I'd drop evil and replace with selfish and emotionless.
>cyberpunk in general is inherently left wing
Cliche. Also, no shit. Technology is always left wing. If it was up to conservatives, we'd still be riding horses.
>creator of the IP and co creator of the game is an African American
Using the term "African American" just identifies yourself as a false-flagging faggot.
>so the game is bound to be full of references to Trump now
>Sup Forums is going to do a complete 180 on CDPR once this game eventually comes out.
Sup Forums always does this.
tl;dr OP is a lying false-flagging faggot. Hide, report, and move on.
By the time it comes out everyone will forget who Trump is, and who fucking cares, most people on Sup Forums love Deus Ex and we all know that has some what of a social justice slant.
Yeah I wouldn't go that far but because its made by slavs there wont be any SJW bullshit. I'm fucking excited man
>Yeah I wouldn't go that far but because its made by slavs there wont be any SJW bullshit.
Co created by Slavs, co created by an American.
So later this year?
I don't know anything about you, but after reading this I'm pretty confident in saying that I'm smarter than you.
>co created by an American
Mike Pondsmith has very little to do with the development
>cyberpunk in general is left wing
Wow dude, did you read Neuromancer? Or any cyberpunk before you shot your mouth off? The main characters are just as opportunistic as the corps. Not everything has to be a political statement, cyberpunk is aupposed to be about dubious people doing bad shit in a bad world, not a commentary on present day politics.
>Inherently left wing
Literally what? Reminder that Johnny Rotten publicly supports Trump.
Punk is and always has supported anti-authoritarians, left or right.
>cyberpunk in general is inherently left wing
That's not true at all. Unless you think the entire poltical spectrum right of center sucks corporate dick
Never ever.
>all these people denying that cyberpunk is left wing
It's literally about people who have been marginalized by society, and how corporations created that. You're all going to be proven wrong when this game comes out.
Hating megacorps isn't a left vs. right issue.
But yes, I expect this game to be contaminated with Democratic Party politics.
>Unless you think the entire poltical spectrum right of center sucks corporate dick
Well, that is how it works out IRL, so yeah
why is this evil allowed to exist in our world???
Good thing you are here wasting your time on Sup Forums, at least your idiocy here can be contained.
I wouldn't want, for our sake, to see you create something and take a part in our society.
>Technology is always left wing.
Good joke.
>walk in
>see that the game is anti-trump
>do a 360 degree turn
>and walk out
Apple supports Trump... Oh wait.
Google supports Trump... Oh wait.
Microsoft supports Trump... Oh wait.
If technology is so right wing, why is Sup Forums always complaining about how SJWs dominate the industry?
Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, HP, Intel, Nvidia, Yahoo, Dell, NASA, etc.
Get over it.
holy shit, you're retarded.
Would you accept if the game shows off how managers and employees, the humans of a corporation, can be truly evil?
>get btfo
>h-holy shit, you're r-retarded...
Why would he get impeached
I'm talking about OP, sorry.
If he gets his dick sucked I guess.
Micheal Flynn offered to testify to the FBI or Congress in exchange for immunity, after saying that asking for immunity means you're guilty. A lot of people think that his testimony could contain incriminating info on Trump.
So you can't refute my point. The tech industry spent a shit ton of money lobbying against Trump.
If they shoehorn you into going a "fuck the corporations" route that'll be lame. Let you actually play the greedy corporate guy if you want or be the fascist face stomper or FUCK DA MAN hacker or whatever and I'll be fine.
Trump was literally put there you shitlord. Do you really think just some random gets elected to be our president? Our country was literally bought out a long time ago.
Everything down to hillary frowning during his inaguration was planned.
So right after sealab 2021 gets built by Pence?