Anyone else really not looking forward to it? I get Yooka-Laylee vibes from watching game footage, like they're trying too hard to bank on nostalgia.
Anyone else really not looking forward to it? I get Yooka-Laylee vibes from watching game footage...
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Yeah, I know what you mean OP. I'm excited, and getting it day one.
>it's too different!
Holy fucking shit that Courage and Muriel meme applies to everything, not just Zelda.
Don't mind me, just being the best game in the series
Yooka-Laylee gives me the vibe of banking on nostalgia, but not having the talent to back it up.
Sonic Mania gives me the vibe of banking on nostalgia, and having the talent to back it up as well.
The guys making this have proven themselves before and are backed by the official franchise owner.
Yooka-Laylee is from a ragtag team of ex-Rare devs who are putting forth their first product based off a genre that died in the early 2000s. And it's Kickstarted.
I'm much more confident in Sonic Mania than YL.
>Sega tries to appeal to both modern and classicfags
>Both sides complain they're not getting full focus or nitpick every little thing
Jesus christ this fanbase is just unpleasable, Don't know Sega tries to appease it
>I get Yooka-Laylee vibes
Oh barf.
How about:
>Please just give us Sonic Generations or Colors 2, not another Lost World!
>SEGA makes Sonic Generations 2.
>Be a sonicfag that enjoys everything they have to offer
I don't know what's worse. The people who hate sonic because its a meme or the adventure fags.
You know how Sonic 2 was an improvement over Sonic 1 and Sonic 3 an improvement over Sonic 2? They could have just done that. At least don't just copy zones like they have Green Hill and Flying Battery Zone.
I didn't get that at all, the videos look like not a single new idea. This doesn't look like a new game, it just looks like recycled Genesis shit.
I agree but when was the last time we got an old-school sonic? Sonic is bigger than Yooka so even if it only gets the nostalgics, it will sell well.
Another genesis sonic game is exactly what the people looking forward to this game want. Me included.
But sonic 2 was better than 3
So many motherfuckers are doubting Taxman and Stealth. You fuckers seen nothing yet. This game will blow everyone the fuck away. Mark my words.
>At least don't just copy zones like they have Green Hill and Flying Battery Zone.
Although he didn't outright say it, one of the devs already heavily implied that this aspect of the game was mandated by Sega.
>the videos look like not a single new idea
>proceeds to post a video of a brand new zone as an example
Yooka laylee is a soulless "spiritual successor" made on some cheap free engine. It's Mighty Number 9 again.
Sonic Mania is more akin to Mega Man 9-10 which were GOAT.
It's looks pretty good, but I don't like how 2 out of the 3 zones we've seen so far are just remixed levels. I hope they keep it to a minimum, but then there's the issue of them possibly spoiling all the returning levels before release, and that'd be just as bad.
Equally, I'm slightly worried about the level design of the new/remixed stages. Obviously Green Hill 1 and Flying Battery 1 are fine, but in Green Hill 2 in particular it begins to scream "mediocre fan game" at certain points. A fun mediocre fan game, but one nonetheless. On the other hand, the brand new zone looks just fine, kinda like something out of Sonic CD in terms of level design where it relies more on platforming instead of focusing on speed/being a rollercoaster. I have faith it'll be good, probably better than Forces will be, but it's still good to be cautious.
>Mirage Saloon
>new zone
You have to be 18 or older to post here lil buddy.
yeah I love it when little kids open their mouths about things they know nothing about.
like dicks