Did you survive the suicide mission your first time Sup Forums?

Did you survive the suicide mission your first time Sup Forums?

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pretty much impossible not to unless you're a fuckin idiot who doesn't do any of the loyalty missions


the game pretty much outright tells you who to use for each position except maybe the escort

Samara and Legion died for me. Lol I maxed out ship and loyalty too.

First time through I thought grunt would be a good candidate to lead the firesquad for some reason and someone died.

Restarted and went through with no casualties after that.

Yes because I had everyone's loyalty. The selection wasn't even that hard. The leader Garrus, Tech Tali, Biotic Samara. The only one I really honestly lucked out on was sending Mordin back, and it wasn't because I thought he was a good choice I just never fucking used him.

I survived but fucking faggot Kelly Chambers died because I went to do something real quick before going to the base, whoops.

The only one who died was Tali. But it's not too bad, in ME3 I sided with the Geth and the entirety of the Qurian race was destroyed.

yeah but i messed up some the choices for where put crew members so they died.

How do you manage to get Shepard killed? Get no loyalties or something?

I never realized you could save her. Fuck it, I ain't rushing.

Yeah, then she looks like some crack addict in ME3. it's great.

Also, if you don't buy the ship plating upgrade everyone dies, iirc.

I had mordin die for no reason

>Legion vents
>Garrus fire team
>Samara bubble
>Garrus fire team
>Tali escort
>Mordin and Grunt
Here? Everyone lived. Found out later that taking Grunt with me may have hurt some people holding the line but I guess sidelining Tali and taking Mordin with evened that out.

>Kasumi vents
>Garrus fire team
>Samara bubble
>Miranda fireteam
>Zaeed escort
>thane and legion

Characters have survivability stats when holding the line. Grunt, Garrus, and Zaeed are 10s with loyalty while Mordin, Tali, Jack, and Kasumi are 1s.

Don't remember. Game was shit.

Had Jacob get vent-ilated on purpose, because I wanted him to be memorable in some way, and a noble sacrifice seemed like a good way out. Mordin also died because I sent Grunt back with the crew, thinking they would need a tough escort, and I guess I didn't beat Cyber Ahhnuld fast enough, even though the fight seemed real quick.

Yeah, I was paragon as fuck.

Only lost Miranda.

Yes. But Tali didn't. ;_;7
Neither did Grunt, but who cares.

I actually never realized it was so easy to lose somebody. I did all the prep missions and did it on my first try. It wasn't until I went online did I realize people actually fucked it up...some people had to use a fucking guide. Like how nigga, it practically spells out who to use.

It wasn't that hard to figure out, used a guide 2nd play through for renegade.

to get shepard to die you have to choose the wrong people for all the jobs, not do loyalty missions and not get any normandy upgrades

Everyone but me died.


>Everyone dies, except for Kasumi and Shepard.
Good man.

>shepard goes on the suicide mission to kill off everyone but his waifu

>the game pretty much outright tells you who to use for each position except maybe the escort

except for everyone who put Thane in the vents

Yeah. It was obvious who to pick and I did everyones gay side missions so it would have been a bigger challenge to try and fail the mission than it was to succeed.


Mordin and legion died for me.
Took grunt and legion into the fight against the reaper which killed legion.
Mordin was laying on the ground somewhere.

>tfw no way to get liara dead

Well it's more impressive that even though it was nearly impossible to really fuck up, they had lines and instances for every possible fuckup. ME2. Bioware at least gave half a shit before it all came down.

I lost 1 person on my very first playthrough. I think tali died, not sure why but i just remember it was a chick was trying to close the door and got shot in the stomach.

Actually now that i think about it, i think she may have died because i sided with legion when she and him were arguing, since my first playthrough i didn't just tunnel pure paragon or renegade so didn't have enough rep to do the neutral choice.

Squadmate ranks
>Literally Invaluable tier
>Highly Versatile tier
>P good tier
>Not that good except for certain missions but if you use him for more than two your crew gets fucking mulched so what's even the point? tier
>Like Legion but made of wax paper making her loyalty mission a nightmare on Insanity tier
>Warp ammo whore, no other reason to use her over the biotics above her tier
>Replaced ASAP tier

>the citadel DLC group photo

Goddamn that's bad.

She is literally the hardest to kill, how did you fuck that up?

Hell, Zaeed and Grunt without loyalty still fucking survive holding the line at the end no matter what.

I tried to get everyone killed one time

I fucked it up and a bunch made it


Not a single crew member or companion died on my first playthrough.

Only because I looked up how not to because I didn't give a fuck. Not like it matters , I didn't give a fuck about most of the crew anyway

Holy shit, losing two or three party members before you even enter the base.


>Legion vent
>Miranda fire team
>Samara bubble
>Garrus fire team
>Mordin escort
>Jack and Tali

I lost mordin and legion. Pain in the ass too. legion was my fault cause I told him to back the fuck off of tali I didn't have enough renegade or paragon to calm the situation and forgot to go talk to him after to keep his loyalty. Mordin...I'm not sure how I lost him. I sent him back with the survivors but he died anyways.

