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god this game looks like shit, and i don't even care about the political controversy


>Trying this hard to sound shitty and cringey

Really kills it tbqh famalamadingdong

>a load of yap

What the fuck is this pansy ass shit?

I think it is cute

The nostalgia / throwback card is getting really annoying

nothing can fucking exist stand alone anymore

this. the casino level especially turned me off it feels like no heart was put in

That was deliciously cheesy.



>Released April 1st
>Autists take this seriously

>For the 57th time in two days.

>was kickstarted off of being nostalgia
>made because of nostalgia

Good job, captain obvious.

This was a kickstarter goal, fucko.
check'd though

Nice quads. They promised the rap way back during the Kickstarter campaign though.


>pagies in cagies

Man, who ever thought their character designs looked good? They're so doughy and lifeless, but at the same time uncomfortably angular and cube-like.


Wow that youtuber is really unfunny.


No shit, the game is a spiritual sequel to Banjo Kazooie

At least you could tell Kazooie was a girl I thought the bat was also a boy

>flies his pants on the ship's mast

But he doesn't wear pants?

Wow, they actually made it worse than the DK rap. Like, that's impressive. Also on fucking point.

Laylee is cute


very cute

I don't like that this game's soul is just an amalgamation of other games, doesn't really feel like its own thing.

The DK rap is a relic of a simpler time. Imagine if they put a rap music video with a bunch of dancing monkeys in a game today. That shit wouldn't fly.

I hope the actual game isn't this so "HEY REMEMBER OLD RARE GAMES!?"

Clearly they are repeating the same beats as past games, but they said they didn't want to just redo banjo kazooie. People kept asking them to make Capital Bee talk in rhyme, which they said no

...Motherfucker, I never thought of it like that. Welp.

i never asked why it was centered around nostalgia; I know it is

there's just too much of it

all these fucking manchildren trying to relive the past by clinging on to these games

Hollywood proved Nostalgia sells, so naturally the Videogame Industry is following suit.

The DK rap is a legit fun song, there is a reason it got mainstream attention

This is just fucking terrible, they didn't even try

If there's an audience then someone will be there to make a buck. Just saying.


Holy quad man


I mean, it hits a lot of the same stylistic beats only this time it's one big metajoke. Not saying that makes it any better but it's not like the DK rap was much better than this either.


i would fuck laylee, yes

Funny, considering he copied DMC4 to make Bayonetta.

im so fucking glad i didnt back this crap

jesus christ

It was a stretch goal. Atleast they made it, and it's pretty cool, in my opinion.

I bet people complaining about it, have no idea that it's a stretch goal

The comments are the cringiest part

The DK rap part 2 was a backer goal though.
They wouldn't have done it if people didn't specifically ask for it

Eh, DMC and Bayonetta have enough differences in their approach. DMC is about straight up styling on motherfuckers while Bayonetta is more of a "dodge and retaliate" affair, and their supplementary mechanics accent each approach. Meanwhile, with stuff like MN9 or even Azure Striker Gunvolt, you're basically getting past Megaman games with a more convoluted combat system and...that's about it. Shame, Inti Creates did something great with Megaman 9 but they were never able to quite recapture that lightning.

Exactly what it needed to be.

Looking forward to the reviews.

Don't forget they removed a voice because of something he said that offended them outside of the game.

It's obvious Playtonic is not Rare, fuck they aren't even Rareware.

I think that might have been a joke response to people wanting them to wear clothes

>No HE at all

What the fuck is the point then?

At the very least, we got a HIS out of "His name's on the Box"

>trying to recapture the meme magic of the DK RAP

It's a nice touch, but it was a kickstarter goal.

I just hope the characters shown there aren't the whole cast.
Banjo-Tooie had a huge cast.

Yeah because they're on the ship's mast.

You actually can make Yooka wear clothes.

>tfw Yuya gets his waifu back
>tfw I don't get my sister back in which I've been fighting for all seasons

>Capital Bee doesn't talk in rhyme

I wanted this at first, but now that I have seen so much of the game, I am glad that they aren't doing that. Every bit of difference feels like a breath of fresh air to me.

>you will never have NPC/enemy variety like this again
>you'll just have the weird blue pajama minions instead


>tfw breath of the wild only has a fraction of that