Did you buy her game Sup Forums?

Did you buy her game Sup Forums?

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$5 that OP hasn't even beaten the game


I pirate it just for her

I did but I haven't started it yet because I'm waiting for the fucking anime of Tales of retelling the mess that was the previous game the X to do it.
But this motherfuckers delayed the last chapter to the end of the month.

No I pirated it

Considering 99% of JRPGs are menu scrollers I'd say Berseria is in a pretty good place

No because Namco NA didn't want me to play it by not localizing the PS3 version.

Shouldn't even bothered with the anime at all, it can't even get Berseria right.

I will make more Webms to prove you wrong.

You're making it boring. Crank up the difficulty and play different characters.

What? How?

>he didn't buy the Artorius DLC

yes but I wish they would stop with this series's world
All this seraphims/spirits bullshit and other crap is boring and dull
I wish they would just make a brand new world already

Is there seriously for this DLC? I recognize one of those moves is Eizen's

I want Magilou to let me lick her pits while she calls me a pervy human who's driven only by the urge to breed with her

Then what kind of setting would you want user?

You and me both.


Get real, user. She'll force you.

Pseudo-Victorian would be nice.

Maybe a setting like SMT without the edge.

She can't force me to do something I want to do

There's something about small breasts in strapless and sleeveless tops like that that I really like

something better
how is it bait. first it was zesty and it was dull
berseria was better game overall but setting is still dull
NEXT game is going with the same fucking setting once again

this needs to end





They need to be fucked back into heterosexuality.

Or at least accept a FFM threesome

Nah, played the demo and didn't like it. It's a shame, the girls are cute.

How is Namco getting away with THIS!

You're actually retarded if you think berseria was dull.

Post more smug/belittling Magilou please


The anime is objectively worse than Zestiria. Just play Berseria and be done with this universe.

When are we getting a Xillia 2 anime?

Come on, the story may have been altered but it's still good.

yeah, no

I'd MUCH rather have a turn based system than the garbage combat in this game

Nah. The focus on Rose and Alisha really dragged the whole thing down.

We didn't know about Heldaf until 4 episodes ago
We didn't meet Maotelus until 1 episode ago
We didn't know why Heldaf is doing what he's doing until 1 episode ago.

They had 2 seasons to sort this shit out. The only reason to watch it is for Rose and Alisha.

Then why don't you play a turned base game if you don't it then ?

I will be playing a turn based game on Tuesday.

Also I already dropped the game a couple weeks ago. I wanted to like it because of the girls but the combat just fucking blows.


Enjoy your garbage.

I mean I cant convince you to like the combat, in my opinion I love it to death. But trying to play a game just for the girls is not gonna get you very far.

You're just shit at it.

Sweet fucking christ this image.






>People stealing my ideal woman.
Seriously, long blonde hair, green eyes, cute quirky personality, shoulders exposed.

Fuck you guys.




t. PCbro

>Quirky personality

Lets face it, you have to be interesting for her to give you the time of day.

You wouldnt even register as something worth interacting with beyond formalities.

We're not stealing her, velvet is.



>Combo video without juggles

None of this is viable at a higher difficulty since enemies will just guard half of it

All these magilous with breasts, baka



Um, excuse me but I think you're all forgetting that Magilou was a TROLL.

At every single fucking point in the game she TROLLED THE SHIT out of the entire party.

"quirky personality"? She was literally a dramawhore.

But of course Sup Forums loves the blonde flat chested troll because it reminds them of themselves.

THE REAL, best fucking waifu is Velvet. She's so goddamn pure it hurts. Even when she's trying to be edgy, she's still a sweetheart.

But she'll also kick your ass if you fuck with her.


Why does Velvet get so much flak ingame for her slutwear but no one comments on Magilou? Her outfit is only one degree less sluttier than Velvet's


Velvet is a fucking steamroller. If she gets going the fights feel like a breeze, if she gets stunned early or doesn't kill/stun anything after BS and is knocked down to 2 SG she feels fucking useless.

If you don't like that kind of thing, play as someone else. A lot of people say they enjoy Rokurou.





Her trolling is mostly in skits. She's actually a big voice of reason and serves to point out inconsistencies in other characters. She's the one character who actively calls out what effects Velvet's actions have on people when Velvet herself is getting swept up in events.


I'm thinking about buying this because of this character.

I was contemplating about it due to that thread months ago explaining how the main protag basically a waifu version of Guts from Berserk. Yet seeing cutscenes of this witch, she's honestly a much more interesting character.

Because Magilou actually looks appeasing. While Magilou's outfit is fun while Velvet's it just stupid. I say this while recognizing that Velvet is best girl.

magilou isn't a fucking cow

I bought it just for Magirou

no regrets



Velvet is a fucking whore who continued to fuck shit up even after being shown the truth.

After being absorbed by innominat, I couldn't believe Phi's speech of "You are you and yeah keep doing you, or whatever" worked.

The game tries to make you take the party's side in these events, even though they say all the time they're the bad guys.


Buy her game then get her best costume.

pretty much this


I want Magilou to laugh and step on my dick with that smile



>tfw I actually enjoyed Zestiria's story more than Berseria's

I like my MC pure hearted and nice, I don't like edgy shit.


Does Phi have ANY japanese style clothes?

>MC pure hearted and nice

That's Velvet though.

>Party has a conversation before leaving port
>They continue the conversation after reaching the next port

What were they doing in the literal days to potentially weeks it took them to reach port?

Velvet was literally sasuke for 90% of the game



no OP, I bought HER game


I hated how the cities in Berseria were just two hallways, the world felt so fucking small when compared to Zestiria and Vesperia. The only actual city that felt somewhat big was Loegras, and even then it was just 3 areas.

does this game have puns?

Nah, 30% at most. After the first Earthpulse when Eleanor has to become Laphicet's vessel, both she and Eizen agree they need to stop killing people so Eleanor won't loose it and corrupt Phi. At that point the operation changes from: kill everyone on my way to Artorius to steal the Therions so Artorius has to come to us.