Yes, so did my whole team. It was piss easy.

You can do Legion's loyalty mission and still save Kelly.
You must just be bad Shepards.

they;re only 1s without. A fully loyal squad can survive without casualties granted that you don't take 2 of the best defenders to final fight. You can take Garrus easy, Why would anyone take Zaed or Grunt idk, there's no in character reason Shepard ever would.

because Zaeed and Grunt get shit done

>favorite character is Thane
>only character that died on the mission for me is Thane
that's the day I decided I wouldn't play ME3
Paid off!

It's 1-4 actually. With 1 being an unloyal fragile squadmate and 4 being a loyal heavy like Grunt or Zaeed.

No you didn't, you just made dumb choices.

No one dies randomly. If your average hold the line score is below a certain threshold then people start dying based on a priority list. Morning dies first, followed by Tali. Tali, Jack, Mordin and Kasumi hurt your average. Everyone else (if loyal) either improves it or keeps it level.

To have the strongest line possible you send Tali back with the crew because she's utterly useless in combat. Don't recruit Kasumi, and take Jack and Mordin to the final boss. They're actually really useful for it because Mordin's incinerate is handy for the boss and Jack's shockwave is useful on the platforms. If you do this you can get through the mission with everyone alive with only like five loyal squadmates.

If everyone is loyal you have to do something retarded like remove Grunt, Garrus, and Zaeed from the line.

Yeah, I only lost Miranda cause she was a cunt, and Mordin cause how the fuck am I supposed to know he dies if you don't send him back to the ship.

Use Legion in the DLCs after the Suicide Mission is complete

fuck yea, Zaeed and Grunt will always be my homeboys. Garrus is cool and all but sometimes bromance just gets on my fucking nerves.

Bad list. Your crew should be able to defense strip, pull, and warp because warp detonations are the fastest way to clear shit (except for geth missions where you want double overload)

Anyone with pull or warp is top tier because of this. Defense stripping is less important because you can shoot down a defense on one target, pull/warp them, and the detonation will defense strip and knock down anyone near by anyway. Overload users are tier 2 because shields are the most common of defense. Concussive shot users come in at tier 3 because barriers are far less common than shields. Grunt gains points though because he can instantly kill husks with Krogan charge. Garrus gets both Overload and Concussive shot so he probably belongs in top tier despite not being a puller nor a warper. Mordin is good for blood pack missions but that's about it - armor stripping and cryo isn't that helpful otherwise.

Tali and Legion are bottom tier because their abilities are extremely unhelpful, and Tali doesn't even get energy drain until you're already finished with Geth missions. Drones are useless crutches and bug out half the time anyway. Legion is slightly better because he can use the incisor sniper rifle, which is bugged and is unaffected by the difficulty based damage reduction your squadmates get.

Garrus is only your bromance buttbuddy in ME3, where Walters pandered way to hard to fans' perception of Garrus rather than how he actually acted towards you in ME1 and 2.

>had to do that shit over again cuz didnt get any ship parts

can't stop playing this game. it's a masterpiece.

a shame about the lack of vehicle missions, firewalker didnt cut it for me, I love that thing.

He's correct about Miranda and Grunt. Miranda can be taken on almost every mission without and concern, and while Grunt might struggle against tech enemies, his huge health pool and unique charge make him pretty ridiculous. The Derelict Reaper on Insanity demands Grunt in your party.

But you don't need the strongest line possible. If you leave Grunt and Zaed on the line, and send Kasumi/Tali/Mordin back with the crew no one will die, no matter who you take with you.

Yeah, I did something else too, just like a quick pitstop somewhere. Honest fuckup.

Well miranda is a warper so yes she's top tier by my reasoning as well.

Grunt is top tier for the derelict reaper, yes. I often take Mordin and Grunt for easy husk killing in that mission. But being extremely useful for one mission does not make him top tier. Krogan charge isn't that good outside of missions with husks and he lacks pull/warp/overload. He can be a useful meatshield for a Vanguard on insanity but even then I'd rather the crowd control provided by two people who can pull/warp the group I charge into after I shoot the first shield down. Grunt is mid tier at best.

No, you don't need the strongest line possible. I was just explaining how you can make it through with as few loyal squadmates as possible.

But I don't know why you wouldn't have everyone loyal if you enjoy playing the game anyway.

I don't think I had her loyal. The abduction thing totally caught me off guard, I had to mine all the planets just to get the upgrades before going in to fight. After I beat the Human Reaper, it showed her dead on the ground.

Agreed, except Zaed. Fuck Zaed. I sometimes leave his loyalty mission until after the suicide mission, just so I can leave him to die.

>him back to the ship.

