What sre some of the worst redesigns in vidya history?
What sre some of the worst redesigns in vidya history?
nu-ash is cuter
Fat asshole Pikachu becoming skinny bland Pikachu
>they actually decided that a SM movie would be unprofitable and made a Kanto movie
asS was never cute
he looks like a literal retard.
there are more superior pokeboys out there
Are we comparing left as old and right as new?
I have no problem with the new at direction.
I fucking can't believe they are people defending this shit
>durr they're just using a new way to animate
>i-it looks really good in motion
Real shame since X and Y was the first time in a while that the anime actually interested me
why does japan fucking love capri pants on kids
The sun and moon anime legitimately looks bad. Like, low/no budget bad. What happened?
>giving a fuck about ad: the anime at any point in your life
kill yourself
I'd probably watch the new movie if it was drawn in this art style. Unfortunately it's probably just going to be the SM shit which has been airing for a while now.
>what is all anime
There is nothing wrong with SM Ash
everything is rounder and there is less shading
other than that the animation is better than in XY
I think it's his best design tbqh.
kill them with fire
Post a worse one
Protip: You can't
The preview is out
Here you go.
>what is love
Oh I can't?
I raise, check this
>t. Christine Weston Chandler
I hated the new sun and Moon designs too but it looks a lot better in motion.
>baby dont hurt me
>don't hurt me
>no more
i prefer the new style
Jessie is so fucking hot.
XYshitters need to be gassed. You'd think they all killed themselves after trAsh lost.
>whoa whoa whoa, ooh ooh
Sleep tight.
Damn it, user. You ruined the mood between us two.
>Not this
Is James gaining weight
I fucking forgot that thing existed.
Spyro is literally un-touchable in the JUST department. Next would be Conker.
>his hat has a different logo
>but the old one is on his backpack
fucking DROPPED
When did Rin grow her hair?
When did Saber cut her hair and get contacts?
how do you go from this
whos this?
I haven't watched this since it had gen2 mons, are the new ones worth checking? this has me interested
Kill yourself
dumb shitposter
>that shading
to this?
X and Y is by far the peak of the series animation wise.
Perhaps thats why S&M pales in comparison.
That shading looks retro as hell, nice.
What took you so long?
I like it.
Jessie looks highly fuckable.
>dat smirk of cconfidence
>the eyes of determination
Nu-ash is goat
Jesse finally has some sex appeal. James is fabulous. I like them.
Huh, they improved it.
XY is like the version of the anime you always wanted as a kid but it blows all its good will out so hard at the end that you're left begging for SM to fuck the pain away with something completely different.
They're worth a watch if you have nothing else to do with your time. Would recommend the sinnoh saga of the show just for the dickass rival in that. Stay away from the unova part of the series if you actually plan on watching the show
I get what they were going for with the cubic artstyle but they executed it in the worst way possible.
It literally turns the concept into a shallow parody of itself. They originated on a console that was known for a low poly count so let's give the new game an angular style! ...except for the fact that not even their in-game n64 models were that angular.
what's with the ching chong nip nong that flies across the screen?
Jessie's hips are bigger in the Sun and Moon anime.
...they look the same? which is one and which is new?
That last Spyro at the top looks kind of good though, sort of like it's an older Spyro.
Bottom thing is just hideous in general though, agreed.
jesse loogin THICC
I actually really liked it. it would be perfect with blue legs. skin colored limbs on a blue body always disgusted me. like, is he fucking bald on his arms and legs?
are you blind and retarded
Wow a pussyboy grandpa..is this a thing?
It's young Conker. You know, from Conker's Bad Fur Day
You have shit taste.
>went from a distinct aesthetic
>to another distinct aesthetic
I don't mind.
Yeah, I'm sure that's the reason and that the movie has nothing to do with the anime's 20th anniversary...
SM Rocket is nice, they keep on getting better mons every season
You forget that certain people pretend to be 18+ here user he's clearly one of them.
Please keep your image relevant to the thread.
Any redesign that completely misses the point of the original is inherently bad, unless they manage to capture the spirit of it in some facet.
Here's one that bad beyond it being a redesign, that's how you know you've really fucked up. If the design can't even stand on it's own when removed from the context of being what it's supposed to be. Fucking worthless.
>he plays a banjo
>he plays a kazoo
>banjo and kazoo
how did I never noticed this
Diamond/Pearl, X/Y and S/M are pretty good and worth checking out. Hoenn was shit and B/W was a mistake.
They ran out budget.
I agree honestly, it's good for older Spyro. But Landers is regardlessly shit.
Reminds of the whole Rock&Roll thing from Megaman.
I'm glad they fixed the R, the one in X/Y was seriously the worst.
>Diamond/Pearl, X/Y
>are pretty good and worth checking out.
>B/W was a mistake
>spoilering sun and moon
Did your parents name you Shitter Mcgee because they knew you were going to have the worst taste imaginable?
He went full american.
XY was mediocre and the only people who think otherwise are serena shitposters
>Best Wishit
Kill yourself.
I thought the new animation style would mean they wouldn't have to resort to this
>four strings
You have to be 18 to post here, that's a banjolele
hair is same
all clothing is same except for ash who just wears normal 10yo clothed either way
all hair is the same
Pikachu is the same
Meowth is the same
it's hard to tell if the rocket power duo are different since their faces are at completely different angles. seems pretty similar, either way.
the only different I can see is Ash's face.
XY is great until the end, where it literally drops to negative units in quality.
It's kinda like this, imagine you're studying for a test, a very important test, you study for weeks, months even, to get an excellent grade and pass the test. When the day of the test comes, you answer all the questions wrong on fucking purpose just because.
That's pretty much how the XY ending felt. So, unless you wanna set yourself up for massive disappointment, I suggest only watching the important battles like gym battles, rival battles, and league battles, because they're the highlight of the entire season.
Pikachu attacking Ash always makes me grin no matter the context.
that thing is bomberman right?
the pain almost faded, then you show up to open the wound again. damit
I wasn't 18 when I started visiting Sup Forums either
Is this a persona reference?