Just got the game and I don't see the Japanese voice option anywhere.
What the fuck is going on?
Just got the game and I don't see the Japanese voice option anywhere.
What the fuck is going on?
Other urls found in this thread:
are you retarded?
protip: check your dlc
Day One DLC early copy fag
>Japanese voice
This is fucking shit. Even though I got the game early I still have to wait for DLC?
Im not starting this game with disgusting amerilards voices.
lmao enjoying my dual audio rn
The game hasn't even been released yet, retard
how'd you even obtain an early copy?
Comes out when the game officially is on sale for everyone
Local walmart broke the street date.
think again burger
I remember when I didn't like the P5 logo. Odd times.
Only up in PAL territories at the moment.
>wants to disable a language he understands to hear a language he doesn't understand, therefore having to fucking READ while playing
If you don't like reading your IQ must be less than 70.
If you don't like English you can just get the fuck out of my country
I prefer superior voices.
>2.8 GB of fucking voice tracks
Do they not know how audio compression works?
In what sense? Maybe they wanted less compressed audio. It's not like 2.8 gigs is really a problem, unless you're concerned about hitting your data cap.
It probably is compressed if it's only 2.8GB for all the voices in the game.
It's a 70 hour JRPG, 2.8 GB is normal
>Not using the dub
>using the dub
lmao neo-Sup Forums normalfags shithole
>52 minutes left
jesus christ kys poor fag
I'd rather play with dubbed because at least I can understand it, sure the Japanese voices sound better but they didn't give us subtitles so fuck it. I'd rather understand what's going on, also I played Persona 3 and Persona 4 with English voices and didn't have a problem with it. Granted I'm guessing people didn't really have a problem with the English voice actors in those games. I guess they did a shit job with casting on the English Persona 5 voice casting.
someone want to give me a dub sub comparison so i can judge
They gave us subtitles, how could they not?
>they didn't give us subtitles
anyone have that image with the bazinga reference
I played the jap version and I'm gonna give the dub a chance.
Dub is mediocre, especially Makoto, who is terribly miscast and sounds like a screeching harpy. Certainly not the worst dub and is around the same as the last two games.
Meanwhile, the sub is an all-star cast of Lelouch and Pikachu, and the entire game is based around Japanese Igor's VA to begin with so it's weird not having that.
Haru seems to be the worst.
How big is the Japanese voice dlc
I had to stop after Morgana. Sounds nothing like a boy but instead a sassy middle aged white woman.
>english morgana
2.8 GB
>Makoto miscast
>Look her up and Futaba
What the fuck? It's like they switch the two.
Yup. Christ, this game has an abhorrent dub. And most of the time I like dubs
Call all non chain gamestores in your area. I got mine two days ago.
I don't really mind the others though. They do butcher Sakamoto for some reason though.
My first NA run will probably be with the dub.
If you believe that IQ is an accurate measurement AT ALL, let alone of a subjective phenomena like intelligence, you're the stupid one.
Oh sweet, we get subtitles? Nobody fucking said they did, I just figured people knew how to speak Japanese or some shit. Well if they give us subtitles then English dub can go fuck itself.
There's subtitles for everything but little shit like combat lines, but all major stuff is subtitled.
Yeah right, more like you're a ful blown weeb.
EU here. Had the game for a week, japanese audio went live for EU aswell.
Do you want me to list off the dubs I enjoyed more than the originals?
go ahead.
When does the game unlock?
My plans are a jap audio play-through first then an English play-through for ng+
>Panty and Stocking
>Danganropa 3
>Ghost in The Shell
>Kill La Kill
And that's just what I can remember offhand. I'm not denying I'm a bit of a weeb, but it's not why I prefer the sub this time around.
I hated JP Morgana as much as I thought I would.
hahahah sucks for you
>ironic weeb posting
>playing a japanese highschool simulator
You hate fucking Pikachu?
Who wouldn't?
>You hate fucking Pikachu?
Its more that I hate Chopper, Pikachu only says his name over and over so its easy to ignore.
I think it sounds great.
Chopper is an annoying fuck, not gonna lie.
>Danganronpa 3
It didn't get a dub. It got an abridged series by Funimation.
Dub Juzo was good though.
It's doc dummy
>amazon preorder hasn't shipped
That was what made it good, though. It's not like the plot was that fantastic to begin with.
ur doc dummy
i'm stupid surgeon
>tfw that was 4 years ago
>thinking dl speed means anything on psn
psn download speeds are shit most of the time no matter how fast your connection is
tfw 2 years since
1 year since
and now literally hours away for me, something i couldnt stop thinking about every day