I've never had this issue, I always sent Thane back. Also

>shepard does a risky dive down a falling platform to save party member that is falling
>Was legion in my first play
10/10 would risk life to save robobro again

>Pick Miranda for final confrontation because I figured she was a cock sucking Cerberus slut, and I didn't do her Loyalty Mission
>Right as I tell the Illusive Man to fuck off I figure she'll try and stop me
>She actually tells him to fuck off with me instead
>Feel pretty bad when she dies

Well shit.

Everyone else made it though.

>survive with only miranda, jacob and tali
>felt i did so poorly i had to play ME1 and 2 again just to have a better go at it
>haven't played ME3 yet because of this

I lost no one in first play through. It made sense to me to use Garrus as team leader, and to send the fucking robot with no nerves into the heated pipes

>playing that piece of shit series past 1
Enjoy getting stuck in walls and romancing virtual characters you fucking retards.

>Enjoy getting stuck in walls and romancing virtual characters you fucking retards.
Those are clearly staples of the first game.

No one died on my first playthrough which made this "suicide mission" disappointing and lacking in drama. I'm currently replaying ME2, who should I sacrifice?

If you plan on doing 3 for some reason, not Mordin, he was the only remotely good arc in that game.

I died once getting ahead of myself and that psycho bitch died at the end because I forgot level her up before we did it

Thane: Dying anyway and you can pretend that Kylo Ren or whatever in ME3 is a credible threat who wouldn't get beaten up by a guy with space cancer.

Jacob: So you can remember him doing something.

Zaeed: He's just a good jobber choice. Big tough veteran dies.

Remember, the person you have hold the biotic bubble isn't the one who dies if you fail to pick the right person.

I am planning on playing 3 for the first time after this and I'd never sacrifice him anyway. Are there any characters that turn to shit or don't really show up? I have no love for the Asari, the two DLC characters, Jack and the Cerberus people

Yes, but all my teammates died. Fuck em.

Nobody died on my first run.It seems pretty fucking impossible to fuck this up if you did the loyalty missions and apply some common sense.

Of course i send Tali into the Vents because she's the Tech.Of course i send the Doctor to take care of the wounded. Who doesn't?

I don't even remember Samara showing up in 3 out side the citadel dlc. Jack has a side mission you'll miss on, as well as jacob, and I think there was a miranda one?

>Fail Zaeed's Loyalty mission
>Only one that dies is Jack

Didn't you listen to his stories? Everyone BUT him dies.

None of the ME2 characters give you additional missions.They do show up in existing missions and usually give you the option to have a better ending.Samara shows up in the Asari monastry, Jacob in the rogue Cerberus Scientists colony, Jack on the Biotics College, Grunt on the bug planet and so on.

>Are there any characters that turn to shit
If you romanced Jacob in ME2 like a coalburning slut you meet him and learn that he cucked you and impregnated some other girl while you were in prison like a true nigger.

>Fail Zaeed's Loyalty mission
You can't fail his mission.You do it or you don't.You either help him kill his buddy like a renegade or teach him a lesson about teamwork like a Paragon, but you literally can't fail.

With no one dying, yes.
>not doing missions in a fucking rpg
lmao wtf

You can fail if you don't have enough blue points to make him realize he was acting like a faggot.

Samara and Legion died in my first run.

Both were loyal, I just fucked up when choosing the leader of the second squad. Ironically I lost Miranda's loyality in her cat fight with Jack and she didnt die.

That is just great, I forgot Zaeed could die from his loyalty mission after so I was wondering how he could have just one squadmember alive (since Suicide Mission sets it up so either at least 2 survive, or Shepard dies)

>Be me
>be 12.
>Beat the game on hardcore.
>Went paragon adept shep.
>Did all loyalty missions and almost all the side mission
>Upgraded the Normandy.
>All characters survive.
I'm proud of my past self.

>except for everyone who put Thane in the vents
This. Dude was going all Freeman during his entire intro mission so I put the fucker where I thought he'd be most comfortable.

going through the shadow broker logs makes it clear how autistic your entire squad is desu

Yeah I cheated and looked it up

Yes, but not all my squadmates did. It took like three times to figure out the Asari bitch was a bad squad leader.

Nope, they're alive somewhere in Andromeda.

Mordin and Thane are the only ME 2 characters with good ME 3 stories. Grunt's is ok I guess.

i'm considering doing a trilogy playthrough where you straight up refuse to take ayyliums along and keep an all-human crew, making the choices that fuck over aliens and galactic community at every possible turn

my only concern is the lack of variety in squadmates. i actually think kaidan and ashley are fine, but they are generic compared to the rest of the well-written cast

I did but jacob didn't. He volunteered so whatever.

Nope, and everyone survived too. Though i wish some didn't, like Jacob.

I did everything right, but the bald bitch got pissy with me right before the suicide mission and since I didn't minmax my alignment hard enough she died. Nothing of value was lost.

Of course. The only way to lose anyone on the suicide mission is to either skip content or to make really dumb decisions.

I guess I can kind of understand failing if you're a dudebro console player and you space barred through all the dialogue to get to the rooty tooty shooty sections.