Wouldn't she have to be fat at some point from bulking so much so that she could cut?

Wouldn't she have to be fat at some point from bulking so much so that she could cut?

Strongfat Zarya skin when, Blizzard? These inconsistencies are triggering my autism.


I'm big and strong like her and all I do is workout and eat. Yeah sure if you stop lifting it makes you turn fat as fuck but working out is fun and getting to eat 2 whole pizzas without being a fatass feels great.

the fat goes to her boobs

>huge breasted Zarya

Sign me up

If they make any changes to her they need to make the blonde Olympic hair her permanent default hair.


>/fit/ still believes you have to get fat to build muscle
she's a champion weightlifter m8, look at those and tell me if they are fat (105+ not withstanding)

Go look at the female olympic weight lifters from her weight class and apologize.

>tfw no fat Zarya gf

I know it's probably normal in America, but to the rest of the world Holly mangold and Sarah Robles are freaks of fatness

>implying each meal shown isn't like 1.2-1.5k cal
>implying she doesn't easily burn like 8k-10k calories a day from her routine and regular calorie burning from just existing

>tfw strongfat is so scarce

>tracer is gay
>zarya is straight

I'm still shocked.

What kind of guy does she go for?

high amounts of steroids make it extremely hard to gain fat despite being on a caloric surplus.

Within limits of course.

Guys who can dom her, naturally

she's taking loads of future roids, probley has a dick

crossdressing twinks

>pink hair and nail polish

This still triggers me

I hate nail polish on video game characters, it always looks like shit and my autism forces me to notice it everytime

I'd crossdress for my mistress Zarya

But her nails are so cute

The ones who looks beyond her bulkness and make her feel like the qt princess on the inside

Zarya being a cock-hungry slut is still my headcanon.

She strikes me as the type who's into fatboys. She fattens them up, gets them nice and big, and teases and humiliates them about how fat they are in comparison to how fucking ripped and beefy she is.

Well she WAS an olympic athlete, would make sense

You're projecting your fetish, fat boy

You're right but I'm only a skinnyfat, though the thought of being fattend up to lardo status by a muscular mistress sounds fucking hot

I can get into that

this, her pink nails give her charm

This man ate 10k calories per day when he looked like this.


I still can't get over the stupid pink hair

A strong, scarred female warrior? Fine. No meme one sided buzz cut? Even better

But fucking pink? Fuck

I her to use my face as a seat

>I'm big and strong like her
>also I post in Sup Forums - Video Games

Um, sweetie, obesity is purely genetic and nothing to do with diet or personal choices. I'm glad Blizzard is progressive enough to recognize this. It's 207 after all.

Almost got me, not sure why

Not sure why either : /

*blocks ur path*

Food is energy, you need to burn energy to grow muscles, the harder you train the more energy you need.

Stop thinking with tumblr fat-logic, its all excuses and bullshit.

Ottermode guy she can dom.

>tfw ottermode


me, I hope