Board culture

Board culture




Sup Forums is right though
90% of all games are shit

>captcha: grove street

>Sup Forums is right though


>This is what Biodrones actually believe



Discuss this 3 pussy ass nigga named game

>tfw when can't make fun of ps3 now because it got more games than wii and x360

why is this allowed

What are you talking about?

We're super sexy

I absolutely love the implication that criticism on Sup Forums leads to "intelligent debates or discourse"

>Intelligent debates over direct opinions

This is not discussing the ramifications and theorizing consequences of a course of action, this is straight up just a difference in preference.

kill kys your're self

Never post again


>Think your opinions are always worth addressing so anyone ignoring your shit is being passive aggressive
Keep thinking people have to listen to your shit.

> person who spazzed at this image missed the entire point of nobody wanting to hear their massive bitch whining but a right to their opinion

> proceeds to slather it in shit rabidly

this is beyond missing the point. this is actively trapping yourself in hatred in stupidity to no benefit.

thanks for the (You)s chumps

there is a large difference between a negative opinion and whining for 40 posts repeatedly being ignored until the point where you need to be validated with a response to shut it.

the comic is focused on the latter and the lack of awareness and need to mock it leads belief that the mocker is also it from reacting in a hostile manner to a comic pointing out how people whining about how they don't like a thing and bringing nothing of value to a discussion on it need to learn to be quiet.

inb4 the point is missed and you can't tell between negative valid opinion and whining.

haha wtf

How absurd


>yfw kojima was right again

user I didn't make the fucking comic. You don't have to convince me of anything.

I like this

one has actual logical reasons and the over doesn't like it and simply wants attention or to annoy everybody because he doesn't.

you missing the point is just further reinforcing it.

haha looks like the joke is on you chump guess I win

I'm not missing any point fuckface I just posted an image. Calm down

Everything is an argument because the majority of the website is full of literally stupid literal underageb& who have zero executive functioning and these children cannot comprehend anybody believing something they do not.

>poorfag tells me to stop buying games
>reply with "Okay"
>they begin to froth at the mouth telling me I'm only encouraging developers to make shit games by paying them
>reply with "Okay"
>they start replying with MSPaint 'shit eating' reaction images
>reply with "Okay"
>they keep on

I haven't had that much fun on Sup Forums in a long time.

the comic is clearly aimed at people who don't provide actual reasons. no need to get so upset and presume I didn't just cull the bullshit image from the main board.


same here except replace 'buying' with 'pirating'

>enabling shitposting
You should find that user and forge a suicide pact