Wait a minute

>Wait a minute..

those candles...

Every day until we hate it.

>this thread again

babbie's first zelda game

It was so much worse in Skyward Sword. You'd get in a room, you'd see a puzzle and start thinking about a solution, then the camera would pan over it in a way that makes it obvious. Then Fi would pop out and tell you the solution. Then she'd pop out again right as you start to implement it to flat out tell you step by step how to solve it.

I felt like she robbed all enjoyment of solving the puzzles for me.

It's almost as if, hmm, it's almost as if Zelda games are for babies, hmm, maybe that's why, let's see here, perhaps that is why chicks are so so attracted to the games.

>Zelda games are for children
>helps you out at every step so said children don't get stuck

I never noticed in the maze after that puzzle that the phantom swords point you in the right direction

Who hurt you, user?

I question why they did this. It's practically the last puzzle (if not, the last) in the game.

Ouch. That makes the game more difficult than it has to be.

>he never played Skyward Sword
>likes to make shit up on a Taiwanese cross-stitch bulletin
I dare you to find literally even one example where the shit you posted happens.

I'm still pissed.

I hope that this puzzle remains the most hand-holdy moment in all of videogames, and we move forward form here.

Fuck off, Reddit.

I bet a fucking canadian makes these god damn threads

I bet you wish this was /vint/

she did over-explain game mechanics, but never explained puzzles. Are you just making stuff up for attention on an anonymous image board?

/vint/ is the best board

I agree user. Too bad it will probably be flushed down the toilet.

The merges should be forced for at least a week. Nobody's gonna visit them if they are only alternatives.

Stop posting that Wind Waker webm you faggot.


>A sixteen year old who thought Wind Waker was going to be an easier dumbed down game for an even younger audience turned out to be right despite Nintendo's damage control

Poor Jonah, the one time in his life I bet he wishes he was wrong.


zelda is for babies and Sup Forums likes shitty games

>wind waker is good
>mount & blade is good
>titan quest is good

this board doesn't deserve to exist

It's the playtesters.

A lever is a puzzle for them.

At least Skyward Sword finally made Link look like a man.

Not him but I remember every time I had to dowse being basically that, with the dowsing in the sand at the top of the mountain in the fire province being the point where I dropped the game because it was exactly that.

What's the point of numbering the candles if the camera is going to give you the order anyway?

>It's for children
Fuck off. So were games from before this dumbing down became vogue. The only people who benefit from spoonfeeding and a massively decreased difficulty are adults who "just don't have time anymore" or don't care.

Miku must really hate that other Vocaloid.

the dowsing portions of that game were by far the shittiest parts anyway

A lot of shitty handholding in Nintendo games doesn't even make sense.

How is Fi popping up every 2 seconds and talking about obvious shit or how your Wii batteries are running low good for children?

What child wants its gameplay interrupted by constant text messages? Children want to run around and hit monsters with the sword, not read about how there's a 60% that the next room containts monsters.