I don't know a single person in the world who has played a Persona game (myself included)

I don't know a single person in the world who has played a Persona game (myself included).
No, scratch that, I don't know a single person in the world who has played ANY SMT game.

Are they really that good?

Same thing with Dragonquest, hugely popular even though I've never known anyone who played it

how many people do you know?

Maybe you should look outside of your limited world view.


Well now you know me, hello, I have played SMT, Persona, and Dragon Quest, and I recommend them all.

Unless you're in Japan, and assuming he is in the US, the chance of knowing anyone that has played a persona or dq game is very low.

Why don't you fucking try playing one?

a fuckload

nah im not exaggerating, maybe over 1000 people and not one have played this series.

Why should that have any bearing on how good the game is? Just because it isn't wildly popular and well known you need to question how good it is?

Can I jump into it from 5 or do I need to play the previous ones?

i showed a friend of mine back in high school p4g. told him to play it. we aren't friends anymore, but his facebook is filled with persona shit.

he used to be big on kingdom hearts. dont know if hes still into it. i had another friend who was black and ofc loved persona. i just talked to nerds and shit, its obvious no normal person will like it generally

Facebook "friends" don't count.


Nah, they all exist in the same universe, but are completely separate.

So? What exactly are you trying to say? SMT games are pretty niche in America.

He's saying he is having trouble believing the games are as good as people claim because they are not popular enough.

What does him being black have to do with anything?

>1000 people

name them

>normalfags will be flooding your niche as fuck series this week
God, I can't wait. PS4 release is so much bigger than a Vita for the West.

Black people like persona

I don't think that's going to happen. Normalfags don't care. They didn't even care about Bloodborne.

The average normalfag could give a shit about the Persona series, even now. No amount of 9/10 or 10/10 metacritic reviews will change that.

Geez user I don't know

All the buzzword must mean something right?

black people like sonic and persona.

P5 is definitely gaining some normalfag attention but
Is enough to scare most of them off anyway.

maybe normalFAGs was the wrong word, but still more than enough newcomers to be heard, hence this thread.

As long as Persona keeps attracting new people into it its alright.

The more people the merrier

>implying normies don't adore anime.

Ever heard of death note and attack on titan?


"are they really that good' is a hollow and meaningless question with no satisfactory answer.
a more meaningful question is 'will I enjoy these' and someone would have to know you quite well, and also be intimately familiar with the franchise to answer that
since, as you state in you post, no such person exists, no such answer exists. not from another person at least.
take a risk and give franchise a go or decide its not worth the time and money and stop dwelling on it. your hesitation is affording you no blahblahblahh

Why do people feel the need to post these kind or things? This is why I don't go there. What purpose is there to post something like this on the internet?

Anyone else remember back when you used to buy games purely on interest alone? You didn't need to confirm the game received 9s and 10s from every media outlet and you would just buy a game off the shelf because it looked neat?

You don't want to venture into the mind of the normalfag.

>Unless you're in Japan, and assuming he is in the US, the chance of knowing anyone that has played a persona or dq game is very low.

user.... Persona 3 and Persona 4 has made it to the greatest hits list back on the ps2. You have to be some underage fuck to believe nobody has played these games.

yes when I saw persona 5 PV 01 i pretty much loved the designs, and saw that demon enemies were back

and just seeing the Automata E3 trailer with the Simone boss fight made me go play Nier 1, Bayo, and MGR.

They were both late era PS2 games and not anywhere near people's radars.

Well to show you that normalfags are in fact interested in Persona 5.

It's a game for anime nerds who are/were bullied in high school and are looking for revisionist fantasy where they are in control for the first time in their lives.

likes and shit i guess

And? Does this somehow lower the quality of the game?

(You)'re totally right user