What's next for them after Yooka Laylee?
Original idea or is there a Rare classic you would like them to ripoff?
What's next for them after Yooka Laylee?
Original idea or is there a Rare classic you would like them to ripoff?
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kart-racing game
Jet Force Gemini, now with even bigger twin tiddys.
Bring Blast Corps back.
Check my 5
Kart, Jet Force, Battletoads.
who cares jontron isnt it anymore
Conkers bad furday.
Buts being ran by Nu male rare so no chance in hell.
Chris Seavor needs to get off his lazy ass and make the sequel already or buy the rights from Microsoft. They wont stop fucking his character up.
full nsfw, filled with crazy bullshit Conker successor
Dude. Epic. Funny
better be a kart racer.
id want a FPS game if they were able to get the free radical guys back
Seconding a kart racer
hopefully a collectathon but you play as 5 different characters each with their own set of collectibles
Sup Forums has no power in the industry. People bitched and spammed Sup Forums about Obsidian removing the trans joke from Pillars of Eternity and yet it was still a huge success for them, to the point where it literally saved the company and they're making a sequel.
That old TORtanic comic is still right. Sup Forums had nothing at all to do with it failing, it failed all on its own.
Dinosaur planet (no SFA).
He said he doesn't want to and he's pretty much a feminist now. According to the CBFD interview on Rare Replay.
Fuck this gay earth.
yeah that would be cool but they should really do something with the kinect
Actually, the next thing is Yooka Laylee DLC.
>people saying kart racer
I think id rather get a fighting game. Either way I have high confidence their next game will be multiplayer focused
fuck off retard
They said way back when that was revealed that it would be put second to a full new game. A side project if you will
Sup Forums and Sup Forums think they are the entirety of gaming and that anyone who would have found Jontrons shit unacceptable "don't play games"
I remember renting Banjo when I was younger and not liking it. Went right back to Mario 64. Is Banjo some sort of meme game or something? Seems like a mediocre platformer with nice music to me.
It didn't hit it's stride until the sequel
Nah, Banjo is probably better than Mario 64 really. The main thing is how you can navigate levels via different skills. And you need to like to collect stuff.
I suggest you to try another time, grab the Xbox version if you can on XBLA
diddy kong racing successor PLEASE
they actually just said during the EGX Q&A that they're working on the DLC before anything else.
>Banjo is probably better than Mario 64
the things Sup Forums says
Mario 64 isn't that good. The formula was perfected afterwards. It's the Super Mario Brothers (NES) of 3d platformers
Honestly if i was his age and i was a establish writer i wouldn't make what is really "poop jokes:the game" either.
Say that to my Bird not in a Trivia game and see what happen.
Your parents must be proud of how big of a fuck up you are.
please elaborate
RARE games aren't very good, either. DKC is an overrated mediocre series, and Banjo was forgettable when it released.
Your favorite game is dogshit
it has to do with the target demography and worth of the game in itself ofc.
PoE was a great game for a genre whose players were long dying of starvation for a good one. Tortanic was shit.
If the game is bland/average such shit can be a damaging hit, it also depends on how well known the controversy is and if people care for it.
saying it affects nothing is foolish.
Its not black, but its not white either.
Kindly fuck off