good lord i cant fucking wait for red dead redemption 2 to come out and outsell all of your shitty weeb games combined!
good lord i cant fucking wait for red dead redemption 2 to come out and outsell all of your shitty weeb games combined!
>Japan makes better games than the west
>they do not make games for PC
>RDR will dethrone Japanese games
>it too will not come to PC
best western games > best japanese games
average japanese games > average western games
if RDR 2 doesn't have liar's dice, i'm not buying it
no one mentioned pc but you, faggot
Not gonna happen
after finishing TRC dlc for DS3 I realized how big the gap between Rockstar ad From.
>Red Dead Revolver
>Red Dead Redemption
>Red Dead Redemption 2
Lame. Should have continued the trend.
>Red Dead Revengeance
Speaking of RDR2, it's been over 6 months since the reveal trailer and the game is slated for release by end of this year, yet they've been radio slient.
My guess is it got delayed to 2018 or they'll do a big Game Informer reveal blowout 2 or 3 months before release after unveiling a release date trailer.
RDR was shit and I don't really expect this one to be any better.
Same. I have no idea what anyone sees in it. At least Grand Theft Auto has an interesting open world full of content to make up or its awful missions. RDR doesn't even have that.
stop perpetuating dumb east vs west video game wars
your falling for SJW bait you fucking clown
But perhaps there's a link between platform availability and quality? Japanese games are typically:
>not on PC
>better than western games
Western games are typically
>on PC
>worse than Japanese games
Consider this: Nioh, a PS4 exclusive, has a rating of 88, while Nier, a PS4 and PC game, has a rating of 82 on Metacritic.
>One good western developed games coming out every few months vs a good japanese developed game coming out every month
Hmmm. Really makes you think.
Don't get me wrong, I like western games and Japanese games, but you very rarely get a western developed game that isn't plagued by bugs, SJW pandering, or a general lack of polish (See: Mass Effect)
R* always does this shitty move. It would be nice if they just fucking reveal the trailer when the game is actually just a few months away from release. Guarantee its going to be delayed for at least half a year.
yes I too cannot wait for giant empty bland open world game but with a western theme so it gets a free pass
more people were able to rate
ME and Horizon are already outseling all weebshit, doesn't mean they are good games, weebshit are much better.
This. Only reason I keep playing RDR on my xbone. Surprisingly there's still people playing it
What will happen if Red Dead Redemption 2 is shit?
best western games < best japanese games
average japanese games < average western games
Avarage weebshit is awful. While avarage westshit is pretty much the same as a good westshit.
R knows the idea of the game is more appealing than the actual game itself
That's why you had insane talk of GTA V when NO INFORMATION WAS RELEASED
I tried to play it RDR online again but since i have GTA5 on PC with 60fps I cannot get use to the 20-30fps input delay at all anymore.
>I can't wait to do the exact same thing i'm bitching about!
Kill yourself.
I can't wait for another amazing NuRockstar game, GTAV was so great!
Please stop defending Mass Effect Andromeda.
Its pretty sad that this is what westcucks are holding out for. The first game was a really barren and basic GTA but with horses, held up only by its decent plot. Thats literally all the best AAA western games have been in the past near decade. Mediocre-subar gameplay and good plot.
And they actually believe this is better than the complete masterworks coming out of Japan. Holy Christ, the delusion.
d-delet this
They should make all the characters cute girls.
Western games have been trash for a while. I mean when they were good they were great but it's long, long gone.
Its RDR 2 because its a prequel
Console+PC western games (ie Doom 2016, NFS2016, Witcher) > Console+PC Japanese games (the Evil Within, Nier, RE7)
Western console exclusives (RDR, Destiny) = Japanese console exclusives (FFXV, El Shaddai)
PS exclusive Japanese games (Yakuza, Nioh, BB) > PS exclusive western games (Uncharted, TLOU, Infamous)
There is no such thing as a "good Japanese game on PC" without it being a port of an older console game. There is no such thing as a "bad console-exclusive western game". It's not "Japan vs not-Japan" as it is "console game vs PC game".
It didn't even have a good plot. It had a good last third.
You're not wrong, although there is value in cinematic games. There are tons of shitty ones, but there are good ones like The Witcher 3. Sure, it's barely a game, but it's better written than most movies out there.
sega is an american company you dumb fuck
Why would I care about Rockstar games post RDR?
The creative forces that made that game great have left the company and GTA V is solid proof of that.
they were founded by americans, they are an american company.
you have no idea how business works do you? dumbass.
I am a massive fucking weeb and I will fight tooth and nail to defend the fact that Japanese games are far superior than Western games, however I cannot fucking WAIT for RDR2 to come out because RDR was my fucking game of the century.
Good games deserve the recognition they rightfully deserve, regardless of where they originate. Yes, its too early to start laying down facts and opinions about RDR2 but I have faith Rockstar will deliver. As long as whoever worked on GTA5 stays the hell away from RDR2, everything should be fine.
GTAV is better than RDR. RDR has shit open world and shit missions, GTAV has a pretty good open world and shit missions.
>riding your horse in an empty desert simulator
I sure do love doing nothing for 80% of the game then another 10% doing stupid mini games.
If you compare it to capeshit and modern comedies, sure.
>looking forward to cowboy cash shop 2
>One good Western games means LOLTHEWESTISBACKXD
Its not like i want the majority of the West to be bad. I fucking love Croteams games and D44M. The West used to make great games all the time. I want to love both but nowadays so much of Western shit is just so bad. Id say like 5% of it is good just like id say 30-40% of Jap shit is good. Both have alot of bad but i don't have to look nearly as hard for Jap games.
Oh, is "Sega is American" the new "Poland isn't western" meme?
Taito was founded by a Russian. Are they a Russian company?
can't wait for the tranny characters in RDR2
>le everything is a meme may may XD
You can tell Poland isn't Western because it isn't cucked.
Respectfully gotta disagree, RDR's actually felt appropriately populated with fitting characters and wild life that bled into the gameplay. GTA V just felt like a mish mash of all the studio's previous work with little cohesion.
>Best Western games
>Better then best Jap
That is a hard thing to say. DMC3SE/Ninja Gaiden Black are amazing. If you love fighting games and have any sort of standards you basically need Japan as well. But the West has all the best shooter classics with so much replay value i still replay Doom1/2 vanilla once a year since i was like 9 going on 26 on the 9th.
In the end i guess its determined by the genre. Is your favorite game a traditional rpg/shooter or a fighter/action game/jrpg? And so on and so forth.
>Respectfully gotta disagree, RDR's actually felt appropriately populated with fitting characters and wild life that bled into the gameplay.
Okay, but how does it being "appropriately populated" with "fitting characters" and "wildlife" translate into having a fun time? RDR is one of the most boring games I've ever played.
It won't sell well until the beta test is over and it comes to PC
cant wait for RDR2 to BTFO bore of the wild.
Okay then, wise guy. If Sega is American, and PC gaming is most popular in America, then why isn't Yakuza on PC?
Check and mate.
>"b-b-but mai super cute waifu!!!!"
The climax of TW3 was shit, but the DLCs were great.
because pc is gay
RDR is a game i feel very hypocritical praising but i still think is a solid 8/10 game in what it does. It has amazing atmosphere and the only other Western style game i've played that comes close is Gun. It captures the atmosphere beautifully of the wild wests mostly empty terrain but then its flaws come out.
1. That is also a weakness its world well capturing a very western feel is empty alot of the time and after awhile that can get tedious
2. The game runs like fucking hot trash and is console online we're talking pretty much From Software console tier framerate in alot of cases.
3. The story well characters come off good feels like a lesser more feel heavy version of a Clint Eastwood movie.
Its a good game but alot of people always like to argue like its one of the best. And i feel like that is because a Western game is actually very niche in terms of what it does right even if alot of people liked what it did.
Only when they change the fucking title.
trey parker?
Name 10 things wrong with being a 10000 year old loli.
Pro tip: you can't
It's immersive, it feels like how a wild west game should be.
I get that it may not be to your taste, but I definitely got more enjoyment out of it than GTA V which again feels like it's more of a mish mash of what was popular at the time.
Yeah, I want games to be games. Once you've made a game that is fun to play, then you can worry about whether it is immersive.
MFW I play Western and Eastern games
>liar's dice
play that IRL to this day because of RDR. Great alternative to poker
mami's funbags rival susan sarandon though
>1000 year old loli shitpost
>Uses madoka
Delusional pedo scum kys
>direct prequel
>hinting at shitty GTA V character swap system
It's going to be bad.
god fucking damn it
>dat chin
I hate this meme. I just want a fun game.
then play too hot to thott you fucking mong
I love how the extreme of Western writing is even worse though. Its just politically fueled trash that makes no sense or literal phoned in endings. Lets not pretend like Japs don't have amazing writing and symbolism with shit like the Silent Hill series 1-4.
Also the problem with good Western writing nowadays is its almost always attached to a boring game or requires you suit up to read walls of text on notes and what no sucking up time.
I am pumped for Agony though and think it has potential for a good plot.
we need to kill these things off
where's Hitler when you need him
It certainly won't be hard as Rockstar is going to release the game four times. Enjoy buying it over and over again.
You know, I got banned for a day by making a post on /lit/, wondering why women are shitty writers. Then people say shit like this and no one gives a fuck.
Because you were on /lit/ you dumb fuck.
>Enjoying nature
>Using the hunter outfit
>Hunting bears and elks
I hope the new RDR2 get a place as comfy as tall trees
Isn't /lit/ around Sup Forums tier in terms of mods being lefties?
Assassin's Creed has the worst writing I've ever experienced. It just survives on bros who think history is cool just because it's history.
It's literally just name dropping.
believe it or not there is such a concept of having both.
See: Dark Souls
god, I don't think I will be able to touch western games again, knowing they are fueled by political bullshit
I'm usually pretty hard to get excited about anything but I'm fucking hype for RDR2
RDR has a cult following because no other open world game takes place in a western setting.
It really isn't all that great.
>one game
woah desu senpai
and there's no way modern rockstar can make it on pair with its old titles
And no game, possibly ever in the future can top the masterpiece that is Nier Automata
consolefags have lower standards due to lack of games.
WHoa 6 points on memecritic holy moley
I don't care what arbitrary number has Nier on its metameme page, to me it is a masterpiece, a truly perfect game I absolutely adore
LMAO, this shit isn't even coming out in 2017 after what just happened with Zelda. Breath of the Wild got 10/10 scores across the board for not following terrible, western game designs and fixing open world.
Either RDR2 releases with the same linear paths, map icons and other bullshit that makes open world games tedious.. Or they delay it to instead add some of that Breath of the Wild (97) magic. Interactive environment, no map icons thrown at you, no linear path, an actual open world designed to explore with lots of content.
I dare you faggots to try playing RDR today.
You act like they wont go full Jew like they did with GTA 5. The Rockstar from RDR days is dead.
I just hope Rockstar San Antonio are in charge of RDR2, GTAV proved Rockstar have lost it.